1402. The Queen who was abducted in Chapter 1402

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    When Henrietta saw the appearance of Wales, she felt happy coming, but although she was so confused because of the appearance of Wales, she kept enough waking. She had been in the Queen’s position for some time, naturally not like before. Childish –

    "Prince Wales, His Royal Highness is in the Tristan Academy of Magic. We can give you an appointment to the First King, and he will definitely help you to recover Albion."


    In the eyes of Wales, the glittering light, the mouth open, and then a slight look said: "I have no face to see the First King, in his impression, I should be heroic as the prince of Albion killed, Instead of being jealous and stealing, the first time the Royal Highness let me choose, I chose heroic fighting, but if I tell the First King, I am jealous and stealing…

    Absolutely not! First King His Highness will certainly not accept my covetous descendants, I have no face to see him, so, I can only rely on their own, Henrietta, come back with me, I heard, you have destroyed the entire Albion fleet, you are my lucky goddess, come with me, there you are, I must be omnipotent, have you forgotten the vows you made before? ”

    Henrietta immediately shook his head and said: "Lagdorian Lake, the night of the wind, the vow of water, 'Tristain Princess Henrietta swears to Water Spirit, I will always love Prince Wales'…How can I forget it? ”

    Welsh looks at Henrietta and immediately said: "I have not forgotten, Henrietta, the Crown Prince of Albion, Wales, vowed to Water Spirit that one day I will be in the sun without worrying about anyone's sight. , holding hands with Tristain Princess Anrietta, walking along the shores of Lagdorian Lake…

    "Prince Wales…"

    Love is a medicine that makes people lose their coolness. Henrietta hears the familiar vows and forgets everything.

    "Then let's leave together, wait for you to help me recapture Albion, let's come back together, and the First King will take care of Tristain for you, I need you, Henrietta, my favorite Henrietta…"Wales said that he would kiss Henrietta –


    At this time, Captain Agnès, who guarded the magical guns outside, heard the shred sound of the room and suddenly rushed in.


    Wales saw this scene and suddenly left Henrietta.

    Chase ~! ! ”

    Agnès saw that there was a bad thing happening here. Now that Tristain defeated Albion's offense, it doesn't mean that the war will be so simple. The battle between the two countries is not something that can be solved in a day or two. The shortest is a few months, and the long may be several years.

    After all, the battle between the state and the state involves not only the interests, but also the dignity and so on. Whatever the failure of the country is naturally impossible to withstand the defeat, it will definitely reorganize the army and fight again, unless there is no fight. The ability, otherwise, the battle will not stop.

    Fighting between nations and countries, to achieve peace, there are only three forms to go away –

    First, a strong annexation is weak; second, strong competition, peace talks; third, the division of interests, the party that gets the benefits exit.


    At night, the breeze swayed the pink curtains, and the feelings between Feng Yu Chen and Louise rose sharply over time.


    Louise looks at Feng Yu Chen, slowly reaching into the hand under her, suddenly blushed, although she really accepted Feng Yu Chen, but too fast, then that…

    She is not ready yet.

    "I want you, Louise, my lovely Louise, I love you…Be my little woman, Louise…"

    Feng Yu Chen has been unable to stand it anymore. Just hugging and kissing can no longer satisfy his love for Louise. Go further…

    The delicate body makes him intoxicated, and this Yoruichi is pink.

    "Do you mean it really?"Louise's gripped legs have been slightly released, and it has already progressed to this time. Naturally, she will not always refuse Feng Yu Chen's courtship…

    "I love you, my Louise…"Feng Yu Chen kisses Louise's mouth Kakuzu.

    and morePlease waitYou don't want my chest to be small? ”Louise tangled.

    “Small and small beauty, what matters is Louise that I like, not your chest…”

    "Mm."AlrightStill satisfied…However, people will grow up in the future…"Louise's little hand gradually put on Feng Yu Chen's body, she also thinks it is time…


    It was at this time that the door was pushed open and Agnès rushed into the room.


    Feng Yu Chen and Louise were shocked and immediately stood up in surprise. As a result, they were so excited that they rolled onto the ground together…

    That…That…His Royal Highness, Louise, although I am sorry to bother you, but something really happened, and Her Majesty is gone! ~! Was abducted! ”

    Agnès blushes at the sight of Feng Yu Chen and Louise, and suddenly turned around and said.

    "Ah…Really, big night, still so noisy…"

    Kirche looked at the sleepy eyes in the room and was shocked. Feng Yu Chen and Louise were…Stealing?

    Tabitha also walked outside the door, and could not help but blushing down the face glasses frame.

    Oh no!Oh no!Oh no!

    Louise suddenly fainted and fainted. Didn't the entire college know that she was paralyzed with her Familiars every night? It’s too shame to say it…

    Feng Yu Chen is more concerned about Agnès, the body opens the lightning dress, a Gold-like armor is put on the body, and says to Agnès: "Let's talk about your defense later, where is the direction of His Royal Highness Henrietta being abducted, we will immediately Go chasing, chasing the night!!"

    ThisIt should be in the direction of Lagdorian Lake, the other side is ready to have horses…My magical guns are chasing, considering the scenes of the battle, so come and help you and Louise adults…"

    Said Agnès.

    "Then we go, Tabitha, trouble you to take care of Louise…"

    Feng Yu Chen took Agnès and ran out…

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