1283. Chapter 1283 of the girls in the pool

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    Perceived that Fumina Konoe had no information about Crimson Denizen, Feng Yu Chen lifted the space for Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression).

    No problemThat seat is yours…You are sitting there…"

    After Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) was lifted, the teacher said to Fumina Konoe.

    Feng Yu Chen looks at that seat, yes –

    Sakai Yuuji's seat is just like Hirai Yukari. The existence of Sakai Yuuji has disappeared from everyone's impression. The Shana and Hirai Yukari who know this thing just think that Sakai Yuuji's torch is burning. Everything is done.

    I don't know, Sakai Yuuji has already captured Reiji Maigo by Feng Yu Chen, and at the same time strongly captured the wave split second to collapse the torch.


    Fumina Konoe gradually walked to the front of Feng Yu Chen, stopped, and then moved to the boys in front of Feng Yu Chen…


    Feng Yu Chen was a little embarrassed to see the boys in front of Fumina Konoe.

    "Fumina, not there…"

    The teacher said.

“……I like here……"

    Fumina Konoe said stubbornly that it seems that he did not stop at this time.

    "Hmph!"Ok, look at the first day you are enrolled…Ito Shundent (Modo thinks, not School-day)…You and Fumina Student have to change positions…"

    The teacher said.


    Ito Cheng suddenly got up and packed up the book and sat on the seat of Sakai Yuuji.

    After Ito Cheng got up, Fumina Shilai sat in front of this Feng Yu Chen.

    "Okay, start class, Fumina Student, take out the book…"

    The teacher said.

    "The book is in the bag…"Fumina Konoe said puzzledly, "Do you want to take it out yourself?"

    “Ha! Of course

    The teacher said, Do you want me to help you out?

    Fumina Shi Lai opened the bag and immediately dumped all the things inside.


    Everything in the bag fell on the ground, making a continuous squeak, attracting everyone's attention.


    Well, Feng Yu Chen suddenly picked up the books on the ground, and also had a tabletop, estimated to be on the table, sweat, this Ojou-sama setting is really…Tucao can't.

    After the paving of the table, Feng Yu Chen put the books needed for the class in front of Fumina Konoe.


    At this moment, the whole class of Students knows that this new female student is the same problem girl as Shana. Although Shana knows at least some necessary life skills, she often takes the teacher out during class, without leaving any face. Fumina Konoe is an Ojou-sama image waiting for the next person to serve.

    There is more joy in this class…

    The last part of the morning is a physical education class. The project is swimming. Today's sunshine is very good.

    The female students were replaced by the college swimwear. Although it was a one-piece swimsuit, there were still good students, and Yoshida Kazumi, as noted by Feng Yu Chen.

    Of course, after Shana noticed Feng Yu Chen's gaze, a pair of small hands pressed on their own ****…so small……

    "Look what you see, it's your turn to swim!"

    Shana stepped on Feng Yu Chen's foot.


    Feng Yu Chen's is still very good, the white body is better than the female students in the skin color, plus the body's neat muscles, although the thin body is a strong and powerful strength. It is not such a big muscle feeling, it is a muscle with a slight mold.

    This beautiful and stylish model suddenly attracted the attention of all female students in the class. The female students who lived in the playground next door also gathered at the pool…

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen thought that the replacement was just the appearance of Ouma Shuu, and the figure did not seem to cover it.

    "Hurry up, you idiot!":

    Shana saw Feng Yu Chen's body suddenly filled with a blush on the cheek, but did not like him to be seen by other women, kicking Feng Yu Chen into the pool.


    Feng Yu Chen was surprised, but it began to flow, like a dolphin, and instantly reached the opposite side of the shore –

    "Hurry, is this the standard of swimming athletes?"

    "Yeah, should you be able to enter the national record?"

    “I’ve been watching Ouma Student in the music and reflection room before, I didn’t expect sports to be so good…”

    "I heard that "The mark of the rain (Kiss-The-Rain) has been recorded in the world famous song…"

    “It’s a high school student from Tokyo in the city…”


    For a time, Feng Yu Chen became the focus of the school.

    Shana listened to the people around him to discuss the merits of Feng Yu Chen's, while cheering and hating these girls to wink at Feng Yu Chen.


    Soon, I took turns to go to Shana, Hirai Yukari, and Fumina Konoe.

    Shana and Hirai Yukari looked at each other and suddenly jumped into the water. Then Fumina Shiley jumped into the water, but Shana soon relied on the first place. After all, Flame Haze Taijutsu was powerful. She naturally won't lose.

    And the biggest accident is not Shana, not by Xiangli, but –

    Fumina Konoe.

    After the guy jumped into the water, he squatted at the bottom of the pool and couldn’t move.

    It seems that I can't swim.

    "Save people!"

    I don't know who is crying after –

    Feng Yu Chen jumped into the pool and rescued Fumina Sile at the bottom of the pool.


    After Shana swims ashore, she wants to be worshipped by everyone, and she wants to show her to Feng Yu Chen, but she finds that all are gathered together…


    "Fumina Student ……Fumina Student ……Can you hear it? ”

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed on the belly of Fumina Konoe, pressing out the water and calling…


    Fumina Konoe gradually got an accident, then made an unexpected movement, clasped Feng Yu Chen's arm tightly, and refused to let go…

    "Send to the infirmary…"A female student reminded me.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded and picked up Fumina Konoe and ran to the infirmary…


    Shana looks at Feng Yu Chen, leaving with Fumina Konoe, suddenly dissatisfied…

    "Shana, is that Fumina really not Crimson Denizen? How have you been entangled in Ouma Student? Sitting in front of him, and still relying on him…"

    Hirai Yukari walked to Shana and asked, whispering.

    "I don't know, I don't see any abnormality, but she must have a problem!!!"

    Shana said dissatisfied, but she had no choice but to know how to expose Fumina Konoe.

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