1282. Chapter 1282 Master Throne Hecate

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    After devouring the tyrant and Reiji Maigo, Feng Yu Chen and Shana started their daily lives.

    Now Feng Yu Chen also wants to know, he is the king of the future, they are not working with the Snake of the Festival, but to swallow the Snake of the Festival!

    There is nothing wrong with it, it is swallowing. Although it is not clear what the Snake of the Festival is similar to Dark', one thing is that he understands that Dark' is more rooted than the Snake of the Festival. The darkness of the world is darker than the darkness.

    Precipitating one world after another, these consciousnesses are gradually divided into Light' and Dark'. To some extent, Feng Yu Chen is equal to depriving the roots sought in these worlds and giving them two ideologies.

    Feng Yu Chen understands that the Strengths he obtained did not disappear from a world, but the surface of Strength disappeared, and its roots were forcibly deprived by Feng Yu Chen and then differentiated into his own consciousness.

    In the world of Guilty Crown, Feng Yu Chen's Nether Strength did not disappear, but before it disappeared, the roots of sin were divided into two ideologies, and then one of the roots of the world, recently by Accel World. Grow and shape, the power of destiny born in the world of Holy Grail.

    Sometimes, Feng Yu Chen even thinks, is the so-called infinite fire being the Origin' separated from these worlds?

    When all the Origin's are collected, the infinite fire naturally has it?

    Maybe it is possible.

    But this kind of thing, only he himself can know, once revealed, it is the disaster of killing.

    Therefore, Feng Yu Chen has an idea for the future of the world. Therefore, Feng Yu Chen insists on completing the final stage in every world, or destroying or saving. No matter which world he has to go to the end of time.

    Maybe everything is done right without saying anything.

    Therefore, in this world, he will lead to the end, become the king's existence, the absolute king, the only king, create that there is no mirror, experience the pride of creating the world, and then swallow the roots and become their own Strength.

    Snake of the Festival is the root of Crimson Realm, and it may be the way to devour it.

    Only Snake of the Festival may also be considering engulfing Feng Yu Chen.

    This will be a battle for the Demon Lord.

    Who is even more magical, and soon sees it!

    "What are you thinking about?"

    Shana looks at Feng Yu Chen’s appearance in a daze, and kicked him a kick. Really, people have spoken to him and they have not responded! Gross!


    Feng Yu Chen can't help but return to God, the lost look at Shana.

    "Where did you go last night, the '悼文吟诵者' Margery * Duo came to you again, saying, is there anything between you?"Shana said, clutching the strap of the bag.

    "Well, I heard the Power of Existence change last night…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, "So go check it out…"

    "Is that direction in Ogawamachi?"

    Said Hirai Yukari.

    “Um? Do you feel it? ”Feng Yu Chen was a little surprised.

    "Almost, the perception of recent practice is stronger, and I can feel something…"Hirai Yukari said calmly, but there was a smile in her heart. Sure enough, if she grew up, she would have a chance. She would not lose to Shana.

    "Really?" That’s really amazing…”

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and praised it.


    Shana looks at Feng Yu Chen and Hirai, who both looked at each other and kicked him.

    "Hey…What are you doing

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Shana, who is uncertain, can't help but feel that Little Loli is really not good at serving.

    "No road, no road, no road…"

    Shana pushed Feng Yu Chen to the campus.

    Pledged of

    Feng Yu Chen squeezed her nose. Shana is also very cute at this time. Of course, this kind of words can't tell her, otherwise she will be even more anxious, Tsundere makes it.

    "Let's go, I am going to class…"Hirai Yukari also quickly followed Shana.


    When I started class, I came to a transfer student today –

    "Well, I will introduce a transfer student today…come in……Fumina Konoe Student ……"

    Under the teacher's beckoning, a girl walked in, light blue and short shoulders, and Shana's generally weak girl's body, eyes clean like water.

    "Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression)! @!”

    For a time, Feng Yu Chen launched the Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) barrier and looked at the new short-haired girl.

    "Bal Masqué 'Master Throne 'Hecate !!!"


    After hearing Feng Yu Chen's surprise, Shana also stood up, the body appeared a nightingale cloak, the right hand pulled Nietono no Shana from the cloak, and the flame began to entangle.

    Although I have not seen the appearance of one of the three pillars of Bal masqué, Master Throne ' Hecate ', Shana still knows clearly that the meaning represented by Bal masqué was once flame hazes only two times to fight together, and one is to Töten Glocke, led by Weaver of coffins, that battle, 1st Generation ' flame-haired burning-eyed Hunter ' bravely righteousness, the second time against Bal Masqué 's Lea Der ' Snake of the Festival ', by all the flame Haze hand into the hands of the two boundaries into the gap …

    While Snake of the Festival is gone, Bal Masqué still exists in Crimson Realm and is carrying out some kind of planning.

    So in the face of one of the strongest three, Master Throne Hecate, naturally can't relax.

    "No…Something is wrong, you see, her body is caught in Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression), the same as ordinary humans…"

    Said Hirai Yukari.

    "Oh ?"Yup……"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. She only saw her appearance. She didn't expect any Power of Existence to come out. It was a false alarm. He thought that 'Thousand Changes' Sydonay went back and decided to crusade him. After all, that night. His killing intent is really no convergence!

    "Even if this is the case, it can't be taken care of. If you look closely, Bal Masqué can't let them go if there is any purpose in this place!"Shana said.

    “It means to live for a while?”Hirai Yukari couldn't help but say excitedly.


    Shana snorted.

    “Must, Bal Masqué is the group organization of Crimson Realm's largest Crimson Denizen. They can't let them do anything here. They must be looking for something in this place. No wonder the city's volatility is getting more and more…'The knight of the instrument is not here for no reason…"Alastor said.

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