1242. Chapter 1222 of the chaotic Heavenly Palace and the container of Flame of Heaven

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    The sound of a locomotive gradually came from far and near, and it instantly fell on the floating Sky Island.

    "Was I? It turned out to be the gift of the younger sister…Although I don't understand the ins and outs, I still thank you very much, hehe! ”


    The black-haired girl turned back in surprise and broke into a locomotive knight who should not be here in the courtyard where the abnormal changes were still lingering.

    In addition to the deformed helmet that is said to be a feature, the lens depicts two eyes, the lower edge is machined in a zigzag shape, and the rest is nothing suspicious, and looks just like a normal locomotive knight.

    But is everything really so simple?

    Can ordinary people use the locomotive to get on this floating Sky Island?

    Stop joking around.

    "Crimson Denizen?"

    Feng Yu Chen didn't want to care too much. After all, the apostle who was not Number 007, he did not intend to touch it, but how could he face a obviously hostile apostle?

    After all, those who can't attack are the apostles with Number, and the apostles without Number are not jealous.

    "Flame Haze…How is it possible, how can there be the existence of Flame Haze here? ”

    The locomotive-like apostle looks at Feng Yu Chen and was amazed.

    "Report the name, do you come first, or me?"

    Feng Yu Chen was in front of the black-haired girl and faced the apostle of the locomotive knight.

    "My name is 'Blinking', commonly known as 'Vinai', is a tramp who likes to find things, Bal Masqué's search and hunting, it seems that you should be the new contract of Flame Haze, have not seen you Look…"The locomotive knight turned a little calmer and felt that Feng Yu Chen was a newcomer, so he was calm, but he still improved his vigilance.

    "Crimson Denizen who is good at searching? Then I also reported my name, although I have never thought about it before, but I have already considered it.

    Black and White Forbidden Law, from the Temple of Demon God, the contract Crimson God is – Holy Dark King, Belial. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's suddenly ignited a black and white flame.

    "Black and white flames? This strange flame? ”

    Winnetton took a step back. The strength of Feng Yu Chen body was very powerful. It was not that the quantity and quality of Power of Existence exceeded his imagination, but that the strange flame made him feel shocked, or I saw such a strange flame at once, the black and white flames, it was really amazing.

    Is this the battle between Flame Haze and Crimson Realm? Whether or not you know each other, you are destined to be an eternal opponent from the beginning, a Crimson Denizen who constantly plunders the Power of Existence to satisfy his own desires, a contract to maintain world peace and stability, and the contract Demon God becomes a container to obtain Strength Crimson Denizen Flame Haze –

    For the first time, the black-haired girl saw a nod between Flame Haze and Crimson Denizen.

    "Okay, let's go, just give it to him. It's also…"

    In front of the maiden, suddenly appeared a few white ribbons like rain straight upright, it seems smooth but feel hard, this slender weaving cold lost tension, folded down, a woman tugged at the skirt do not make it flip, slowly landing in the center of the standing motionless, "I came back, it seemed a bit of a surprise, but since it was flame Haze, there was no problem, at least for us to add some fighting power," the woman said, from a white ribbon with a bow on the edge of the lotus leaf, which gradually recovered into an apron, in a unique tone of 10%.

    "Wilhelmina…?"The black-haired girl suddenly looks at the woman who suddenly appeared in the awe-inspiring purple maid service. The familiarity in the spoken language seems to prove that the maid is very close to her.

    "If you have a word, you will say it again."

    Wilhelmina put the black-haired girl on her shoulder as a bag, and then, as if she was on the way, she said to the bones that still couldn’t stand next to her—

    "It seems that it is time to make a conclusion, for everyone."

    Hearing words, the white bones looked up slightly.

    "This…this…"This is not the fault of Little Bai, it is me…I am not right – It hurts! ”

    The brunette girl shouted.

    Wilhelmina listened to the sound coming from her back and replied with a look:

    "I am not blaming him for being, but because, since the 'Apostles' appear, we no longer need to live this life."


    Unsettled in the heart of the dark-haired girl, even beyond the shock that Crimson Realm had brought to her, she decided to become Flame Haze! But now that I have been negated by the nanny, it is equal to all of my negation.

    No! No! Don't want it! ”

    The black-haired girl struggled on Wilhelmina's shoulders, regardless of the astonished Wilhelmina, regardless of the painful body, and made a lot of noise –

    "Don't don't don't want!! No “I promise.” Absolute To be a Flame Haze! ! I mean, I really want to be Flame Haze -! ! ”

    "Flame Haze?…"

    When I heard the term, Feng Yu Chen couldn’t help but look at the brunette girl. Is it necessary to embark on the journey of Flame Haze at this age?

    "Flame Haze…Is it the contract 'Flame of Heaven ''Alastor '? The next generation to inherit Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed' Hunter, how is it possible, I understand, you turned out to be a container…"Vennet suddenly understood what was general, and trained the second generation of 'Flame-Haired Burning-Eyed' in this Heavenly Palace…

    "You don't misunderstand…"Wilhelmina said in a plain and serious tone: "I mean, 'Reassured' is also…There is no need to live this special training every day. The days when you become a Flame Haze are coming…"

    "really……It’s really this moment, it’s great, Wilhelmina…”

    The brunette girl is sobbing.



    At this time, a samurai sword crossed the level without thinking, and the target pointed to Feng Yu Chen. He did not realize this at all. He had no choice but to rush to a backflip. The belly was flashed with a samurai sword and the clothes were cut open. Showing the white skin, the body is almost broken in half.

    After Feng Yu Chen stabilized his body, carefully look at the figure that suddenly came. This guy walked and slashed and slashed, it was a simple to simple action.

    This guy unleashes the incompatibility with the world. On the surface, it is a warrior with a one-eyed mask. The hand is a long sword with a blade and a white blade.

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