1241. Chapter 1241 Heavenly Palace

    [Thanks to the awards of Charlotchet Heatherink and King's silver children's shoes, thanks to the chapters of the boring GYX children's shoes, the first one is sent today, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket, reward]

    Demon God DUO won the first battle, the winner's contract Demon God has risen one step, and also indicates the distribution of the new DUO combination.

    Regarding the new DUO portfolio, Feng Yu Chen and the purple-haired girl did not want to continue to maintain the current DUO combination. Although the cooperation was pleasant, it seemed that some emotions made the two not think in this direction.

    Perhaps at the beginning of the moment, the two conventions should be separated from each other at the end of the first battle, so now, it is equivalent to cutting off the retreat of continuing the DUO combination.

    Moreover, during this week, Feng Yu Chen also had some communication with other players, especially a girl named Bai Hun, who seemed to have a basic understanding before, and he saw the familiar emotion from the pupil of the other side. Is there any existence in the forgotten seal?

    Therefore, the Feng Yu Chen's DUO combination has almost been confirmed.

    The purple-haired girl seems to have the object of the DUO combination.

    However, although there are already objects of DUO, but the hearts of the two people are still not calm, this night, maybe insomnia?


    The next day, Feng Yu Chen entered a new stage, [Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression)] Unrestricted Spell.

    After the completion of [Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression)] Unrestricted Spell, Altina said: "Now, the [Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression)] test battle, you will be transmitted to the world, participate in the crusade One is familiar with Fuuzetsu (Seal of Suppression) Unrestricted Spell, the first real battle with Crimson Denizen.

    Everyone's opponent's body is marked with an infinite number corresponding to you. It can only kill the same Crimson Denizen as its own Number. It can't kill Crimson Denizen which is different from its own Number.

    The time limit is three days. After defeating your respective opponents, you will naturally be transferred to the Temple of Demon God. ”

    I just learned Unrestricted Spell and I have to conduct a practical drill. This is really an 'elite' training, but I have already experienced a showdown between Solomon's Flame Haze. I think everyone has the confidence in their hearts.


    A strong vibrating sound, the huge floating Sky Island in the Demon God Hall has entered the world from the Crimson Realm world, but because of a special Unrestricted Spell or Treasure Tool, the entire Demon God Hall is hidden. The sky is already a normal azure color, and the air's breath has become fresh and comfortable.


    While Feng Yu Chen was preparing to relive this world-famous taste, they found that they were no longer in the Temple of Demon God, falling down from the sky, each of them falling from the same place, scattered around the world.

    You can't get a lot of Crimson Denizen together, after all, it will cause distortions in the world, only scattered around the world.


    The dark and flaming wings stretched out from behind Feng Yu Chen's. He stopped the fall and felt the power of the Power of Existence. If there was an apostle, then the power would have a strong Power of Existence.


    While Feng Yu Chen was looking for Crimson Denizen, a smashing aurora was emitted from a certain space. As these aurora bloomed, a hidden existence suddenly appeared.

    A huge floating Sky Island appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's, unlike the prison and darkness of the Demon God Temple. This huge floating Sky Island is a beautiful pastoral color.

    The shape is a reverse cone-shaped floating island. The upper part is composed of gardens, castles and stone carvings. The mountains are clear and the sun is shining. It is like a paradise.

    "There is an apostle's breath. The just aurora attack is the Unrestricted Spell released by the apostles…"Belial reminded.

    "Well, I already feel it, let's go see it…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, vibrating the black and white wings, and split second flew into the distant floating Sky Island. After coming to the floating Sky Island, Feng Yu Chen found that he was shaking on the ground. There is a coma girl next to it.

    This 骷髅body does not have a Number of 007, not Crimson Denizen that Feng Yu Chen is looking for, and now it seems that his body does not have any apostolic breath, perhaps it is hidden.

    For the time being, Feng Yu Chen lost interest in it. When she came to the coma girl and raised her, Feng Yu Chen began to heal the injured brunette girl with the power of Saint Mark. If she asked her, she would have known that it was a What place?



    The girl’s nasal voice trembled softly, slowly opening her eyes and confusingly saying, “You are…”

    "FlameHaze, Flame Haze, you should be the human being chosen as a container. It seems that this place should be the place to train Flame Haze…"

    Feng Yu Chen said.

    “Flame Haze ?!”

    The black-haired girl couldn't help but struggle to stand up. She trained here to become a Flame Haze.

    "Well, when I perceive a strong apostolic breath, I came here, what is the embarrassment?"Feng Yu Chen asked.


    Speaking of it, the black-haired girl suddenly looked at the shackles on the ground and trembled in the past.

    "Little Bai…Little Bai, what happened to you…"

    However, the bones remained in a shouting position and lie on the ground. They did not move in the same place, and did not seem to hear the shouts of the dark-haired girl.

    "Little Bai…?"The black-haired girl came to the front again and screamed.

    At this moment, the pale cockroaches shook the shoulders of the girl's call, and the bones covered with ketchup turned back, with a poor look like a sly and fearful look at the brunette girl.

“……It's me.Wrong? Is it my mischief relationship? ”The black-haired girl suddenly double-handed pressed on the ground, tears in the eye frame, wanting to drip out.

    The pale cockroaches clenched their fists and trembled, not from the tremor of pain, nor from the girl…

    Making irreparable mistakes, fear and confession shake the strong heart of the dark-haired girl, the petite body keeps squatting, the face of the low-pitched, and the voice of the roots trembles…

    ‘Yes!I am sorry

    Still in a state of self-deprecation, looking down at the black-haired girl in front of her eyes, with a confused and confused heart, her pale arms drifting in the air, hesitating whether she should hold a vulnerable girl, this should not be her fault. Although it is indirect, it seems that she is not wrong…

    I…Just want you to see…I can also do this step…So I used the tomato sauce to make a trap…"The girl said with a tear.

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