1236. Chapter 1236 sucking dragon marrow * mimetic true dragon

    [Thanks to the ten-sweet sauce for wet kisses, book friends 150219092120376, Zhao Xing lighting, Xia Zhuite Heatherink, heaven and earth, the sunset, the heart of the moon, the king of silver, the name A, The reward of the Cang Dust children's shoes, the first to send today, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket, reward]

    "Delicious……Boo hoo…

    Purple-haired girl with a strawberry fruit sundae, a happy expression on her face, the first time I have eaten this kind of thing, the cool and refreshing mix of cream and fresh strawberry fruit, it seems to be on the scene. Floating to a dream world.


    Feng Yu Chen looks at the purple-haired girl with a cute expression. She can't help but feel that she has such a lovely side.

    LookLookWhat?People…People will not eat white…" The purple-haired girl seems to have noticed Feng Yu Chen's gaze, and she couldn't help but see the face's redness.

    "So please, start the Bloodline fusion, dragon's lung I have absorbed, and the rest is the important three-color dragon marrow."Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

    "Well, take off your clothes and draw a special magic loop in your body. Absorb the dragon marrow. In addition to the array under the dragon blood arrangement, the body's texture will lock the drain of the dragon marrow essence and completely infiltrate your In the bone marrow, but also to limit the fusion speed of the dragon marrow, the fusion is too fast, the body is prone to collapse…"

    Purple-haired girl split second changed the color, the divinity became serious, and the pair of pupils like the abyss magic restored to its original state.


    Feng Yu Chen didn't have any embarrassment. He simply took off his body clothes and left only a pair of underwear on the body.

    "Continue to take off, the whole body must draw a magic loop! ~"purple-haired girl frowned, apparently thinking that Feng Yu Chen did not hear what she said.


    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but see a blush on his face. Is this shame off?


    Purple-haired girl Pouting, tearing off Feng Yu Chen's panties and saying: "Really, you are shy, what is female…"

    Gradually, the purple-haired girl stumbles back…How could She always thought that Feng Yu Chen was a woman dressed as a man, so she didn't expose him. How could the body be so fragrant? !


    Well, Feng Yu Chen is clear, no wonder when he hit his chest in the morning purple-haired girl didn't say much, he thought she knew she was male, did not think she always thought she was a woman dressed as a man, so this is doesn't mind and he lives in a dormitory bar, and inadvertently in front of him to make all kinds of seductive manners …


    "Why are you not a woman dressed as a man?"Purple-haired girl can't help but blush, the little face is like a hot kettle with a fever…

    "You think more about it? I am not a woman dressed as a man, it is a man…"Feng Yu Chen sighs with his arms, what is this?

    "Forget it, lying on the bed, I will help you draw the magic loop…"

    Purple-haired girl The eyelashes trembled and said that although there were some accidents, it seems that she knew that Feng Yu Chen was a male. The reason why she thought of 'he is a man dressed as a man' was probably not too embarrassing. Perhaps she had already expected this step in the future.

    Feng Yu Chen is lying on the bed, and some are doing purple-haired girls. Although these two days are really taking care of her, but she is not so easy to meet? NoMaybe it is, after all, 'the princess in the castle' is the easiest to seduce…

    Purple-haired girl The delicate white-eyed index finger squats on dragon blood. In Feng Yu Chen's body, he draws magical loops and magic spells. He carefully invested in it, but when he slid over Feng Yu Chen, he could not help but tremble. A bit, but still carefully drawn up –

    "Flip the body, and draw it behind…"


    Feng Yu Chen listen to purple-haired girl words, flip the body, draw the magic pattern completely feel the wonderful strength flow in the body, breathing become smooth a lot, as if casual breathing between can spit out Dragon Flame General, Although purple-haired girl is Taijutsu idiot, but in the spell initiates above strong not just a little bit, know the knowledge is quite much Ah, absorb Dragon dragon marrow magic Circuit actually also clear.


    "Well, the drawing is complete, and then your personal will. The three dragon marrows are drunk in the order of red, white and gold. The most important thing is to imagine the true dragon in the spiritual world, or absorb the dragon. Marrow will definitely fail."Purple-haired girl wiped the sweat from the forehead.


    Feng Yu Chen stood up and sat on the dragon blood array. He took three bottles of dragon marrow and started drinking red dragon marrow…

    In the moment of drinking, Feng Yu Chen felt as if the body had been detonated like a volcanic eruption, but the magic circuit drawn on the body quickly suppressed this intense outburst, because the dragon of absorbing the flame marrow a little easier, because it had fused the dragon ' s lung. At the same time in the mind naturally fancied the appearance of the Flame true Dragon, after all, in today's battle but saw, so a lot of relaxed.


    Purple-haired girl Let Feng Yu Chen first absorb the red dragon marrow, which is from simple to complex.

    Next is the white dragon marrow, which is the Holy Dragon's marrow that cures Strength. It has a similar healing effect as the Feng Yu Chen's Saint Mark Bodyline. As a cure, it should be able to fuse.


    Holy Dragon's marrow After entering the body, Feng Yu Chen's whole body flashed a ray of light, and the two strands of light began to collide with each other…

    "Fantasy Holy Dragon's true body and will, blend it into your body…" Purple-haired girl guides.


    Feng Yu Chen began to fantasize about the image of Holy Dragon, and gradually thought of the Sky Dragon Grandeeney in the world of Fairy Tail. The bird is not the shape of the flesh, but the wing of light. It is not the true dragon of the East. It is the Colossal Dragon of the West. Yu Chen feels that this Holy Dragon's Strength is not the true dragon of the East.

    As the mimetic was completed, Feng Yu Chen's body gradually emerged from the illusion of Grandeeney, and the sound of Sky Dragon's Roar spread from his body…

    Gradually, Holy Dragon's marrow was also absorbed by Feng Yu Chen, because Wendy learned about Grandeeney's appearance and the power of Dragon from the Wendy body, so he easily mimicked Holy Dragon.

    Finally, the Gold Dragon marrow, this dragon marrow is placed in the end, probably because this dragon marrow is the strongest and the most difficult to integrate?

    "This Gold dragon marrow is the blood of the Dragon Clan Great Ruler. It should be the strongest, but if the mimetic fails, the dragon marrow will only become Energy and nutrition, but will not form the Bloodline, but it has already absorbed. Two kinds of dragon marrow, and the last one is a huge gain if it fails." Purple-haired girl said.

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