1235. Chapter 1235, the strongest Demon God: Emperor (Pri

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    After the end of the punishment for the three-color man, Feng Yu Chen kicked out with a dying kick, and his side has placed a bottle of Frost, which contains some powerful Bloodline energy. The essence of the dragon.

    Feng Yu Chen also learned from the 吒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 扒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 吒 Yu Yu Yu Yu Feng Feng


    "His Royal Highness Prince…"

    The emerald dragon girl suddenly held a three-color hairless man with a binocular eyes, and bite his teeth at the sight of Feng Yu Chen's background…


    The tri-color man is still squatting, and the number is still counting…Presumably use this to overcome fear?

    "Three princes, let's go…let's go……"

    The emerald dragon girl suddenly left the Colosseum with a tri-color man, and had completed the previous fighting home training. They had the right to leave here.


    Feng Yu Chen came to the purple-haired girl and said, "Would you like me to guide you to practice?" I can't leave without fighting the fight, of course, if you insist, then just…"

    "I didn't ask you for help…It's you……Activedo you know? ”

    Purple-haired girl licked her face, it seems that some of Peng Yu Chen's strength is recognized. If it is a normal person and a tri-color man, it may fail. Even she does not think she can beat the tri-color man. At least now the initial stage is not available, there is no chance to cast spells.

    "Ahhhh……Ouch……I know, is it that I ask you to let me help? Come on, really, at first glance, it’s a girl who lacks exercise…"

    Feng Yu Chen began to guide the purple-haired girl Taijutsu. Although it must be a one-shot killing, it can defeat the fighters, but is the purple-haired girl physique?

    It seems to be a less successful future.

    "You won't be gentle…It hurts the princess…" Purple-haired girl can't help but pout a small mouth, but still cultivated according to him.

    "Tender your sister, give me a quick familiar movement, really, put on your idiot – use your skills without skill, do you know how? Speed ​​is a little faster, the body is agile, and then a blow will kill. The strength of the fighter is modulated according to your strength. The strength of each fighter is different. Your fighters estimate that you only have to hit the key. Just fine…

    Idiot, what is your hand soft?

    Hello, hello, who is your posture of 'holding the head defense' (Oriental Ojou-sama's acting cute move)?



    Until the evening, Feng Yu Chen and the purple-haired girl came out of the Colosseum. At this time, Feng Yu Chen recognized one thing. His DUO is a melee idiot…

    "What is your face, isn't the princess already successful in defeating the fighter?"Purple-haired girl said scornfully.

    "Beat your sister, a total of 72 people, you are the last player to defeat the fighters, how weak is your melee Attribute, you are idiot, how many times did I guide the strikes to kill, and finally That's right…"Feng Yu Chen said with no anger, hey, it’s almost midnight, and there’s no time for hunting and cooking.

    "This princess is hungry…" Purple-haired girl completely ignored Feng Yu Chen's Tucao.

    "Hungry, your sister, starve to death, hello!"

    Feng Yu Chen Bai also had a purple-haired girl. When he walked into the kitchen, he seemed to be able to eat only the cake, but he also had dragon's lung and dragon marrow to eat. This is today's booty.

    "I don't want to eat you anymore. Are you going to merge the complete Bloodline of Dragon Clan? I can help you to describe the Ning God Manuscript to help you complete the fusion, and the dragon marrow is volatile, and it can't be absorbed without using the detention magic loop.

    Just I have a Secret Art, your hand's dragon blood is for me, I will help you draw the psychic circle, with the guidance of dragon blood, you can absorb the dragon's blood more smoothly, I guess that Dragon Clan has Gold Dragon, Holy Dragon, and Flame Dragon are the blood vessels of the three dragons. If you absorb them, you can't use these three dragon blood systems without using my spells. ”

    Purple-haired girl said with pride and a small chest.


    Pledged of

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay, but only vegetarian at night, but with fruit, I can help you make a strawberry fruit sundae…"

    "Strawberry fruit sundae? Well, um, yes, this is a deal, understand? I am not helping you, remembering me, hearing no! ”

    The purple-haired girl sneaked into the living room, took the dragon blood in the hands of Feng Yu Chen, and began to prepare for the psychic circle.

    "Well, um, it's a deal, I understand…"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed and Tsundere, obviously helping him to absorb Bloodline. It’s a really insincere guy, but it’s not bad. Maybe it’s been a DUO combination in the year of this Demon God Hall?


    Compared to the harmony of Feng Yu Chen's dormitory, the other dormitory is not very calm.

    The three-color man passed the afternoon as if he had recovered his strength, but his face was gloomy to the extreme, and the original handsome face became very beautiful.

    "Dragon marrow and dragon blood can still recover gradually. At most, they are getting away. It is not so easy to devour my Bloodline. If the Witch of Hades doesn't help, he can't completely absorb the blood, just – I Dragon's lung!! I can't breathe the dragon's breath, it's a trouble…

    However, fortunately, there is no death. The strength of the seal is unanticipated. I probably guess that he is not the master of the world. It should be the strongest unlimited player. After waiting for the world, I will turn it over when I turn the world. I will take it back! Gentleman revenge, ten years is not too late, I can be promoted from the 100th prince to the third-ranked prince, the history of humiliating and carrying weight is not without…"

    The emerald dragon girl couldn't help but bite her teeth and said, "Three princes, do you want to swallow my dragon's lung…"

    "No, our attribute do not match, and you are a woman, more unsuitable, I will use dragon blood warm to raise the present lungs, go back, devour the Duke of Longzhi's Dragon's lung well, the world can only use the contract of Demon God to fight him, do not worry about , my contract is Solomon 72 Demon God's strongest demon God, the order is-the first order of the Emperors (prince-of-darkness)! ”

    Three-color hair man looks at the gold ring on the hand and said confidently.

    "Of course, if I am there, I can rest assured…But your performance today is really unsightly, oh…"

    The Gold ring suddenly got a little bit of lightning.

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