1227. Chapter 1227 TWO: Taijutsu Fighting Training

    [Thanks to the pandas for their big children's shoes, today's second, send them, ask for a subscription, a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket, and a reward.]


    It feels so soft…

    In the morning, Feng Yu Chen slowly opened his eyes and suddenly found that the things held in his hand had a soft and smooth feeling…

    As the line of sight gradually poured into the pupil, Feng Yu Chen found a beautiful girl face appearing in front of his eyes, the nose of the two people almost squatted together, and his hand was stroking the pretty beauty of the girl. Buttocks above! !

    THE Yes

    Suddenly, Feng Yu Chen looked around and was actually in the bottom bunk position –

    Gradually, Feng Yu Chen recalled some things, and it was convenient at night. As a result, he slept directly in the lower berth. Although he did not infringe on the purple-haired girl, he had some intimate cuddling…

    Will not be killed…


    Feng Yu Chen's throat agitated, then slowly pulled back his hand and slowly walked out of bed, um, it’s okay, not found, fortunate…

    "Don't, sleep for a while…"

    The voice of the purple girl's body is an ice bird pendant on the earlobe. This earring is flashing with ice blue.

    “Phoenix !”

    Feng Yu Chen is relieved, okay, not a purple-haired girl.

    "Let This One absorb some air-conditioning again. Anyway, we are now a DUO combination. There is no objection to mutual cooperation and support?"Phoenix said warmly.

    "Suck your sister!"

    Feng Yu Chen quickly climbed to his bed and changed his clothes. Hey, dreaming last night and Illya (Is this fantasy really a big husband?)Happy play together (affirmation, this is just), did not expect to directly hug the purple hair as a girl, Phoenix knows, then maybe will tell the purple-haired girl, judged by the character of [Tsundere] Attribute This guy will never let him go so easily…


    The purple-haired girl seemed to wake up and slowly sat down with her little hand on her eyes and changed her clothes without any care.


    Feng Yu Chen loo地looks at the purple-haired girl who throws the changed clothes on the ground, is this guy too unpreventive? He is a man?

    "This princess is hungry…"

    Dressed in clothes, the purple-haired girl walked down the bed and stared at Feng Yu Chen in confusion.

    "What are you doing when you are hungry?"

    Feng Yu Chen glanced at the purple-haired girl, and he was not her servant.

    Staring ——

    Purple-haired girl is not staring at Feng Yu Chen.

    "acting cute is also useless…"Feng Yu Chen said.

    Staring ——


    Staring ——


    Staring ——

    "Lost to you, really, there is flour in the kitchen, eat pork sandwiches?"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed, okay, in fact, he was guilty. After all, he took advantage of it. Don’t ask someone to eat some food?


    After breakfast, Feng Yu Chen and the purple-haired girl made a sandwich together.


    The purple-haired girl chewing on the sandwich suddenly showed a happy look. From this Kakuzu degree, it was still a lovely girl, at least Feng Yu Chen thought, although it was a Witch when she was serious, but she also seemed to have a little daughter. The side.

    "When you look at it, the princess will not appreciate you…"

    Purple-haired girl coldly snorted, then double-handed holding the sandwich and continuing to chew happily.

    "Whatever you think, anyway, it will be separated after a week, who will control you…"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly coldly snorted, twisted his head, actually did not know how to be grateful, really rude guy!



    After eating breakfast, I started the next day's class, Feng Yu Chen. They led by Altina to a space similar to the Colosseum. However, when entering this space, Feng Yu Chen changed their body clothes. Changed to a black tights, some girls' good body also revealed.

    The best figure is a girl with an emerald dragon horn on her head. The mature figure is obviously attracting the attention of many boys. Feng Yu Chen guesses that this guy is definitely an alien.


    Purple-haired girl coldly snorted, apparently dissatisfied with Feng Yu Chen's sight teleportation to the body of the emerald dragon girl, look at his slightly raised ****, then look at the jade dragon girl like a papaya **** Obviously, I care very much. I don’t disable the foot and step on Feng Yu Chen.


    Feng Yu Chen snorted and frowned and said, "Why, you guy?"

    "This princess sees you not pleasing to the eye!"Purple-haired girl said to the side of the head.

    "I …

    Feng Yu Chen didn't know how to vomit, he still saw that she was not pleasing to the eye.

    "Well, today I learned fighting techniques, simple fighting, this space closed Solomon Demon God and Power of Existence, so you can only use Taijutsu.

    Each person has a practicing fighter, defeat your opponent, and then you can pass this test, is the still one rule, that is, as a combination of duo, the combination of two people at the same time to complete the battle, to be able to get out of this space, in the other words, two people can help each other , but the content of mutual assistance is limited to the exchange of taijutsu fighting, and can not help the other side to defeat the fighter. ”

    Altina explained the rules. As her voice fell, there were 72 vulgar players in the field. They had a Number on their forehead, which is the Number corresponding to the unlimited player.

    Feng Yu Chen looked at the purple-haired girl and felt a little trouble. Although he was confident that he could pass the test, the purple-haired girl might be a Taijutsu idiot. She couldn’t pass it. Who made them a DUO combination, really. What breaks the rules, DUO wants to advance and retreat? Damn!

    "Look at what, this princess is very powerful, I hope you don't drag me down."Purple-haired girl said hard, in fact, the heart is playing drums, close combat, she hates the most, use spells to solve everything is not good, what is the use of fighting techniques? And there are powerful bodyguards that don't need to worry about being attacked. Really, today's class is too casual, right?

    "This sentence should be correct to me, don't drag my hind legs!!"Feng Yu Chen coldly snorted, heading to the Fighter of Number 007.

    Gentle Fist method –

    Feng Yu Chen put up the rack and gestured to the Number 007 fighter to signal him to attack.

    Gentle Fist This is a system skill and Bloodline, but even if it is sealed by Byakugan's Bloodline, he can still display it. It has not been false to practice in the world of Hokage for so many years. His body has already remembered everything.

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