1226. Chapter 1226 Objective: Infinite Fire

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    After dinner, Feng Yu Chen went into the bathroom and began to take a shower, but as he scrubbed his body, the sound of a broken plate swayed, and then it was like a domino. The continuous broken sounds spread out…

    Ok, don't think about it, Feng Yu Chen probably understands what it is. Sure enough, she shouldn't give her the idea of ​​washing her rice bowl. Really, is this a kind of spoiled performance?

    After the hasty washing, Feng Yu Chen walked out of the bathroom with a bathrobe. After entering the kitchen, he found that the whole kitchen was in a mess, the faucets were screwed off, and the water was everywhere.

    The purple-haired girl's body was covered with water stains. After the thin clothes were soaked in water, the wet skin was attached to the body, and the girl's pink skin was reflected in the eyeliner…

    LookTo see whatIt’s just that the plates are too disobedient, so I have to slip out of the princess…"

    Purple-haired girl bulging the buns face, standing up from the ground, pushing Feng Yu Chen out, but the floating blush on his face is obviously embarrassed.


    Amount, okay, really, it’s an Ojou-sama that won’t do anything but eat.

    However, at this moment, Feng Yu Chen is thinking about the identity of the purple-haired girl. The purple hair is natural, not the day after day. But is there such a presence in the earth? The answer is obviously not there.

    And the exit is the 'this princess', this is really suspicious, and the gesture of being skilled in the free-form of the painting should be borrowed from the magical array of paintings?

    Therefore, Feng Yu Chen suspects that this purple-haired girl may not be a human being. He thinks about the collapse of the solar system and the invasion of aliens before entering the world. Is this purple girl one of them?

    However, the system shields all the familiar memories of the players. Even if Feng Yu Chen knows the purple-haired girl, I don't know it now.

    If the purple-haired girl is a person who invades the outside world, then obviously everything is explained. She has such a heavenly talent, the free-style instant refining and the charm that is revealed casually. Absolutely It is her own ability.

    The struggle of Infinator has now increased the existence of the outside world. Is this a new starting point?

    And the system obviously does not eliminate the appearance of the outside world, which is to admit that they have unlimited power.

    A bottomless vortex is beginning to begin, and how deep it is, Feng Yu Chen can't see it now, so he has to collect the situation temporarily.


    After finishing the room, Feng Yu Chen came to the bedroom, the bed in the bedroom was the bunk, and the purple-haired girl came in from the outside wearing a bathrobe, apparently she had just finished cleaning.

    Feng Yu Chen made a cup of black tea and handed it to the purple-haired girl.

    "I won't thank you…"

    Purple-haired girl snorted, but still took the black tea, took a sip, and felt very comfortable, so delicious.

    "You thank me and I won't accept it…Well, since it is a combination of DUO, it is necessary to understand some of the information people, first of all, purple hair, should not be the existence of this world? ”Feng Yu Chen directly pointed out that although it is too direct, it is easier to understand some information.

    "Blue hair, you are not a person in this world, are you also infinite fire?"Purple-haired girl Changed in a moment, without the posture of the little daughter, the whole body exudes a heavy pressure of horror, and the eyes like the whirlpool of the abyss generally engulf the existence of everything.

    "Well, I am not a human being…"Feng Yu Chen hit the snake with the stick and pointed out that he is not a human being. The blue natural hair just makes him cover up his identity and infinitely remember the seal. Therefore, even if he knows him before, he will not think that he is Earth people, but aliens.

    "It seems that in addition to Dragon Clan, there are also people who are staring at infinite fire, but I don't know which one you are the dominant force. 'Strength that creates 'Great Ruler' is really powerful, seals most of my memory, if there is a body The presence of the Bloodline may not even be remembered by Dragon Clan looking for a fire in this world."Purple-haired girl Obviously believe that Feng Yu Chen's words are also seven Great Ruler forces, then there is no concealment.

    "Well, this King's memory is also sealed, and Bloodline has covered some memories for me, so I know that I am looking for a fire…"Feng Yu Chen's demeanor changed, her eyes became scarlet Sharingan, and the whole person's momentum increased slightly, and her tone changed.

    "It seems that your order is in the 'prince', then we are the same level, so cooperation is no problem, your Bloodline should be a force type, no wonder the magic knowledge is not complete, you should be good at melee. ?"Purple-haired girl said.

    "Well, it is true, then the next DUO battle, you are responsible for the long-range attack, I am going to be a melee, can you, at least now can join forces, I do not believe that infinite fire will appear in this world, test Still behind…"Feng Yu Chen put down the teacup and said, stretched out and lay down on the bed.

    "Get up, I have to sleep in the bottom…" Purple-haired girl kicked Feng Yu Chen's leg.

    "Well, then I am above…"Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.


    Purple-haired girl Obviously did not understand the concealed meaning of Feng Yu Chen. How can a pure girl know the relationship between the above and below?


    After lying in the upper bunk, Feng Yu Chen's face gradually became dignified. Although no more information was found, many things have been clear. People from outside have gained unlimited power to find fire in Infinite World. What is the fire? I still can't know it clearly, but he thinks that at the end of this Infinite World must be the existence of fire. In this case, his goal is to compete with the outside world for unlimited fire.

    The night is getting deeper, but the lights in every dormitory are lit up, and I’m thinking about various things. Solomon’s Demon God’s Flame Haze DUO battle, other things, complicated, countless, first day In this strange atmosphere gradually disappeared, the door of the dark door lightly thresholds, what kind of fate will they wait for?

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