1207. Chapter 1207 Scarlet Devil Mansion, Occasionally, QAQ…

    [Thanks for the reward of private shoes の 殇 children's shoes, today's second to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    Faced with three goblins, Feng Yu Chen can only help the three guys to play hide-and-seek, and his current identity is also based on Cirno's sister sauce -_

    However, in playing hide-and-seek split second, Feng Yu Chen sneaked out and became a bird flying in the sky, so that probably would not be discovered by any guy.

    Sure enough, Feng Yu Chen, who became a bird, escaped the sight of most monsters and came to the barrier of Hakurei Shrine, when he wanted to penetrate the barriers –

    "I found you, the little monster that will change!"

    Red and White Shrine Maiden clasped the coins, and the body swayed between them, suddenly bursting out of a singularity, glittering a variety of light –

    "Spirituality [dream seal * ban]!"

    With such a seal, Feng Yu Chen's Transformation Jutsu emerged as if it had been erased.

    "Illusion Turn !"

    Feng Yu Chen didn't do what he wanted, immediately opened Illusion Turn, going out from the seal of Land of Fantasy, this Red and White Shrine Maiden has been ambushing here, it really is a leisurely guy.

    "It won't let you run away, the fragrant bait…"

    A girl dressed in blue and white maid, with a short silver hair, Kakuzu on both sides, tied into a small twist, the girl with a green ribbon at the end appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's, arrested him in the hands ……


    Feng Yu Chen found out that his Illusion Turn time has suddenly ended. Impossible, 2S time, will not end so soon?

    It's not the seal of ability of Red and White Shrine Maiden, but a strength that accelerates time. That's really —

    "Sure enough, the best variety, Ojou-sama…"

    The silver-haired maid grabbed Feng Yu Chen and jumped into the top of the shrine and entered the house. At this time, there was a black and white Witch in addition to the mushroom being cooked, and a Little Loli, but this guy has the wings of the little devil!

    Blue-violet hair, small tiger teeth shining from time to time, bloody red pupils, dressed in Lolita Loli, clothes in the color of Sakura (cherry) flowers, wearing a beret flower cap on the head.

    It’s a super incredibly moe moe’s Little Loli. If it’s not in the Land of Fantasy, Feng Yu Chen will definitely think that the Little Loli behind’s little demon wings are COSPLAY, but now it seems that he’s not guilty. It is certain that this guy is definitely a little demon.

    "Remilia, I am not wrong, this guy is definitely worth 100,000!!"Red and White Shrine Maiden said, drinking tea and exhaling a white air.

    After seeing Feng Yu Chen, the little devil Loli wearing a beret flower cap, moved a little, and Kakuzu showed a smirk, and walked to Feng Yu Chen's majesticly, pinching his chin. Smell, the bloody eyes suddenly became beautiful and beautiful, showing an excited expression –

    "Well, it's a B-type blood, and it's quite good. It's the perfect blood food, Sakuya, bring it back to Scarlet Devil Mansion…"

    "Well, I understand, Ojou-sama…"

    The silver-haired maid nodded and said to Hakurei Reimu: "Later, I will send 100,000 yuan…"


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly smiled bitterly, and sold him 100,000? Harmony, where is the exercise, did not yell at the beginning to protect him, blame to let him go out, it is to wait for the arrival of the buyer, 岂可修, 节 的 的 Red and White Shrine Maiden.

    Also Scarlet Devil Mansion – Sakuya – Ojou-sama ……

    Sure enough, it’s the group of monsters in the Scarlet Devil Mansion. There’s no way to escape. Isn’t life going to the end?

    The silver hair maid is Izayoi Sakuya, and the little devil Ojou-sama is Remilia *Scarlet.

    "Welcome to come back next time…"

    Hakurei Reimu suddenly tasted the tea, 100,000 yuan to hand, hey, the little monster is too valuable!

    (Your exercise is not worth it!)


    Gradually, Feng Yu Chen was brought to the edge of the Lake of Mist by Izayoi Sakuya (just fled from the hands of the three fairy bodies of Cirno, now back to the lake of fog), from which you can see the crimson windows, but the windows Not much, Feng Yu Chen guesses that this is probably because Vampire doesn't like the sun. There are also many rooms without windows. There is a bell tower on the roof, and the bells slowly echo in the evening, after entering the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It can be seen that the interior looks much larger than the outside.

    There are a lot of maids in the house, and the maids who clean, cook, guard, etc. have everything, but in Feng Yu Chen, they are all incompetent maids. These maids are all fairies, self-made. Things, this is not the job of doing what the maid should do.

    "Sakuya, put him in my room, in addition, do not allow flan into my room, in case of smoking all his blood, there will be no way to taste, the perfect thing to slowly taste good, also, to find him a maid dress, It's up to you to educate (it should be tune-teach) how does he become a good maid (valet? )……”

    "Follow, Ojou-sama…"

    Izayoi Sakuya fought in battle and grabbed Feng Yu Chen to enter a room full of pink.


    Feng Yu Chen sighed, at least listen to the tone of Remilia, he will not die for the time being, well, donate blood to donate blood, can not die on the good, the key is how to get out of here, really must and Izayoi Sakuya learn the skills of male servants bar, may be able to do black Deacon That kind of housekeeper exists, and if it reaches that state, he may be able to walk freely.

    Hey, Land of Fantasy, it’s just like Alice’s dreamland, but Feng Yu Chen is a demon domain. Although it’s dangerous here, it doesn’t seem to be such a normal guy, which is why he can get it right now.

    Izayoi Sakuya found a maid dress, threw it to Feng Yu Chen said: "Change into clothes, from now on you are Scarlet Devil Mansion a servant, I am here the maid long Izayoi Sakuya, as long as do not make mistakes, temporarily You are able to survive, but it is best not to make the Ojou-sama Lady angry, otherwise, she will not be like the same, she should split your blood to smoke … "


    When it comes to it, Feng Yu Chen said: "The maid, can you find me a male servant? I am a man…"


    Izayoi Sakuya unbelievable at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, said: "How is it possible, so sweet must be a girl!"

    OTZ, girl, your sister, don't know the second stalk of 'so cute must be a boy'?

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