1206. Chapter 1206 Hide and Seek with Cirno's Sister Sauce

    [Thanks to the purple Wednesday, Xia Kate Heatherink, the king's silver children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for a monthly ticket to seek a referral ticket]

    [Today's white Amaterasu sample five, at 12 o'clock in the evening, start ten more rhythm, look forward to it]

    In fact, Rumia said that eating people is not eating human flesh, but eating the dark side of people. After all, she is a monster that manipulates darkness (or demon?), and it is her instinct to swallow darkness.

    "The "Stage of Scarlet Devil" has Rumia's setting – "In fact, the ribbon wrapped around the hair is a charm, even if you want to remove the ribbon, but the ribbon is not even accessible to Lumia."

    But it seems to be very suspicious, impossible to touch, should be "do not want to touch" or "can not touch."

    This kind of charm is very likely to be sealed.

    In addition to the scent of Feng Yu Chen body, Rumia is most concerned with the “darkness” in his body. Feng Yu Chen, who has a dark face, obviously has dark features, not to mention the previous Holy. The battle of Grail has just been blackened, and this pure and incomparable darkness is what Rumia is pursuing.

    "Don't run! ~ Cute little incense…"

    Rumia chased a sudden little foot on the ground and the whole body instantly broke into the snow, but she still swayed and patted the body and continued to chase Feng Yu Chen, although it is not the night, but no sun, it is Entering the twilight time before the darkness, this time is also the moment of her action…

    In fact, Rumia has long guessed Feng Yu Chen's body. She is naturally aware of the darkness. Cirno's body impossible has darkness. After all, it is the pure and innocent Ice Fairy born in nature. It is a sinister gift. It's not dark, but Feng Yu Chen still has a dark atmosphere even if he is transformed.

    "Don't chase, I won't go with you, don't want to eat me!"

    Feng Yu Chen is accelerating his pace. He is particularly convinced that he still runs a little bit of little Loli. If it is not taboo, there will be strong monsters from time to time. Feng Yu Chen uses Teleport directly, Saint Mark’s Teleport is capable of Teleportation kilometers, but in this case a powerful monster can certainly capture his Energy fluctuations.

    Feng Yu Chen is still self-aware, and his fragrance is definitely superior to the monsters.

    "SOGA…Is it like this? ”

    Rumia showed a confused expression and thought about it with a small head.

    "I know, you are going to play hide and seek with me. If you win, you can eat you, right?"


    The ghost is going to play hide and seek with you! Catching your sister.

    Feng Yu Chen sighed, and the idea of ​​idiot was simple enough. After chasing him for so long, he was still chasing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with a rib…


    Yeah.Ouch……Boo hoo…

    At this time, a blue dress with white lace on the skirt, a yellow hair band on the head, green eyes and hair and ponytails, translucent wings behind, and gold on the wings The stroked Little Loli collided with Feng Yu Chen…

    Well, this guy actually wants to say hello to Feng Yu Chen. As a result, Feng Yu Chen didn't stop running, and she didn't stop running, so I slammed, two Little Loli slammed together…

    "idiot Cirno, why are you running around, you see you, the clothes are not dressed…"

    The green leprechaun girl does not disable the blame and love to see Feng Yu Chen and help him organize his body clothes.


    Who is this guy?

    And the behavior of such a wife?

    Ok, although Cirno is a 9, but it seems that there are quite a lot of friends, hey, I met a good friend.

    "The big goblins…Do you want to play hide and seek together? Is it like this? Good…"Rumia looks at the sudden appearance of the green goblin, suddenly excited, catching and hiding games is more fun, well, at this time because of troublesome thinking, she has forgotten that she wants to eat Feng Yu Chen's, but also forget that Feng Yu Chen is not really Cirno…

    (Sure enough, the Attribute of 10 is also idiot)

    "What are you playing, Rumia, you are messing around again, right?"The big goblin said like a housekeeper.


    "Yeah, ah…"

    At this point, the real Cirno flew over, whispering in his mouth, not knowing whether it was a song or a pleasing sound from a confused voice.

    "Two Cirno!!"

    For a time, the big goblins and Rumia suddenly sluggish. If the big goblin's surprise is normal, then Rumia is definitely not normal. (I just knew that Feng Yu Chen was pretending, now I immediately forgot, just remember to hide and seek. It really is a confused 10,9 good basin friend is not a virtual biography.

    No …

    Feng Yu Chen's face suddenly bitter down, true and false Cirno, said Cirno This guy's reaction is also too slow bar, this is how long, incredibly just chase over, is not always there to think ' Frog Why is the tadpole change ' this question, really is a ⑨ ah, but now is not spit this time, the key is to get rid of the front of the sprout three people ah.

    "How come there are two Cirno?"

    The big goblins began to examine Feng Yu Chen and Cirno. Is this also a kind of mischief?

    "Yes~ This way, I understand…One is Cirno, the other is fragrant Cirno…"at this time. Rumia finally remembered why she was chasing Feng Yu Chen's (this reaction has a fight with 9)…


    Look at the three cute things in front of you, Feng Yu Chen questioning whether his IQ will decline? Sure enough, 9 will be infected.

    "The fragrant Cirno…Well, it’s a bit fragrant, is it also a kind of Ice Fairy? ”The big goblin nose is sniffing in Feng Yu Chen's body…


    "we……we……People understand! ”

    Cirno glared at the small waist, and the small ice crystal wings behind him flashed twice. He said, "It must be my sister's sauce. After all, the cold strength is weaker than me. If it is strong, it is Elder Sister sauce…"

    (Okay, your conclusion is good…)

    "Yes~ Well, it turned out to be the sister's sauce of Xiangxiang. Let's play hide and seek together, Mina…"Rumia said excitedly (does it be happy because there is another little partner?).

    "People…People have to play too…"Cirno jumped into Feng Yu Chen's body and finally got a sister…

    "Well, I am also coming to play…"The big goblin said.


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