1182. Chapter 1182 Strength Heritage of Der Spiegels

    [Today's third, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen learned the instinct of combat from the dark, this is his instinct, not the ability instinct that can be achieved with the help of Byakugan or Sharingan.

    Straight sense is the ability to split in battle to identify "the best fit for action", as well as "the premonition of capturing hypocrisy and truth", the high level of straightness, and even the ability to enter the field of "predicting the future", which can usually be predicted by sound of the wind and intuition, Avoiding the attack of weapons such as firearms and Firearms, while at the same time being able to achieve a certain degree of ineffective visual and auditory obstruction to complete the attack.

    To put it simply, it is — the heart is like a water-stopping realm.

    The heart is like a water state, calmly facing everything, so that the mind is in a certain state of tranquility and clarity, and can reflect various phenomena inside and outside the body and mind truthfully, accurately and objectively. It is like a calm water surface that can reflect the scenery on the shore truthfully and without distortion. Sometimes, you might like to compare this state to a spotless mirror.

    The reason for the unsettlement of the human mind is the reverie and greed of the human being. It leads to the incompleteness and clarity of the human being, which becomes obscured and distorted, and the truth of the facts cannot be seen. It is like the wind on the surface of the water, causing the calm water surface to tumbling, and the reflection in the water has become fragmented and even invisible.

    The heart is like water, there is still one meaning, when one thing comes, it can be faithfully reflected, when it passes, there is no trace left in the heart. The so-called Yandu cold pool, things come and go, things do not stay.

    The mirror stops the water.

    Going to stay unintentionally.

    The heart is not wavering.

    The world is innocent.

    "Dark" is the total collection of all darkness. The dark king is an illusory existence. The ordinary people cannot capture the existence. It is precisely because the dark heart does not contain good and evil, and does not have all tangible things, so it can calmly Treating something and despising everything is precisely because of this reason, so it can not be captured.

    When you see it, you can’t catch it.

    Dark tells Feng Yu Chen that some enemies can't be touched with their hands and ears, and they can see through everything. In fact, the person who does this is Busujima Saeko, in the world of Sword Art Online. In the middle, Busujima Saeko showed this ability to Feng Yu Chen, and the knife was broken, but nothing was wrong.

    Feng Yu Chen prides himself on the infinite abilities, but sometimes the shortcomings are also advantages, advantages and disadvantages. Once the infinite Strength is sealed, Feng Yu Chen will form a mechanism and consciousness in his heart – his strength declines. It is.

    In fact, such an idea is wrong. Such a life is just a puppet. Just like a machine, once it is set, there will never be any high or low, and it will remain in a plane world forever. The world before it will not. There are any twists and turns, only the straight line of fate.

    The result?

    This is just Feng Yu Chen's personal thinking limitation. After 13 worlds, even if it is a system limitation, Feng Yu Chen can also play beyond the original Strength.


    Feng Yu Chen in order not to let his spiritual collapse, the light and dark two sets of differentiation, with a little seal, light and Darkness became the division of Feng Yu Chen strength, in a nutshell, Feng Yu Chen in these 13 worlds The strength was not completely digested, but stored, for this reason, age is also always at 18 years old, 18 years old intelligent.

    Like a youkai sage-sama (Yakumo Yukari) who claims to be forever seventeen years old, there are twelve hours of sleep a day.

    Feng Yu Chen is also a part of his inability to deal with or more difficult to deal with into the two extremes, just entered the world of "highschool of the Dead", the first to kill zombie excitement and madness, Feng Yu Chen learned of his tendency to blacken, in The world of "guilty Crown" was infected by the prayer and Shinomiya Ayase, and awakened to the gentle side (also from that time began to learn to cook), which made Feng Yu Chen understand his tendency to be overly gentle.

    So, I began to have the idea of ​​seals, and gradually began the separation of light and dark. At this time, Feng Yu Chen could not distinguish the two light and dark consciousness with Special, and finally started at the stage of Accel World, Yuzuriha Inori Talk, Feng Yu Chen began to completely make himself normal…

    It’s just that Feng Yu Chen is not clear about himself, or that he is deliberately avoiding these things.

    However, the two extremes of differentiation gradually have the existence of consciousness, just like the babies born. For the light and dark, Feng Yu Chen seems to be creating their father, after the contempt of King of Gold, in the dark Under the induction, Feng Yu Chen finally completed the blackening form.

    It is believed that this world has made Feng Yu Chen become this hesitant look, so I believe that Feng Yu Chen can calm down as long as the world is destroyed.

    Now, the dark ability of ' Der Spiegel to stop the water ' is passed on to Feng Yu Chen, although also a lot of strength want to pass on to him, but he feels that this is enough, a little to enrich Feng Yu Chen's strength, some crazy human is because stre Ngth too powerful and lost the essence of the mind, secretly hope that Feng Yu Chen will not become a crazy spiritual disease, so can only slowly induce, believe that one day, he will become the real king, more powerful than his king.

    "This is the Strength of Red ArcherUnlimited Blade Works. Now you should be able to master and reward you. Ok, let's go. I will not let you go next time…"Darkly said, a black flame was hardly stuffed into Feng Yu Chen's head!

    "Ahhhh……Bad Ass

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly felt the tingling of his head like an awl, and a Strong struck in the body, and his ability seemed to be gestating in his body.

    I couldn’t help but look at the darkness. It turned out that he had toughly deduct Archer [Unlimited Blade Works] for Feng Yu Chen. Oh, it’s really a cold guy, but it’s only for Feng Yu Chen. After all, he created their existence.

    "Really, let's go, Arturia…"

    Feng Yu Chen took Arturia away from the dark world of wrapping.


    "Don't you send it?"

    The light looks at the dark.

    "Cut, hey, what's good about him, I have to sleep…"

    The dark figure disappeared instantly.

    "Well, we haven’t been aware for a long time, we need more sleep, we need to transition to Energy for you, dark?"The light lies on the ground and goes into sleep.

    "No, your light is poison for me…"

    "SOGA, you know…"

    "You are a sinister guy, can't you really poison me?"

    "How come, we are brothers…"

    "hypocrite ……"

    "You are not strong…"


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