1181. Chapter 1181 Fighting Intuition

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    Unable to slam the darkness, which made Feng Yu Chen feel untouchable and couldn't help but open the ability of Byakugan to watch him.

    However, soon, Feng Yu Chen was disappointed, and Byakugan remained the same, but it was clearly in front of his eyes, but it was impossible to attack.

    If his Sword Technique is stronger than himself, Feng Yu Chen feels that he can improve his Sword Technique consciousness, but when he meets this situation, it is clearly in front of his own eyes, but it is a sniper. What a strange ability.

    "Hey, take your Byakugan and look at the outline of the world?" You really have fallen. People, the ones that can deceive yourself the most are the eyes. You have been relying on the strength of Byakugan. You have been watching the world with your eyes. Because of this, you can’t see me and the light. Your eyes can never capture the two of us! ! |”

    The magic sword in the dark hands slammed into the face of Feng Yu Chen's body, and finally he was smashed out, his eyes gradually became bloody red, and he seemed to hate the power of Feng Yu Chen's Byakugan.


    Feng Yu Chen fell in the rubble, and the body struggled to stand up again. How could this setback cause him to fall?

    Arturia looks at Feng Yu Chen, fighting with the dark, as if she understood something, she knows that this is a kind of ability to teach Feng Yu Chen – a sense of battle, although this dark looks very cold, but it seems to have a special Feelings, it’s a cold outside.

    Feng Yu Chen closed Byakugan's ability and slowly stood up, secretly saying that there is nothing wrong with him. He has been relying on these abilities until now. Since he has acquired these abilities, he has been relying on these abilities and when he can The true self-consciousness is an unknown number.

    "After 13 worlds, ontology, you seal the darkness and light of the self, the mind is indeed to stop growing, but Ah, people experience these come together but incredibly large experience ah, people trust, to the end only their own, Unlimited System may seal a variety of abilities, But the only thing that cannot be sealed is your own existence, your will, recall it, experience these times, will be all the experience in the heart, otherwise you can not defeat me! ”

    Darkly speaking, while constantly beating the body of Feng Yu Chen, only pain can make him have real consciousness.


    Once again, he was bombarded by the dark.

    Feng Yu Chen gasped and stood up again, his blood blurred his eyes. He knew that the darkness was exactly the same as his Strength, but the Dark played a stronger Strength than him, without Gentle Fist, No Byakugan, No Sharingan, no Any Sword Technique that can be called a really subtle, just ordinary sniper, ordinary Taijutsu…

    If there is a technical battle, Feng Yu Chen can still work hard to grow, but this kind of battle without technical content makes him worry. He thinks a lot in his heart, grows on his own ability, but what to do. Can you grow up, how can you grow to be able to defeat the dark?


    Look at Confused Feng Yu Chen, Arturia came to Feng Yu Chen's and said, "Look at my battle…"

    Then Arturia stood in front of the dark.

    Darkly did not hesitate to attack Arturia in the past, like a sly attack.

    Arturia made an action that shocked Feng Yu Chen. She closed her eyes and slammed into the dark sword.


    Light and crisp, Arturia's sword and dark sword slammed together, and then the two started fighting again. Unlike Feng Yu Chen's Wolverine, Arturia gradually caught up with the dark battle, but she closed her eyes with her eyes!

    "Haha!"Yes, Arturia, you are not the king of the knight, the lion king, the momentum is really powerful, compared with the waste body you are very strong, if he does not have all sorts of strange abilities, it is absolutely impossible to beat you. ”

    I couldn't help but laugh loudly, as if I was very excited.


    Close your eyes?

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed Hold the Golden Sword of Certain Victory and feel everything around you, forget everything, just remember the sword in your hand.


    Trying to do, Feng Yu Chen replaced Arturia and fought back with the dark, but still couldn't keep up with the dark rhythm like Arturia, the body soon showed a new scar, but he didn't have any Stop…

    When the world is still, when you are the only one, you can throw away all Void, all illusions can be seen, even if there is no vision, even without hearing, you can still understand yourself, understand the world, understand everything, you need to see Only you can be enough…


    Looks at closed eyes fighting Arturia can not help but shocked, Feng Yu Chen's movement gradually sensitive up, to the end has been unable to see his hands of the sword, and dark also strengthen the rhythm of attack, is two monsters in the general battle, there is no one can be called the skills of the sword technique, but it is very shocking, strange, and even can not predict their next move will be how to make a sword!

    "Yes, it seems that 13 of the world's experience in the gradual integration into the body, with the body to remember the instinct of the fight, can do this, the ontology is also a growth, we are ultimately to surpass the unlimited System, without this goal can not become more powerful, As long as there is absolute will and strength, even God can be extinguished! ”

    Lightly nodded, Feng Yu Chen's battle made him feel gratified and relied on the ability of the system. Sooner or later, he would be afraid of losing the power of the system. This is really terrible. At that time, he and the dark could not Save Feng Yu Chen.

    This is a self-testing exercise, either forever indulging in this world, or growing up to awaken one's will.

    "Fast, faster, no matter, faster!"

    The dark eyes were a little red with excitement, and the sword in his hand was getting faster and faster. He instantly burst out of a dark moon, and he was so excited that he could not suppress his dark soul.

    Feng Yu Chen's body moves in a strange space, instantly glittering to the dark behind, the sword in his hand punctures his chest from behind him, indifferently said: "Thank you, tell me this, can you let me go now? If not, then I have to go out from here!"


    I couldn’t help but reveal a disappointment. "Cut, if I am excited, let you control my emotions, you will not succeed…"

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