1168. Chapter 1168 Arrancar on Pretender

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    The stage between Feng Yu Chen and King of Gold.

    A man wearing a half-face mask slowly came out of the darkness and said gracefully to King of Gold: "You don't seem to want to endure this state of insulting the real name. To be honest, I personally like this kind of dodging. Kakuzu color is also very annoying!"

    "what are you?"King of Gold has teleported to the man body with a half-face mask.

    "Me? If I can block his ability, can I become a partner of Your Excellency, of course, the world of the world I will not Rob, Holy Grail casually Your Excellency to obtain, I just want to survive in this war to the end, Originally my partner is Your Excellency just killed the caster, but now she is dead, I can naturally look for more powerful helpers.

    Of course, like my humble Kakuzu color, Your Excellency certainly look down on, but just because I am a villain, so there is a villain's way, my servant is able to seal his space ability in this space, so as long as you protect my servant, She will be able to bind this use of frost Lancer, in this case, you are not free to take his life? ”

    The man with a half face mask said with a smile.

    "Really?" But you have to remember that you are not qualified to ask this King! ”

    King of Gold said indifferently that he already had some inspiration.

    "Nature, we must be humble, we are not enough for you to strikes to kill, in order to show sincerity, we will first ban this space?"The half-face mask fought slightly and nodded to the enchantress of the peach-colored twintails.


    The enchanting hand of the peach-colored twintails radiates a strong radiance inside the mirror, and the entire space is filled with a layer of pink gleam. The entire underground space seems to have a restrained Strength.

    Feng Yu Chen was dismayed to find that his Hiraishin No jutsu (Flying Thunder God jutsu) was lost in the instant of the delivery of the traces of surgery, strictly speaking, Feng Yu Chen's space spell is not really empty Spell, but by the use of surgery to complete, in the object or weapon on the imprint of the unique Hiraishin No jutsu (Flying Thunder God jutsu) surgery, and then the body can instantly teleportation to where the operation is located.

    And this split second, with the power of the mirror of the peach-colored twintails, his technique was eliminated.

    The half-faced man sneered at the look at Feng Yu Chen and said, "Hey, it seems that you have hidden a big secret. If it is not my Servant reminder, I am afraid I really think that you are Lancer, in fact, Are you Master? I am also one of the masters of the parallel world.

    Although you hide very well, but the space technique you use should be Japan's curse? At this point, my Servant is very clear. After all, she is Tamamo no Mae, one of Japan’s three legendary monsters. Hey, I didn’t think that the technique you printed revealed you, for this reason, I returned from the middle of the road.

    If I really have to assassinate the little sister, maybe it is already dead?

    Robin Hood has spied on your abilities before, Frost's strength, also magic, and the Super magic that was used on that floor that day was very shocking, coupled with your various manifestations, to prove that you are the ability to be a man of two mythical worlds, How can this happen when there is a strength of Western mythology and a spell-printing style associated with Japan?

    Hey, even if it is a hero, it is impossible to travel through the East and West continents in ancient times. If it is a mythical character, then it is more impossible to run through two mythological systems in the East and West.

    So the conclusion is that you are actually a strong master, which is enough for you to fight the existence of heroes, in other words, even in this world, you are the top Super magician, and you such a person called out of the servant is really a little frightening, but, hey, In the space made of this position, your mantra will not work! @!!”


    With the analysis of the half-face mask man, the people's eyes were delivered to Feng Yu Chen's body, and they actually entered the battle as the Master, and they also reached this point. Before the result of Berserker Heracles, was he really human?

    Tohsaka Sakura's heart is also violently fluctuating. Fortunately, it didn't work before. Otherwise, if Feng Yu Chen summoned the hidden ServantLittle Loli, she might be killed in an instant, and before hearing two Masters to assassinate Little Loli, He has no fears. It seems that she should be very confident about her Strength?

    "Interesting, interesting, haha…"

    King of Gold couldn't help but laugh. Look at Feng Yu Chen, suddenly revealing a curious expression, said: "It seems that if there is no English spirit in this world, then you are the king of the world? Yes, yes, I am the king of the world in the past. You are the king of the world now, just to compare it. The woman like Saber is the best woman I am asking for.

    Then come to fight, the winner will have the lion king Arturia *Pendragon! ”

    Feng Yu Chen sighed and shook his head and said: "I didn't expect to be seen wearing a mask of camouflage now. Oh, it's a shame, but King of Gold, I won't give Arturia to you!"

    As the voice fell, Feng Yu Chen's right hand suddenly changed a little, and there was a spell, Athena's curse.

    How could

    Tohsaka Rin and Red Archer, Blue Saberalso Silver Saber have refused to believe, after all, some are too surreal, he defeated Heracles as a human being?

    "What is your vision? King is exactly the ordinary human. My Saint Mark is the power of God's endorsement. To some extent, I am not a pure human being, but a human being who is gradually moving towards the body of God. ”|

    Feng Yu Chen knew that Tohsaka Rin would be such an expression. It was really troublesome to expose it. In the Holy Church, he knew that this half-faced man was not an ordinary person. Now, it seems that he is debauchery. But in fact, it has an intelligent mind, which is simply a person wearing a fake mask.

    But what really makes Feng Yu Chen a headache is the kind of eyes of King of Gold. How do you want to make a 0-base look with him? Is this guy more like a male style?

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