1167. Chapter 1167, Collision of the Will of the King

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a monthly ticket and ask for a referral ticket]

    As the cloak magician unfolds like the guardian of Crystal Glass, King of Gold's Treasure Tool falls like a golden rain, but what shocks her is that she can't stop even a falling Treasure Tool, and the defense gradually It was dropped by Crush.

    Numerous weapons did not hesitate to succumb to her body. Her black robes gradually Crushed up, and the robes that had been swayed through the rifle fell into the space, not cruel. After all, this war was a cruel endorsement. !

    At the same time, the body of her behind master was also penetrated, and the flowers of blood made a trace on the ground…

    I don't want it

    The female magician showed a painful expression and suddenly slammed into the body of her master, blocking him from the weapon…

    The sword fell on two almost fallen body, the arrow shot on the arm that was about to fall to the ground, the axe chopped on their head who wanted to shout pain, every blow turned into a dead guillotine to kill, there is no possibility of survival, this is a unilateral killing march, not so cruel, rather cold, The Caster and her lord, who had been completely cut and disintegrated, had no human form, but a mountain pushed into pieces of meat …

    As the breeze swayed, the space fluttered with pieces of black robes, fluttering and floating in the space.

    The robes full of scars are still barely kept the same. Perhaps now, only this kind of thing, still retains the traces that Caster once existed?

!! @!

    Without any sound, all the people's throats were like being shackled, and the cold blushing eyes were again placed on the blue Saber's body.

    "Saber, remember that you are the woman of this King, can't be insulted by anyone, only this King who can punish you, think about leaving with me? This King has been waiting for you for ten years! ”

    "What do you count, my Servant, you can't take possession of you, humble bastard!"

    Feng Yu Chen glared at him, and he was particularly savvy and grabbed Blue Saber. This guy really made his big taboo!

    And what are you to me! Saber's lord, this King is the first time I heard someone talking to me like this. If you cut yourself, I can forgive your sins! ”

    King of Gold reached out and grabbed three sword-style Treasure Tools in his hands, as if to throw to Feng Yu Chen, looking like a dead man at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, as if laughing at his arrogance.

    "Oh, you are the twelve gods of Olympus, and I am not afraid of you, even the scum that the Lord God can't reach, put your sister!"

    Feng Yu Chen is a giggle, Heracles did not let him have half a thing, this is still did not summon Athena small ahoge results, it can be said that Athena this ACE is used in the last, if not necessary, he does not want to summon Athena, but if the guy in front of me too pretentious, He had no words to say, directly release Athena this violent walk Loli.

    "Oh, it seems that you are the Greek twelve main gods, humble existence, to bear the wrath of the king!"

    King of Gold's Treasure Tool with three swords was immediately cast to Feng Yu Chen.


    In an instant, Feng Yu Chen glittering to the sky, behind a condensed sword of Frost, like the ice of the ice sword, hit the King of Gold.

    Space move?

    This is no longer a general magic.

    King of Gold Frowning looks at a sprinting Frost's sword, suddenly reaching out, the behind space instantly rushed out with a Treasure Tool such as a sword or a slap or axe.

    Feng Yu Chen's Frost Sword collides with King of Gold's many Treasure Tools, but compared to the Treasure Tool's Power, it's not enough. The Frost's sword is instantly destroyed under the impact of the Treasure Tool. With an unprecedented momentum, these Treasure Tools continue to project to Feng Yu Chen.

    This attack, Feng Yu Chen is also shocked, the King of Gold's existing Treasure Tool is not projected or casually concise, but all are real Treasure Tool! ! !

    In the end, what heroes can have so many Treasure Tools is simply beyond the limits of ordinary humans.

    Again, glittering, Feng Yu Chen's figure Teleportation, evading the attack of King of Gold.

    "The guy who will only escape!"

    King of Gold can't help but say that his attack is tyrannical, but he can't reach Feng Yu Chen's body, which makes him very unhappy.

    "This is also my ability, you think I will be stupid to let you play, huh, huh, can't hit me, you are just a guy who is acting cute…"Feng Yu Chen said indifferently.

    "Yeah, you are so arrogant, you can't attack you and lock your attack first!" Enkidu! ! ”

    King of Gold coldly snorted said.

    In the space, a chain of chains suddenly appeared to Feng Yu Chen's body, and the incredible chain did not know where it came from, and bound Feng Yu Chen.

    The bound Feng Yu Chen seems to be not afraid of the slightest, ridiculously said: "Is this your own Treasure Tool? Oh, it seems to disappoint you…"

    As the voice fell, Feng Yu Chen's body became a piece of snow to dissipate in the space, and finally re-aggregate in one place, although it can't be truly beautiful snow, after all, it needs the assistance of Sharingan, but a tomoe The state is also usable…

    It can be said that any attack by King of Gold is useless to Feng Yu Chen. Although Feng Yu Chen may not be able to defeat him, King of Gold can't beat him, which makes the scene into a dead end.

    Feng Yu Chen sneer at the King of Gold, if not his strength is sealed, this person in front of the district is not his opponent at all, but it is necessary to let him understand that it is an impossible thing to defeat him.

    King of Gold couldn't help but be angry, but his ability to do anything with Feng Yu Chen was unsolvable and he couldn't touch him. It wasn't the strength he could control, the power of space and the physical changes. The ability to become ice and snow, what hero is this?

    Is it a hero older than him?



    He is the king of heroes, the strongest hero, no one can be his opponent.

    "There are many laws in the world, and there are naturally rules in these laws that you can't touch, and I didn't want to fight with this bizarre ability, after all, when it comes to dodging, the collision of blood and the fierce battle are what I want, but Ah, you arrogant and arrogant fellow, I'm not going to be polite to you, In my eyes, you are also a scum, I am also the King, not you can disgrace! ”

    Feng Yu Chen said with a cold smile.

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