Unify all heavens

Chapter 818 The world is in great sorrow, and the zombies are sanctified!

In the Zixiao Palace, Patriarch Hongjun watched with a smile as the great masters of supernatural powers who had become his disciples left. He couldn't help but chuckle and said: "The next day I give a lecture will be the day when I become a saint!"

Speaking of this, the figure in black clothes suddenly appeared in his mind after Pangu died of "exhaustion". That earth-shattering slap made him, who had become a quasi-sage, still feel pain in his head.

When he thought of this, Patriarch Hongjun showed a cold look in his eyes and murmured softly: "On the day I become a saint, that will be the day when you will be destroyed!"

As he spoke, he lightly waved his sleeves and closed the door of Zixiao Palace with mysterious power.

But just when the lacquered red door was about to close, a sudden palpitating feeling suddenly occupied the heart of Patriarch Hongjun.

In an instant, he stood up suddenly and said with a confused expression: "What's going on?"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves and opened the door that was about to close again.

Then, the sky, as if stained with blood, suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Ancestor Hongjun was startled, and then staggered a few steps to the door in despair. He was even more frightened, tripped over himself, and fell out of the door. He lay down on the jade ground outside Zixiao Palace with a 'pop' sound.

The few people who were originally looking at the sky suddenly turning red with doubts looked back after hearing the sound, only to see the mysterious ancestor Hongjun who was still in the Zixiao Palace just now. At this moment, he seemed to have gained or lost. Heartbroken, he shook his head with disheveled hair and murmured: "This is impossible. This is impossible."

Upon seeing this, the Tongtian Cult Leader of the Three Pure Ones subconsciously took a few steps forward to help Patriarch Hongjun up.

At this time, the other great supernatural powers also reacted and gathered around Ancestor Hongjun. I asked softly: "Teacher, what happened?"

Hongjun didn't reply. He just shook his head and murmured: "It's impossible. How is this possible? Why, how can someone become a saint!"

After hearing these words from Patriarch Hongjun, Nuwa's face changed, Lao Tzu's expression became gloomy, Master Tongtian's face looked pensive, Zhunti and Yin looked at each other, and Yuanshi Tianzun asked in surprise: "Is there anyone who has become a saint?" The heartless Ancestor Hongyun smiled and waved his hands and said: "It doesn't matter, I'll pay you a visit later so I can get a glimpse of the holy face!"

Although Patriarch Hongjun heard these words, before he could react, he saw an endless sky that looked like it was stained with blood. Suddenly there was a loud thunder, and then a rain of blood fell from the sky!

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh-"

This rain is the first rain since Pangu opened the sky!

Therefore, the wide coverage is enough to shock the past and the present!

Almost everywhere you can see the sky, blood is raining down!

The strange phenomenon is more than that.

The innate spiritual roots of the entire prehistoric continent were all withered at this moment. When hundreds of millions of living beings saw this rain, they didn't know where the sadness came from, and suddenly started wailing and crying!

Then the earth cracked and the mountains shook!

Buzhou Mountain, the highest peak in the world and supporting the sky, is covered with cracks under the rain of blood!

It will collapse at any time!

Outside the Zixiao Palace, many powerful people, including Ancestor Hongjun, had tears on their faces at some point, but they themselves did not notice it. They just stared blankly at this rare blood in this world. rain!

I don’t know how much time passed, but Patriarch Hongjun suddenly laughed miserably and said: “What a scene of blood raining from the sky, what a scene of great sorrow from heaven and earth!”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in Sanqing looked shocked, and they all said to themselves: "The world is so sad? Why is the world so sad?"

Just as they were thinking about this, blood-colored lotus flowers suddenly bloomed on the ground and in the ocean of the ancient continent, spinning and slowly floating up. After a while, they filled the world!

Looking around, wherever you look, there are blood lotuses everywhere!

After a while, these bloody lotus flowers passed through the thirty-three days and arrived outside the Zixiao Palace, and continued to float upward.

Looking at this thrilling scene, Sanqing and the others seemed to finally understand something.

At this moment, Li Qing, who had been buried underground for tens of thousands of years, suddenly emerged from the ground and came to the surface!

The moment his body was exposed to the sky and the earth, the sun and the moon suddenly appeared, and then the entire vast continent began to change in light and dark. The light and dark flickered continuously, changing in almost a few breaths!

This weird scene caused hundreds of millions of living beings to remain motionless, with only the overwhelming bloody lotus flowers and the increasingly heavy rain of blood in their eyes!

Li Qing slowly floated up against the rain of blood, and every time he floated one foot, his body shrank by one point!

When he finally floated to the same height as the sun and the moon, his eyes that had been closed for a long time suddenly opened, and he saw incomparable blood in them! Immediately, he released endless blood, covering the entire prehistoric world including the Thirty-three Heavens!

When blood filled the world, Li Qing looked indifferent and spoke solemnly:

"I have been born for the sake of heaven and earth, and I am still in front of Pangu when I attain enlightenment!"

"Pangu is sleeping soundly and I hold up the sky, and the magic of the God of War is boundless!"

"Tianyan zombies are abandoned in six directions, and the blood coffin travels to the heavens!"

"My heart will never die even if I endure all the tribulations, and I will endure all the suffering for hundreds of millions of years!"

"Wash away the lead and eventually become a saint; blood rains from the sky and lotuses emerge from the ground!"

"The light of blood covers the earth and the sky, and the immortality will last forever!"

"My life span is the same as that of heaven and earth. I am the best immortal in all eternity!"

"I, zombie Li Qing, become a saint today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his voice spread throughout the whole world!

The bloody light covering the world was also taken back into his body.

On the thirty-third day, outside the Zixiao Palace, Patriarch Hongjun heard this and said with a sad smile: "The world is so sad, the zombies are sanctified! What a great tragedy, the zombies are sanctified!"

After saying that, he shook his head and returned to Zixiao Palace with a sad smile, leaving only Sanqing and others looking at each other.

On the other side, on Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi was standing outside, looking up at the rain of blood, and murmuring with a livid face: "The sky shows strange phenomena, monsters are in chaos, how can zombies become saints?"

After that, he sighed.

At this moment, Li Qing, who already had the ability to watch the heaven and the earth, heard Zhen Yuanzi's words and immediately sneered and said solemnly: "Those who insult the saints will be destroyed!"

The moment he finished speaking, Zhen Yuanzi, who had already walked into the temple, suddenly looked horrified and then murmured.

But before the sound came out of his mouth, his body was already suppressed by the saint, and was pressed to annihilation!

At this point, Zhen Yuanzi fell!

After Li Qing sensed all this, he slowly raised his head and looked at Taiqing, who was thirty-three days above and outside the Zixiao Palace. Then he raised his hand and pointed, and said: "I now abolish your cultivation status as a saint, and in the name of a saint, order you not to enter the world for ten thousand years!"

When the words fell, Taiqing, who was shaking his head and sighing outside Zixiao Palace, suddenly changed his expression.

The next moment, all the cultivation in his body disappeared, and he only had time to scream before falling from the clouds.

At this time, Li Qing suddenly laughed loudly and said loudly: "First kill Hongjun, then destroy the sky, and travel to the west for three hundred years!"

After that, he leaned on the blood coffin and left this world.

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