Unify all heavens

Chapter 817 Sheng Ji!

As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, he instantly shrank his body and used the technique of shrinking the ground to an inch to cross thousands of miles of void and appeared directly in front of the cricket. He sneered and said: "Want to create a jade plate? First pass this level. !”

After that, he slapped the cricket that had not yet reacted and flew hundreds of miles away. He also used the object control technique to directly imprison Taoist Mosquito who had nailed him many times.

If the blood in his body wasn't full of corpse poison, he would have been sucked dry by the mosquito Taoist before.

Therefore, Li Qing hated Taoist Mosquito very much. After imprisoning Taoist Mosquito, he immediately flew forward and without saying a word, he opened his mouth and bit down half of Taoist Mosquito's body, and then swallowed the other half. He took out the World-Defiled Netherworld Stick, chased the thousands of gods and demons one by one, and smashed them hard.

These three thousand gods and demons are now in the realm of Daluo Jinxian, so how can they resist Li Qing's stick.

Therefore, every time the stick hits, it means the death of a god or demon.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the cricket had already changed its direction and fled desperately when Li Qing was chasing other gods and demons.

And when he escaped tens of thousands of miles, Li Qing had already killed three thousand gods and demons into thirty. Except for the mosquito Taoist who was swallowed by him, he kept all the corpses of the gods and demons in the blood coffin.

And when Li Qing put thousands of corpses of gods and demons into the blood coffin and prepared to hunt down the cricket, a golden pillar of merit fell from the sky and filled his body.

At the same time, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Although you came from another world, your thought was that you held up the sky for me for forty-nine years, resisted the attacks of three thousand gods and demons, and even made me sleep for forty-nine years. I will give you one thought now, and cast a saint for you. Foundation, open a holy path! I hope you will not cause killing or destroy this world. You must know that every plant and tree is my flesh!"

"Since you are the first zombie in this world, I will bestow you with immeasurable merit and the power to prove the Tao! I hope you will do your best!"

At this point, the sound disappears.

This voice was vast and vague, as if coming from a very far away place, and it had great power.

Then Li Qing noticed that an extremely powerful thought suddenly appeared in his mind, and then he saw that this thought was controlling the merits that fell from the sky and filled his body.

Use immeasurable merit to wash away his physical body, open up his mind, and connect heaven and earth!

Gradually, Li Qing's body emitted thousands of golden light, illuminating the heaven and earth!

Those innate gods and demons who had not yet escaped were panicked and trembled.

At this moment, Li Qing had closed his eyes, and under the control of Pangu's thought, his body fell to the ground.

Although the earth was hard, under the control of Pangu's thoughts, it moved a position for him like the ebbing tide. Then when his body penetrated tens of thousands of feet into the earth, the earth returned to its original state.

Then the boundless black and yellow energy penetrated his body!

Xuanhuang is the mixture of heaven and earth. The sky is Xuan and the earth is yellow, which is the foundation of all things!

Because the mysterious energy refines the soul and the yellow energy molds the corpse, his body is still swollen even though it is suppressed by the earth! The body is growing ten feet taller every day!

As a result, in just a few hundred years, his body buried in the earth was still capable of using the magic of heaven and earth.

And at the same time, the blood in his body turned into gilded gold, and all the organs in his body were restored to life, and they were dazzling and shining. The bones are like white marble, exuding a faint cold light. The body is merged with the boundless yellow energy. Although it has no divine light, it has the miraculous ability of being immune to all kinds of magic!

The Xuanhuang Tower that appeared in the ancient continent at the same time was also condensed by Xuanhuang Qi. It also had the magical power of being immune to all kinds of magic. Therefore, it was innately invincible!

While Li Qing was sleeping, the Sanqing Taoist transformed by Pangu Yuanshen and the Twelve Ancestral Witches transformed by the essence and blood gradually became famous on the ancient continent.

In the battle between Dao Ancestor Hongjun and Demon Ancestor Luohu, he helped Hongjun and together they killed more than a dozen innate gods and demons!

The rest of the gods and demons also died after the demon ancestor Luohu was killed by Hongjun.

After their fall, everything turned against the ancient continent, causing many miraculous creatures to appear on the ancient continent in a hundred years.

I don’t know how long it took, the sky opened in Zi, the earth opened in Chou, human beings came in Yin, heaven and earth reunited, and all things were born. Hundreds of tribes are prosperous, and all living things include animals and birds. The animals are represented by unicorns, and the birds are represented by phoenixes.

During this period, there were also dragon clans who relied on their tyrannical bodies to cause trouble everywhere. Phoenix and Qilin unite to fight against the Dragon Clan. Finally, seeing that the dragon clan was in decline, Zulong decided to fight to the death and started the last battle with Qilin and Phoenix. This battle was fought in darkness and darkness, and was extremely brutal. In the end, many of them died. The battle also affected a wide range of people. The prehistoric world was severely damaged, with no living beings left, and all kinds of ancient mythical beasts perished.

Ancestor Hongjun, who took the form of a cricket, referred to the Jade Disk of Creation and understood the Great Way of Creation from this calamity. Therefore, not long after the great catastrophe of the three clans, he spread his voice as a quasi-sage cultivator throughout the world, preaching about the Great Way of Heaven and Earth in the Zixiao Palace thirty-three days away!

At this point, various beings on the ancient continent rushed to Thirty-Three Outside.

Although they numbered in the tens of millions, the number of beings who finally arrived at Zixiao Palace was only three thousand.

And these three thousand people with great supernatural powers were called the Three Thousand Guests of Zixiao by later generations!

Among them, those who have become Daluo Jinxian by themselves are Nuwa, Sanqing, Ancestor Hongyun, Ancestor Kunpeng, Taoist Jie Yin, and Taoist Zhunti. These nine ancestors of Styx.

Therefore, only a few of them had the opportunity to enter the Zixiao Palace, and then they began to compete for seats.

There were only six futons in the palace, but there were nine people who came to the palace. Therefore, Sanqing took the first three positions, Hongyun and Kunpeng took two more, and Ancestor Minghe sat in the last position. .

However, the Zhunti brothers who arrived belatedly from the west missed their seats due to the long journey, and cried bitterly in front of all the powerful officials from the ancient times. Upon seeing this, Hongyun felt compassion, stood up and gave up her seat, and persuaded Kunpeng next to her to give up her seat as well.

Kunpeng knew that this man had an opportunity, so he refused to give in. But Yuanshi Tianzun scolded him from the side, saying that Kunpeng was just a beast with fur and eggs, and ordered him to get out of Zixiao Palace. Kunpeng wanted to resist, but was unable to defeat the power of Sanqing and had to give up his position. But in his heart, he secretly hated Ancestor Hongyun.

Immediately afterwards, Nuwa also came to the Zixiao Palace. Because she was a woman, Patriarch Hongyun once again persuaded the leader of the Styx River to give up his seat to Nuwa. Others also made noises, and the leader of the Styx River had no choice but to give up his seat to Nuwa. He gave up his seat and followed Patriarch Kunpeng to stand outside the palace.

When the seats were divided between Nuwa, Sanqing, Zhunti, and Jieyin, ancestor Hongjun finally appeared, and then said that Hongyun was destined to him and gave him another seat. He also said that the seven of them should be his disciples. Then he started to talk about the great road of creation and the method of quasi-sage!

Ancestor Kunpeng and Ancestor Minghe outside the palace became even angrier when they saw this, but Ancestor Hongjun was in the palace at this time, so they had no choice but to suppress their thoughts and concentrate on listening.

Soon, the first sermon ended, and the six powerful men left with satisfaction.

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