Unify all heavens

Chapter 813 The zombie god returns! (Down)

Prisoner of the Immortal Realm;

Among the huge blood-colored pillars rising into the sky, the huge skeleton with jade-like bones gradually became fuller under the spell of the great elder of the Corpse Mansion under the round platform, and dense purple tendons grew on the jade-like bones at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Immediately, flesh sprouts sprouted from the purple tendons, spreading, twisting, and covering the entire body.

Within a moment, its body was covered with bloody flesh, and then the granulation on its cheek spread into its empty eye sockets, growing into two round tumors.

The next moment, cracks appeared in the sarcoma, and a pair of eyes with indifference to everything in the world fell on the body of the great elder of the Corpse Mansion.

The Great Elder of the Corpse Mansion trembled all over when he felt the gaze from the skeleton, but he did not dare to stop. He could only continue to recite the incantation with deep fear, and at the same time hoped that Zombie God would pardon his death penalty because of his presiding over rebirth.

During his spell, on the flame-burning formation on the round platform, one after another, the inheritors of the purple coffins flew up uncontrollably and fell into the mouth of the Zombie God.

Each inheritor of the purple coffin can restore part of the Zombie God's strength.

Therefore, when all the seventy-two purple coffin inheritors on the round platform entered the mouth of Zombie God, his strength also returned to the realm of Daluo Jinxian!

At the same time, a layer of skin gradually grew on top of his bloody flesh.

Zhan Shen raised his hands to move, and then grabbed Xing Tian and Xia Geng and swallowed them into his mouth. Suddenly, his aura surged again!

At the same time, his towering body gradually shrank to the height of an ordinary person.

The bloody giant pillar also disappeared at this moment.

Zombie God did not come down from the stage, but moved his body. While getting familiar with it, he slowly spoke and said solemnly: "You did a good job! After rebuilding the Corpse Mansion, I will consider letting you become the Corpse Mansion." The master of the palace leads all the branch palaces in the world!"

After hearing the words, the great elder of Corpse Mansion immediately knelt down on the ground with great joy and said in a trembling voice: "How can I be so virtuous and capable as an old man?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhan Shen said indifferently: "If you don't want to, I will choose someone else!"

After the zombie myth fell, the great elder of the Corpse Mansion began to kowtow and said: "I will definitely live up to my master's trust!"


Zombie God sneered, and then looked at the vast sky, with deep fear in his eyes.

After he traveled to the world of Zhetian and provoked Ye Fan, his soul was dispersed and sealed by the ruthless emperor.

Thanks to the fact that his Seven Souls were at the pseudo-sage level, they did not disperse. Instead, they took away a monk and began to rebuild in the Zhetian World.

Just because of luck, he provoked Duan De, the Immortal Emperor, and the Wushi Emperor by various coincidences. Even Ye Fan was angered by him one after another, and then he was suppressed by the bosses of all parties. destroy.

Thinking of those dark days, Zhongshen couldn't help but take a deep breath and comfort himself secretly.

Finally home.

It was also at this time that he discovered that his realm was different from what he had planned. He immediately frowned and asked, "What was Li Qing's strength when he returned? Why does I feel that his cultivation has not changed."

After hearing these words, the Great Elder of Corpse Mansion was immediately frightened. Then he swallowed his saliva, and tremblingly told Zombie God about the fact that Li Qing had gone somewhere while leaning on the purple coffin.

After hearing this, Zombie God's face darkened, and then he waved to the Great Elder of Corpse Mansion who was kneeling under the round platform.

The next moment, this elder, whose cultivation was at the peak of the Mahayana stage, involuntarily flew in front of the God of Death and was grabbed by his neck.

Looking at the pale elder of the Corpse Mansion, Zombie smiled sinisterly and said in a cold voice: "If you can't handle such a small thing, what are you still doing alive?"

After saying that, with a 'bang' sound, the body of the great elder of Corpse Mansion exploded.

Broken meat and bones were splashed all over the floor.

Zombie God sneered, added some minced meat on his hands, and said solemnly: "Trash."

Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the spiritual energy was strangely rioting.

Immediately afterwards, a thunder was heard resounding across the sky.

Zombie God raised his head upon hearing the sound, a smile appeared on his lips, and said softly: "What a coincidence!"

When he finished speaking, he saw a flash of light surrounded by thunder and lightning appearing high in the sky.

The next moment, an extremely powerful and terrifying aura emanated from the light gate.

Zombie God's face suddenly darkened, and he said in surprise: "Is this a quasi-sage?"

As soon as he finished saying this, he saw a familiar figure slowly flying out of the light door.

In an instant, Zombie God's face turned livid, and without saying a word, he turned into a rainbow and fled towards the distance.

Although his cultivation has returned to the realm of pseudo-sage, his body is just like a mortal. It can be said that Li Qing only needs one slap to beat him into mincemeat.

Zombie God escaped with all his strength while cursing secretly in his heart with an ugly face.

"Damn it!"

"Why did he come back so quickly?"

"It only takes half a month!"

"It only takes half a month for this god to cultivate his body into a false saint!"

Just as he was cursing secretly, outside the light door above the round platform, Li Qing, who had returned from Fengyun World, slowly opened his eyes.

Then, when he subconsciously looked around, he suddenly discovered the rainbow light that had escaped thousands of miles away.

After feeling the familiar aura emanating from the rainbow light, a mocking smile instantly appeared on Li Qing's face, and then he softly said: "Long time no see! Zombie God!"

After his words, the air stopped flowing instantly, and the spiritual energy filling the world also stopped.

At this moment, time is stopped!

Then Li Qing spoke again and said softly: "Come back, come back."

The moment his words sounded, the void in front of Zombie God began to twist, and then time resumed passing, and Zombie God, without noticing, crashed into the distorted void in front of him.

When Zombie God reacted, he found that the space had become distorted, and then

Li Qing appeared a hundred meters away from him.

Suddenly, Zombie God's expression changed drastically, and he turned around and ran away again without hesitation.

But in an instant, the void in front of him distorted again.

When he shuttled out of the void, he found that he was back to his original position.

Li Qing sneered, waved to him, and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, old friend, why are you leaving in such a hurry!"

When he finished speaking, Zombie God was like the Great Elder of the Corpse Mansion before, losing control and flying towards Li Qing quickly.

When he finally stopped, his neck fell into Li Qing's hand.

Everything is so familiar.

Looking at Li Qing's sneer face, Zheng Shen was silent for a moment and slowly said, "Since I am in your hands, I have nothing to say!"

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