Unify all heavens

Chapter 812 The fallen leaves return to their roots! (Down)

After Li Qing saw Duan Lang's miserable appearance from his consciousness, he sneered and asked Xiong Ba.

"You said the Immortal God rebelled, but what about Duanlang? Did he rebel too?"

When Xiong Ba heard this, his heart suddenly trembled, and his forehead was instantly covered with a layer of frost.

He originally thought that the fear of Li Qing in his heart had disappeared. But at this moment, Li Qing just asked a casual question, and his heart was already shrouded in fear.

For a moment, Xiong Ba was in a state of confusion, silently guessing whether Li Qing knew something.

When he was silent, Li Qing snorted coldly, and then said: "It seems that I have been away for too long, and you, Xiongba, have forgotten who is the master of the Tianxiahui!"

When Xiong Ba heard this, his whole body began to tremble violently, and he said anxiously: "Subordinate. Subordinate"

He wanted to make up an excuse, but at this moment, his mind went blank. He just kept repeating, but he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Li Qing's face turned cold when he saw this, even though the zombies had no loyalty at all. But after all, the strong are respected, but how long has he been gone?

Xiongba actually had the courage to set up his own business, and even had the idea of ​​killing his master!

I think all the Immortal Gods, including Duan Lang, were all killed by Xiong Ba!

If he came back a few years later and allowed Xiongba to grow up for a few more years, wouldn't he also suffer?

When thinking of this, Li Qing couldn't help but narrowed his eyes, looking at Xiong Ba with a cold light, and then raised his head to glance at the dense group of zombie kings who had been motionless on the three-point training field until now.


"Xiongba, Xiongba, you are so brave!"

When he said this, Li Qing's face turned pale, and he stepped down hard!

In an instant, there was just a roar, and the whole world felt as if it had been hit by an earthquake, and the entire mountain peak shook violently.

Just when Xiongba was frightened, he saw that countless bottomless ravines suddenly opened up on the three-point teaching field with a radius of thousands of miles.

At the same time, countless buildings of the Tianxiahui collapsed under Li Qing's feet.

When Xiong Ba saw this, a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face.

Although he evolved into the Imperial Demon at all costs, he could not achieve the level of Li Qing's casual kick even if he tried his best.

At this time, when the entire Tianxiahui was filled with smoke and dust, the sky prison dozens of feet underground also collapsed.

Hearing the rumbling sound, Duan Lang, whose bones were broken, couldn't help but tremble.

He even showed an expression of excitement that could not be concealed and murmured: "My lord."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a wave of heat coming over him.

When he looked up, he saw dozens of green fire snakes swimming quickly through the gaps in the collapsed sky prison, melting all the cold iron chains tied to his body in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a powerful airflow from nowhere lifted him up, broke through countless rubbles, and flew out from the ground.

Xiong Ba originally had some hidden thoughts in his heart.

But at this moment, after seeing Li Qing almost destroying Tianxiahui with just a casual kick, and even using a method he couldn't understand to bring Duanlang out of the sky prison with his bones broken, Xiongba suddenly became disheartened. , knowing that his time has come.

And at this moment, Duan Lang was held up by the airflow on the ground beside Li Qing's feet, lying motionless.

Although his body could not move, Duan Lang's eyes were wide open, and as he opened and closed his lips, he roared in a hoarse voice: "My lord! Your lord! The ambition of a dominating wolf! I already have the intention of killing the Lord! Don't stay!" "

Li Qing nodded slowly when he heard the words, and at the same time looked at Xiong Ba, who was still kneeling on the ground, motionless, and said indifferently: "Xiong Ba, do you have anything to say?"

Xiongba lowered his head and remained silent, but his body was shaking even more.

Li Qing sneered when he saw this. As soon as he thought about it, he used the object control technique to restrain him, and then pulled him to float in front of him. He said solemnly: "Since I can cultivate you, I can also destroy you!"

After saying that, he bit Xiong Ba on the neck.

When a stream of pure corpse air passed between his lips and teeth, flowed through his throat, and began to blend into his body, Li Qing couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

And secretly guessed whether Xiongba had encountered any adventure, otherwise how could he evolve into an emperor in just a few decades? Li Qing could still understand if he became a king of zombies, or even a demon.

After all, he left Zombie God's nameless magic to Xiongba. He only needs to absorb more high-level zombies, and it is not difficult to become Drought Demon.

But Emperor Ba's realm is different. After all, Bao will live as an emperor for thousands of generations and become a jade for ten thousand years!

If you want to become an emperor, you need to accumulate a lot of mana!

Just when he thought of this, his whole body had become a skinny tyrant, but he thought angrily in his heart: "I have been in the world for decades and trained millions of zombie kings! In the end, it was all in vain. I only served as a bride for others. skirts!"

After Xiong Ba thought of this, the anger in his heart became more and more intense. He couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said: "I want him to work in vain. Apart from this skill, I can't get anything!"

After thinking about it, he didn't know where the strength came from. His eyes suddenly widened and he said with a ferocious face: "Disciples of the Tianxiahui, listen to the order! Tear this beast to pieces at any cost!"

After shouting these words, the last trace of cultivation in Xiongba's body was wiped out by Li Qingxiguang, and there was no breath in his entire body. At the same time, the zombie kings who had been motionless in the audience suddenly showed their fangs and roared ferociously.

Immediately, they swarmed forward and rushed towards Li Qing.

When Li Qing saw this scene, he shook his head and said, "How can ants shake a mountain?"

His face turned cold as he finished speaking, and he said solemnly: "It just so happens that I am about to make a breakthrough, so today I will use your cultivation to achieve my path to a quasi-sage!"

As he spoke, he suddenly opened his arms and used the object control technique with all his strength!

Suddenly, time seemed to stand still!

All the zombies that were about to approach him were restrained motionless in place!

Then, Li Qing grinned and said solemnly: "Explode!"

As soon as the words fell, all the Zombie Kings exploded, and instantly an extremely strong zombie aura surged up, permeating the entire Tianxiahui!

Li Qing opened his mouth, as if he had turned into a glutton, and with terrifying suction power, he began to absorb the corpse energy that filled the entire Tianxiahui!

As time passed, his aura became stronger and stronger!

Finally, a crisp sound like broken glass suddenly resounded throughout the entire Chinese continent!

The next moment, an earth-shattering terrifying aura emanated from Li Qing's body, dyeing the dark sea of ​​clouds covering the entire world blood red!

At this point, the entire world has been plunged into rich blood!

And this vision lasted for a full day and night before dissipating.

The terrifying aura in Li Qing's body was slowly absorbed into his body after one day and one night.

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