Unify all heavens

Chapter 799 Sun Wukong goes to Baihu Ridge three times, and Li Tianjun is forced out of seclusion! (

Since Zhen Yuanzi and Sun Wukong became brothers, Tang Sanzang and his group stayed in Wuzhuang Temple for seven or eight days before packing up and going down the mountain. Zhen Yuanzi even walked three to five miles before turning back to watch.

At this time, when it was noon, Tang Sanzang felt his mouth was dry and he couldn't help but said: "Wukong, go get some water from your luggage."

After hearing the words, Sun Wukong, who was walking with a stick in front, walked to Monk Sha, unpacked his luggage impatiently, looked at it for a while and raised his head and said: "Master, there is no water in the kettle. Why don't you rest here for a while, Old Sun Find some fruit to quench your thirst!”

Tang Sanzang nodded slowly, then got off the white horse with Zhu Bajie's support, and found a shady place to sit down.

Sun Wukong took the kettle and rose up into the clouds to watch the water source from a high altitude.

Suddenly, his eyes moved and he looked at a high mountain in the distance.

I saw overlapping peaks and rocks, surrounded by ravines and bays. One is a big python that sprays mist, and the other is a long snake that spits strange wind. There are many thorns beside the road, and the pines and nan on the mountain are beautiful. The top of the mountain was even covered with gloomy clouds, blocking out the scorching sun.

After seeing this familiar mountain scene, Sun Wukong couldn't help but sneer again and again and said: "Now that Old Sun has become friends with Zhen Yuanzi, even if Li Tianjun is still in the mountain, he has to respectfully call Old Sun "Master Uncle" when he sees him. ! Forget it, just go to his mountain to find some fruits!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew towards the top of the mountain.

In less than half a moment, Sun Wukong had arrived among the melancholy clouds on the top of the mountain, then fell down from the clouds and rushed straight into the White Tiger Cave.

Because Li Qing had given instructions long ago, even though the White Bone Demon knew that Tang Sanzang's master and disciples had arrived at the foot of the mountain, he did not transform into his own body to harm them. He just quietly retreated in the cave to avoid this disaster.

However, there is a saying that goes well: if people sit at home, disaster will come from heaven.

White Bone Demon never expected that even after she took the initiative to let Tang Sanzang go and retreat in the cave, disaster would come to her door.

Seeing Sun Wukong rushing into the cave with no courtesy at all, she stood up from the human skin and asked with a cold face: "What is Sun Dasheng doing here?"

Sun Wukong found a seat and sat down casually with a smile on his face, put the kettle on the table, and said, "Where is your Li Tianjun?"

The White-bone Demon said expressionlessly: "He has gone back to his cave to retreat! If the Great Sage has anything to do with him, just go to Corpse Mountain and Ghost Ridge to look for him!"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong said: "Since he is not here, go and find some mountain fruits and game for Lao Sun. Lao Sun is waiting here!"

After hearing this, the White-bone Demon laughed so hard that his branches trembled, and said: "Sun Wukong, considering that you were once a great sage of the demon clan, I will call you a great sage, but you don't want to be in my White Tiger Cave." I'm trying to play off your majesty as a great sage! If not, don't blame me for trying Tang Monk's meat!"

Sun Wukong seemed not to have heard these words, and there was no anger on his face. Instead, he smiled and said: "It's no better than before. Even your Li Tianjun didn't dare to be disrespectful in front of Lao Sun! If you picked wild fruits and game today, , Lao Sun will say a few nice words for you in front of your Li Tianjun, if you don’t pick it, then try Lao Sun’s methods!”

When he said this, he even crossed his legs and said: "To tell you the truth, even if Lao Sun beat you to death today, Li Qing would not dare to say 'no'!"

After hearing the words, the White Bone Demon couldn't help but feel suspicious in his heart, and said to himself: "Could it be that the Lord is in trouble? Or is there someone who wants to deal with him? Otherwise, how could this monkey make such a conclusion?"

As soon as she thought of this, she narrowed her eyes and said to herself: "That's all, just bear with him for a while. After he leaves, I will send a message to ask the Lord!"

Thinking of this, she walked down the steps with a cold face, took the kettle in front of Sun Wukong, turned into a demonic wind and left the cave, went to the mountain of Baihuling to find a spring to fill it up, and picked some from the mountainside. Mountain fruit.

Then he took these things back to the White Tiger Cave and handed them to Sun Wukong. He then said with a cold face: "The water is here and the fruit is here. You can go!"

Sun Wukong raised his hand to look at the fruits with a playful smile, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "You are a good monster. If I meet your Li Tianjun, I will definitely say something nice for you!"

After saying that, he picked up the mountain fruits and the kettle, turned into the wind and left.

The moment he left, the Bone Demon sat on the human leather chair and sent a message to Li Qing.

At the same time, a figure dressed in white and resembling an immortal descended from the sea of ​​clouds, stepped on the cliff of Lishan Mountain, and walked quickly into the hall.

Entering the hall, before she could speak, Old Mother Lishan, who was sitting cross-legged at the end of the hall, slowly said: "Suzhen is back."

Bai Suzhen bowed outside the palace and reported: "Master, Tang Sanzang and his disciples have left Wuzhuang Temple early this morning and are heading towards Baihu Ridge!"

After hearing these words, Old Mother Lishan slowly opened her eyes, then stood up, leaning on the newly made ebony staff and said: "In this case, you will guard the fairy mountain, and I will give some instructions to the monkey!"


Bai Suzhen bows respectfully.

And at the same time, at the foot of Baihu Ridge, Sun Wukong happily fell from the clouds, somersaulted in front of Tang Sanzang who was enjoying the cool under the tree, and said with a smile: "Master, please wait!"

After that, he picked a fruit from the fruit branch he was carrying along the way, wiped it on his chest, and handed it to Tang Sanzang.

Then he picked a fruit and ate it happily.

Just as he was finishing the fruit, he heard Monk Sha say: "Elder brother, look at the old man in front of you, could he be a goblin?"

Tang Sanzang, who was nibbling on the fruit, trembled when he heard these words. He raised his head and looked not far away. At the same time, Sun Wukong also raised his head.

Only Zhu Bajie continued to stuff fruit into his mouth.

He didn't know if it was because he hadn't touched a woman for a long time, but Zhu Bajie only felt that the fruit smelled like a girl, which made him feel itchy after eating it, like a cat scratching him.

Tang Sanzang and the others did not notice Zhu Bajie, who was getting more and more delicious as he ate, but looked up not far away.

At that moment, I saw an old man in luxurious clothes and kind eyes, coming with a hunched body and a stick.

When Tang Sanzang saw this old man, his face turned pale with fright, and he asked with trembling lips: "Disciples, there are no homes in the barren mountains and mountains, why is an old man here? Could it be that he is a monster?"

After hearing this, Sun Wukong chuckled and said, "Master, don't worry, I have Old Sun by your side!"

As he spoke, he stared at the old man with golden eyes and fiery eyes.

Because Li Qing's entrustment was a private matter, Old Mother Lishan had already lost all her glory when she arrived a few miles away.

After all, it’s better to do less than to do more.

What's more, if she doesn't hide her own light, as long as she gets close to Tang Sanzang's master and disciples, the protector Jialan who has been hiding beside them will report it to the Tathagata Buddha.

Therefore, when Sun Wukong stared with his fiery eyes, he could not see the true identity of Old Mother Lishan at all.

If he were an ordinary person, Sun Wukong could see through bones and internal organs at a glance.

He has always used this method to distinguish monsters and monsters.

But at this moment, when he looked at Old Mother Lishan, he found that his fiery eyes seemed to be blocked and he could not see anything.

Because of this, he became more vigilant in his heart and whispered: "Two junior brothers, take good care of the master. Lao Sun will go meet her for a while!"

I'm in a bad mood today. I racked my brains and wrote all night, but I only managed to write this chapter. New books are automatically released and updated as soon as possible. . . . good night everybody. .

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