Unify all heavens

Chapter 798 Sun Xingzhe made a big fuss in Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi plotted against Guanyin! (en

"If you want to cure the tree in Wuzhuang Guanzhong, do you need to go to the depths of the South China Sea to find it?"

Sun Wukong clutched this post as if he had found a treasure. After reciting it several times, his eyes widened. He immediately bid farewell to Patriarch Bodhi and went to the vast South China Sea through the clouds.

Let's talk about Wuzhuang Temple. Zhen Yuanzi had just welcomed the three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity. Before he had tea, he welcomed Emperor Donghua. After a while, even the nine elders of Yingzhou came to visit.

Even at the beginning of the world, when Zhen Yuanzi was a guest in Zixiao Palace, he had never seen so many immortals in his view.

For a time, the disciples in Wuzhuang Temple were so busy that they were sweating profusely.

Because Tang Sanzang was the reincarnation of Jin Chan, when Zhen Yuanzi was chatting and laughing with these immortals, he was also destined to participate.

When they were chatting and laughing about Buddhism, they suddenly saw Sun Wukong pressing his head on the cloud and shouting: "The Bodhisattva is here!"

Zhen Yuanzi and all the immortals looked at each other, each put on an incomprehensible smile, slowly stood up, and together with Tang Sanzang's master and disciple, came out of the hall to greet him.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva descended from the auspicious cloud, first bowed to Zhen Yuanzi, and then bowed to Sanxing.

After sitting down after the ceremony, Sun Wukong led Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha to come forward and worship Guanyin.

After paying homage, Sun Wukong smiled at Zhen Yuanzi and said, "Don't hesitate, Immortal. Arrange the incense table as soon as possible and ask the Bodhisattva to plant those fruit trees for you!"

Zhen Yuanzi nodded with a smile and immediately asked Guanyin Bodhisattva and other immortals to move to the back garden to watch.

When they came to the back garden, they saw only the remains of fruit trees all over the ground, and not even a single intact branch or leaf could be found.

They looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva and many immortals and shook their heads.

Sun Wukong stared with astonishment on his face.

He remembered that he just knocked down the fruit tree, but why did it look like this at this moment?

But before he could speak and ask, Zhen Yuanzi had already smiled and said to Guanyin Bodhisattva: "Now I'm bothering Bodhisattva!"

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva quickly returned the gift and said: "Tang Monk is a disciple of my Buddha. If he gets into trouble, it is the Buddha's responsibility. There is no need for great immortals to be polite!"

After saying that, he glared at Sun Wukong and said, "Reach forward."

When Sun Wukong heard this, he stretched out his left hand. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva took out the willow branch from the jade bottle, dipped it in the three-light sacred water in the bottle, drew a symbol of spring in his hand, and taught him to place it in the tree pit.

Sun Wukong immediately clenched his fist and placed it in the tree pit. In an instant, he saw a clear spring gushing out.

Immediately, pieces of broken leaves, branches, and broken roots were seen floating up from the earth, and merged into a whole in the clear spring.

At this time, Zhen Yuanzi thought to himself: "Now that the saint is not here, old friend Hongyun is possessing Ancestor Minghe again. They must not be able to tell the truth, but the Antarctic Immortal is here, so you need to be careful about everything! "

As soon as he thought this in his mind, a quasi-sage aura suddenly erupted from his body, like a volcano erupting, snow mountains collapsing, and the sky collapsing.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, Emperor Donghua, Fulu Erxing, Yingzhou Nine Elders, and Tang Sanzang, who had not expected all this, were all blown away by the powerful momentum in the Wuzhuang Temple in an instant. Only the quasi-sage Only the Antarctic Immortal could withstand this momentum.

Almost at the same time that Zhen Yuanzi exploded with quasi-holy aura, Hongyun Patriarch hidden in the ginseng fruit tree also erupted with his own aura after the Sanguang Divine Water penetrated into his body and began to repair his soul!

However, firstly, he was still in a coma, and secondly, his strength had not yet returned to its peak. Therefore, although he burst out with momentum, the fluctuations in his mana were tightly covered by Zhen Yuanzi, and not a trace was leaked.

Even the Antarctic Immortal, who was standing next to Zhen Yuanzi with a face full of surprise and uncertainty, did not notice the aura of Ancestor Hongyun.

In mid-air, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Emperor Donghua managed to stabilize their bodies. After reuniting with the immortals, they stopped in the clouds and looked at the Wuzhuang Temple not far away with shocked faces!

At this moment, I saw auspicious clouds three thousand feet above Wuzhuang Temple, stacked up in layers, and colorful rays of light shrouded the entire Longevity Mountain.

When Sun Wukong saw this, he felt frightened. Secretly said: "It's such a risk, I didn't expect that this old Taoist priest really has some tricks, and he is no worse than the ancestor. If Lao Sun had offended him more seriously that day, I'm afraid the ancestor would have to go to Wuzhuang to watch in person, so that he could be punished. Save me, Lao Sun!"

Just when he was thinking of this, he only heard Guanyin Bodhisattva say quietly: "Wukong, do you know the strength of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal now?"

When Guanyin Bodhisattva was speaking, the other immortals also looked at Sun Wukong with unkind expressions.

If it weren't for Sun Wukong, why would they come to Longevity Mountain? How could there be such a shameful scene now?

You must know that although these immortal families are not as famous as Guanyin Bodhisattva, they have existed since ancient times. Even during the Conferred God War, none of them were blown away for several miles with just their momentum like they are today!

Today's scene can be regarded as a dark history for them.

When they were thinking about this, Sun Wukong changed his usual unruly attitude and lowered his eyebrows and said: "I know, I know! Disciples don't dare to act arrogantly anymore!"

At the same time, in the Wuzhuang Temple, the Antarctic Immortal frowned and looked at Zhen Yuanzi, who had his eyes closed, as if he had understood some great way, and said secretly: "Could it be that the Immortal Zhenyuan really rose from the dead and came back to life from the ginseng fruit tree?" What did you realize during this time?”

Little did he know that Zhen Yuanzi pretended to close his eyes because he was worried that the Antarctic Immortal would ask him.

However, although Zhen Yuanzi closed his eyes, his consciousness was always paying attention to the ancestor Hongyun in the ginseng fruit tree.

In his attention, the sleeping Ancestor Styx was now shrouded in red light, and the aura belonging to Ancestor Hongyun gradually increased from the body of Ancestor Styx.

Zhen Yuanzi stood motionless for six or seven hours, and the Antarctic Immortal also stood with him for six or seven hours. As time went by, the Antarctic Immortal became more and more suspicious.

The reason was that he actually detected another momentum from the momentum that Zhen Yuanzi erupted. Although that momentum was weak, it could be considered to be about to break through to the Quasi-Sage and was at the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

Involuntarily, the Antarctic Immortal was secretly doubtful and thought: "Could this scene in front of me have some other plans?"

After thinking about it, he subconsciously narrowed his eyes, preparing to seriously feel the strange aura.

But at this moment, Zhen Yuanzi put away all his momentum.

And at the same time, Ancestor Hongyun, who was hidden in the ginseng fruit tree, also put away his own aura, so that even the Antarctic immortals had not had time to sense it.

In the distance, after seeing the auspicious clouds above the Wuzhuang Temple begin to dissipate, Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and the other immortals returned on clouds. Sun Wukong also hurriedly went down the mountain to lead Tang Sanzang up the mountain to enter the temple.

When they entered the Wuzhuang Temple, they saw that Zhen Yuanzi had already prepared the incense case and was apologizing to Guanyin and the immortals: "To be honest with you, when I saw the ginseng fruit tree come back to life, I suddenly had an epiphany. So I bumped into everyone, I hope you don't mind!"

After that, he ordered Qingfeng Mingyue to go to the back garden to pick ginseng fruits and share them with the immortals.

Later, under the witness of all the immortals, he befriended Sun Wukong eight times and fulfilled his oath.

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