Unify all heavens

Chapter 763 Buddhism spreads eastward! (superior)

After the words "Tongtian Cult Leader" fell, his eyes narrowed. Before the Tathagata Buddha kneeling in front of him could react, he blasted the tower more than 9,800 feet high with an aura that was as shocking as the might of heaven. On Tathagata Buddha.


In an instant, the Tathagata Buddha who was kneeling on the ground opened his eyes wide with shock, and opened his mouth to say something more. Unfortunately, he only had time to say one word before he was struck by this earth-shaking terror. The momentum flew away directly, rolling in the air and disappearing!

High in the sky, the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng, who had not dared to move since the projection of Tongtian Cult Leader, appeared. When he saw the Tathagata Buddha, who was a quasi-sage, he did not even have the strength to resist, and was overwhelmed by the aura emanating from the projection of Tongtian Cult Leader. After blasting away, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face, and he murmured subconsciously: "How is this possible? Could it be that the Sage of the Supreme Purity is about to return?"

If the leader of Tongtian Cult below is not a projection, but the real body of the saint, the Randen Ancient Buddha will not be like this after seeing this scene.

After all, if the true form of the saint appears, no matter what happens, it will be natural.

But the problem lies in the fact that the Lord Tongtian below is not the true body of the saint, but only the projection of the saint!

In his understanding, since it is a projection, it should have no strength.

But what happened at this moment made him frown deeply.

At this time, the leader of Tongtian Cult looked at the Mosquito Taoist who was unable to move due to the pressure of the saint's aura.

At that moment, he could only see the corner of his mouth raised slightly as he sneered: "Innate gods and demons? Ha."

With a sneer, he gently waved his sleeves to create a strange wind, blowing the immobile Mosquito Taoist towards the large pit where Li Qing was.

This strange wind was very strange. While the mosquitoes were still flying upside down, the seven souls had been annihilated in the wind, leaving only three souls. The body like an empty shell fell into the big pit in the wind, lightly It landed lightly on Li Qing's chest.

After all this was done, Master Tongtian slowly looked at Old Mother Lishan who was kneeling on the ground.

Her eyes were red, and she seemed extremely sad. Then under the gaze of the Tongtian Cult Master, she said softly: "Disciple, pay homage to the Master!"

The translucent Tongtian Cult Master nodded slowly, then shook his head with a complicated expression and sighed softly, and stepped into the painting.

But the next moment he walked into the painting, a pair of eyes looked at the sky shrouded in black air, and then he slowly closed his eyes with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

At this moment, I saw that the picture of Lord Tongtian on the scroll became much blurred, as if the image drawn in ink had been splashed with water.

Immediately, as if losing the power of support, it swayed and fell like a fallen leaf, and was held by Old Mother Lishan's hands.

Looking at the blurred portrait on the scroll, Old Mother Lishan rolled up the scroll with a complicated expression, carefully placed it in her arms, and then stood up with a sigh.

In fact, the portraits and scrolls are ordinary, but they have a trace of the consciousness of the leader of Tongtian.

This is also the last trump card left by Tongtian Cult Leader to Jie Jiao!

But after today, this trump card can only be used once again, and the leader of Tongtian Cult painted on the scroll will be scattered with the wind.

High in the sky, the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng saw that the figure of the Tongtian Cult Leader painted on the scroll had become much more unreal. The expression on his face suddenly changed unpredictably, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"Amitabha, it turns out that the Holy Saint of Supreme Purity was born from the will in the painting!"

After he murmured these words, he couldn't help but look back in the direction of Lingshan. He shook his head and said secretly: "From the old monk's perspective, the saint in the painting must not exist long enough. If the Buddha left the moment the saint's will appeared, how could he end up like this?"

At this thought, he couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

Then he looked at Old Mother Lishan, who was staggering toward the pit where Li Qing was on crutches, with a look of struggle on her face.

Now Lishan's mother is still seriously injured, Zhen Yuanzi has severed the relationship with Li Qing's master and apprentice, and both Li Qing and Zhen Yuanzi are seriously injured and unconscious. If he takes action at this moment, he will definitely destroy Li Qing in one fell swoop!

After all, Li Qing's ability to almost ignore the Dharma really frightens him!

At this moment, Li Qing was just a Nine Heavens Immortal, so he could ignore the Buddha's will on the golden bowl and easily pick it up and use it to attack others.

If Li Qing takes a step forward, wouldn't he become Lingshan's formidable enemy?

But when this idea emerged in his mind, the sight of Lord Tongtian entering the painting frightened him.

He was hidden in the void at the moment, because he was too far away from the ground, and even Old Mother Lishan couldn't detect his aura.

But the glance from Master Tongtian directly saw through the void and landed on him.

Thinking of Master Tongtian's dull eyes that seemed to be able to see through Yijie, Randen Ancient Buddha finally suppressed the thoughts in his heart, and sighed with a complicated expression: "A saint can look back on the past and present with his thoughts. Maybe the old monk will take action against the corpse demon king at this moment. The sage has already planned this idea! That’s all, let’s drink Meng Po soup and enter reincarnation!”

As soon as he finished speaking, without the knowledge of Old Mother Lishan, he thought about the direction of Naihe Bridge and left from the void.

At the same time, Mother Lishan had also rescued Li Qing from the trap, and took Sanxiao and the Golden Spirit Virgin Mary, who were also unconscious, to leave the Netherworld and return to Lishan.

It wasn't until the third day after Lishan's mother left that Zhen Yuanzi finally woke up.

The first time he opened his eyes, he looked at his sleeves anxiously.

After seeing the intact porcelain bottle, Zhen Yuanzi relaxed and then lifted up and flew up.

At the moment, all I could see was that what was originally a 90,000-mile sea of ​​​​blood below had now become the bottom of a deep valley, which had become pitted.

Suddenly, Zhen Yuanzi's face turned ashen.

After gritting his teeth and saying, "Evil obstacle!", he flew towards the big pit where Ancestor Hongyun was.

In the pit, the body of Patriarch Styx lay quietly at the bottom of the pit, his face sometimes turning black and sometimes red.

Zhen Yuanzi suppressed the anger in his heart and secretly said with a look of joy in his eyes: "My friend Hongyun is truly worthy of the name of the Immortal of Fortune!"

He originally thought that Patriarch Hongyun would burn his remnant soul to fight against Patriarch Styx, whose soul was sleeping, and would not last long before passing away in the wind, but he did not expect that the remnant soul of Patriarch Hongyun had not disappeared until now.

"It's really God who helps!"

At that moment, he murmured softly, fell and flew into the valley bottom, landing next to Ancestor Styx. Then he opened the porcelain bottle in his hand and sprinkled the three-light divine water on the body of the Ancestor Styx.

The divine water was turquoise in color, and the moment it dripped onto the body of Ancestor Styx, it seeped into it.

Suddenly, among the black and red colors on Ancestor Styx's face, the red became more powerful, suppressing the black on the left side of his cheek, like a birthmark.

Seeing this, Zhen Yuanzi nodded slowly, stroking his beard and sighed: "From this situation, the Sanguang Divine Fruit is really the holy water that repairs the soul. It's just that while Hongyun got the benefits, Styx also got some divine water!"

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