Unify all heavens

Chapter 762 Get out!

"The demon is the god of drought, he lives for thousands of generations as the emperor, and he lives for thousands of years as the dragon! When it transforms into the dragon, it screams with strange sounds, and after three leaps and three jumps, it turns into a beast!"

"My body changed from extremely yin and filthy to extremely yang and strong. From then on, I drank the essence of the sun, swallowed the brilliance of the moon, and fed on dragons and phoenixes!"

"When you stand still, you can exorcise evil spirits and block evil spirits. You can turn yin into yang and yang into yin!"

"You can fight the gods when you set off!"

Looking at Li Qing's intimidating towering body and a pair of eyes that were like blood moons, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but have records about Jian emerge in his mind.

Logically speaking, since Jian is in the Great Luo Jin Fairyland, Zhen Yuanzi shouldn't have a look of horror on his face.

What's more, he is fully aware of all Li Qing's methods!


There was something wrong with the aura that Li Qing was exuding at this moment!

For a moment, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and subconsciously took a few steps back with a solemn expression.

He had met the Jin Guangxian who was his former disciple a few times, so he also knew a lot about the mythical beast like the Jie.

Moreover, Jin Guangxian once told him that there are three grades of Jian, the lower grade is completely black, extremely evil, extremely yin, and violent in nature. The middle grade is made entirely of silver, good at changing, charming the heart. The top grade is made of gold, extremely yang and strong, and has a violent temper!

As for Jin Guangxian, he is the top grade among the beasts, and his name is Golden Hair Roar!

Therefore, his magical powers are powerful, and his strength is no less than that of several direct disciples of Lord Tongtian!

It's just that Jin Guangxian was subdued by Taoist Cihang in the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, and then lost his mind and became a mount!

If not, the current Golden Light Immortal’s cultivation level would be no less than that of the Antarctic Immortal!

But seeing Li Qing's appearance at this moment, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but doubt everything Jin Maoxuan said to him!

If his whole body was made of gold and he was of the highest grade, then why did Li Qing make him feel so frightened at this moment?

Just when he was thinking of this, Li Qing's transformation had ended and he became a man with a mouth like a dog, horns like a deer, a head like a camel, ears like a rabbit, eyes like a shrimp, hair like a lion, a neck like a snake, a belly like a mirage, and scales like a mirage. Carp, a mythical beast with front claws like an eagle and back claws like a tiger!

The next moment the change ended, Li Qing's blood-red eyes suddenly glowed red, and then he quickly raised his left paw and took a photo of Zhen Yuanzi's position!

Before the claws fall, the sound of thunder rises! After Zhen Yuanzi heard the sound, he hurriedly stepped back.

However, before he landed, Li Qing's raised right paw appeared silently behind him.

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked when he saw this and quickly held up Lichen!

At the same time, the claws that were comparable to a hundred-foot mountain suddenly hit the lichen that was like a yellow light shield.

At that moment, I heard a deafening "boom" sound.

At this moment, the entire mask was covered with water-like ripples, and was directly embedded deeply into the ground by a huge force!

At the same time, the terrifying aftermath penetrated the lichen and shocked Zhen Yuanzi, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood mist with a 'pop' sound!

"This evil"

Zhen Yuanzi's face was gloomy and he only said three words before he coughed violently.

And at this moment, Li Qing, who had turned into a beast, raised his head and roared, and then dropped a claw!

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked when he saw this. He quickly mobilized all his cultivation and instilled it on the book in his arms, causing the lichen to emit a yellow light full of thick clothes!

This light is three inches thick! The Tathagata Buddha in the sky couldn't help but look sideways, and even sighed secretly: "It is indeed a book from the ground that is said to have unparalleled defense. Even I can't break through this light!"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Li Qing's giant claw covered with black hair suddenly fell down!





After dozens of pats in a row, Li Qing slowly raised his left paw.

And when he raised his left paw, a huge pit had formed on the ground where Zhen Yuanzi was.

Looking at Zhen Yuanzi again, he has closed his eyes and is motionless.

The lichen, which was said to be able to withstand the saint's attack, broke at some point, causing Zhen Yuanzi to be attacked forcibly more than ten times, and finally reached the current state.

If it weren't for the heaving of his chest, Tathagata Buddha sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform in the sky would have thought that the ancestor of the earthly immortals had died!

Even so, Tathagata Buddha, whose face had always been calm, had an incredible look on his face at this moment!

The shield that was said to be able to withstand the saint's attack was shattered by the sword transformed by Li Qing without him even noticing?

Unknowingly, Tathagata Buddha had narrowed his eyes without even noticing it.

As if facing a formidable enemy, he secretly said in his heart: "This guy has become a disaster!"

As soon as he finished speaking in his heart, his eyes suddenly opened wide, and he shouted in a loud voice with fear on his face: "Stop it!"

As soon as he spoke, his palm turned into a sacred mountain covered with colorful light, and it crashed down from top to bottom like Mount Tai!

And just below the mountain fell, Li Qing's eyes were shining with scarlet color, and the claws like a mountain pinched the seriously injured Zhen Yuanzi who was unconscious, and sent him to the bloody mouth full of blades!

Just like Tathagata Buddha has no doubt that Jian's stomach is enough to digest a quasi-sage, he also believes that if Zhen Yuanzi falls, the way of heaven will definitely appear!

At that time, because he witnessed the fall of the quasi-sage without helping him, he will definitely be severely punished by heaven!

Because of this, when he saw the scene where Li Qing was about to swallow Zhen Yuanzi into his belly, his hair almost stood up, and he used the Five Elements Suppression Technique without hesitation!

The power of this magical power is enough to suppress all beings under the quasi-sage!

Just when Tathagata Buddha breathed a sigh of relief, Li Qing, who was directly under the Five Elements Peak, slowly raised his head, and then his scarlet eyes narrowed slightly. With a roar, his right paw also fell towards the top of his head, which was less than five feet away. The five elements peaks of the land waved over.

In an instant, only a roaring sound was heard.

Then, the Five Elements Mountain Peak, which was said to be able to suppress all beings under the Quasi-Sage, turned into pieces of rubble under Li Qing's claws, slamming to the ground.

"What a bastard!"

Lord Tathagata Buddha's eyes widened when he saw this, and he said something with astonishment on his face, and then he jumped down from the lotus platform, and the golden light on his body instantly shone!

In the vast golden light like the sea, I saw his figure skyrocketing every second!

In just the blink of an eye, it turned into a golden Buddha more than 98,000 feet tall!

Then he swung his fist towards Li Qing, who was the same height and size as him.

It just so happened that when Li Qing, who had transformed into a dragon, waved his claws to attack, his majestic body seemed to be deflated. In a few breaths, it shrank to its original appearance. His face was as pale as paper and he collapsed on the ground, falling directly into a deep sleep. .

Therefore, Tathagata Buddha's heavy fist hit Li Qing without any hindrance.


Following a huge sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking, the place where Li Qing lay turned into a huge pit that was hundreds of feet in diameter and bottomless.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that Old Mother Lishan, who had just recovered from her cultivation and walked out of the killing array with a stick, saw this scene.

Mother Lishan, who originally had a faint smile on her face, turned livid in an instant. She gritted her teeth and said, "You are a quasi-sage, but you can do such a cruel thing, but do you think there is no one who deceives me?"

Tathagata Buddha, who was slowly raising his fist, suddenly changed his face after hearing what Mother Lishan said!

But before he could speak, the livid-faced Old Mother Lishan had already taken out a simple scroll from her arms, then threw the scroll forward, and then prostrated on the ground, her voice was extremely sad. , his expression was extremely bitter, and his lips trembled as he said: "This disciple is guilty and failed to protect the deputy leader of our religion. I beg the saint to come forward and uphold justice!!!"

The next moment her voice sounded, Tathagata Buddha, who had already opened his lips and was about to speak, changed his expression drastically.

At the same time, the huge Netherworld suddenly became silent!

Then, illusory golden lotuses floated up from the ground, and then a middle-aged man wearing a dark robe with waist-length hair slowly walked out of the unfolded scroll.

It was the leader of Tongtian who was imprisoned in Zixiao Palace by Taozu!

When Tathagata Buddha saw the figure of the Tongtian Cult Leader, his face that was made of gold turned pale in an instant, and his body of more than 9,800 feet hurriedly knelt down on the ground, causing the underworld to be shocked.

"Meet the Sage of Supreme Purity!"

When these six words came out of his mouth tremblingly, the plain-faced Master Tongtian also slowly opened his eyes.

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on the grief-stricken Old Mother Lishan, as well as the severely injured and comatose Madonna Jinling, Sanxiao, and Zhen Yuanzi not far away. Finally, he looked at the pit in the distance, struggling to seize the body. Enter the remnant soul of Ancestor He, Hongyun.

He is just a projection of the saint, and his real body is imprisoned in Zixiao Palace, so he cannot know everything and can only make decisions based on the current situation.

And the scene in front of him, in the eyes of the projection of Tongtian Cult Master, was when Patriarch Hongyun was seizing the body of Patriarch Minghe, Tathagata suddenly took action, and then Zhen Yuanzi stepped forward to stop him, but was beaten until he was seriously injured and fell into coma. Qing then took action, but was also beaten unconscious by Tathagata. Jin Ling Shengsheng and Sanxiao were also seriously injured as a result. Mother Lishan was forced to call him here.

As soon as he thought of this, the face of Tongtian Cult Master turned gloomy, and then he looked at the trembling Tathagata Buddha and sneered: "Are you trying to bully me into teaching others?"

"Holy, holy man, please listen to my explanation."

Tathagata Buddha was frightened when he heard this and hurriedly wanted to explain.

But before he finished speaking, the leader of Tongtian Cult had already said in a cold voice: "I have written down what happened today. I will go to Lingshan to ask for advice in person in the future, and I will repay you with the lives of three thousand Buddhas in Lingshan! Today you and Leave! If you stay in this world for even a moment, don’t blame me for using the big one to bully the small ones and kill you! There will be no more ancestors of ten thousand Buddhas in your Western religion for ten thousand years!"

After Tathagata Buddha heard this, his towering body of more than 9,800 feet trembled, and he kowtowed hurriedly: "Sage, calm down, please listen to my explanation. I can explain it clearly!"

Tongtian Cult Leader narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and said in a cold voice: "Get out!"

What the leader of Tongtian Cult said was truly terrifying, how could he dare to leave just like that? After all, his leaving would be equivalent to ruining the lives of three thousand Buddhas in Lingshan Mountain!

At this moment, even though he was frightened in his heart, Tathagata Buddha gritted his teeth and said: "Sage, please."

Before he could finish speaking, the leader of Tongtian Cult suddenly burst out with an aura that reached heaven and earth!

In an instant, the entire underworld started to tremble with rumbles.

In front of the Yin Division Hall, ten palaces of Yama, thousands of Yin gods, and millions of evil ghosts were all suppressed to the ground by this aura!

Then, the leader of Tongtian Cult showed anger, and said slowly with an extremely gloomy face: "I say, get out!"

A chapter of 3,200 words

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