Unify all heavens

Chapter 721 Black Lotus appears!

The howling wind stirred up the dark clouds high in the sky, causing rumbles of thunder.

As the world flickered between light and darkness, Li Qing seemed to be exhausted, floating quietly in the air.

Under his feet was the turbid black sea mixed with blood.

As the waves rolled, corpses floated in the sea, rolling with the waves and sinking.

At the bottom of the Beiming Sea, the voice of Patriarch Kunpeng reciting the Huangting Sutra gradually became quieter at some unknown time.


He also felt that Li Qing was about to be in disaster, so he divided his attention into several parts.

Go through the sea water and watch quietly.

In fact, not only was the world flickering brightly and darkly at this moment, but Li Qing's eyes were also between light and dark, with a hint of struggle flashing from time to time.

Although his three souls were severely damaged, they have been recovering slowly.

Subconsciously, Li Qing knew that he had caused a huge disaster, but his body was dominated by the Seven Souls, so although he wanted to stop it, he was powerless.

Real zombies have souls but no souls. They absorb bad luck, resentment, and hatred between heaven and earth to grow. Therefore, the higher the level of zombies, the more violent and lawless their personalities are. If there were not three souls to tie them down at this moment, his body would be like this. The body temporarily dominated by the Seven Spirits will, after killing the five hundred Arhats, follow the source of their aura and go to the Great Thunder Sound Temple in the West to cause massacres! Or, follow their aura and make a big fuss in Jiu Nether Mansion until someone powerful can suppress it!

Just like at this moment, Li Qing tried his best to prevent his seven souls from going to the Great Leiyin Temple in the West to kill!

He knew that if he went to Daleiyin Temple, he would never be able to come out again, and he would also bring trouble to the Jiejiao!

Therefore, even if he tried his best to keep the three souls silent, he tried his best to stop the thoughts of the seven souls.

At this time, in the dark sky, several thunder dragons shuttled and collided, causing the sea and sky to suddenly light up, followed by a loud roar!


Amidst the thunder that shook the sky, a spinning black lotus came out of the void and floated above Li Qing's head. Then a black light beam that was narrow at the top and wide at the bottom appeared from the bottom of the black lotus, shrouding Li Qing inside.

In an instant, Li Qing disappeared into the black light.

At the same time, a black-robed man with black hair and a calm face walked out of the black beam of light and floated quietly on the place where Li Qing was standing. Then he raised his sleeves and gathered the evil spirit, filth and anger in the sky on his sleeves. Inside, he looked down at the body of the Arhat floating in the waves on the sea, and murmured softly: "If he hadn't been accepted as a disciple by the saint, he would have happened to be my protector!"

Just as he was speaking, as the black clouds dispersed, the blood energy soaring into the sky shook the three realms, attracting the attention of countless beings here!

In the Daleiyin Temple, Lord Maitreya Buddha is sitting on the lotus throne, holding an alms bowl in his hand, with a very cold smile on his face, and said solemnly to the boundless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas below: "Five hundred Arhats have passed away, you all follow me. Capture that devil!"

The Buddhas and Bodhisattvas below heard the words and chanted in unison: "Namo Amitabha!"

When they finished speaking, Lord Maitreya Buddha on the lotus throne had disappeared.

At the same time, these Bodhisattvas and Arhats in the Mahavira Hall also transformed into the light of Buddha and disappeared!


In the Tongming Hall;

The Jade Emperor was sitting behind the case behind the curtain, listening to the fairy music and half-squinting his eyes.

Beside him stood the four great heavenly masters including Zhang Daoling, Ge Xianweng, Xu Jingyang, and Qiu Hongji.

On the dance floor, several fairies were dancing gracefully.

The originally peaceful scene of the fairy family was broken at this moment.

I saw Taibai Jinxing walking in with a serious face, bending down and reporting to the Jade Emperor who was fascinated by the fairy music: "Your Majesty, the blood in the sky above Beiming is full of blood, and the corpses of five hundred Arhats are floating in Beiming! "

The moment his voice fell, the Jade Emperor suddenly opened his eyes, his face became cold, and he waved his hand to signal the fairy below to retreat, and then said: "Xuan Qianli Eyes and Feng Er Er go to the palace!"


Taibai Jinxing responded softly, and then left the palace to announce the decree.

At the same time, outside the Tongming Hall, a golden-armored god came into the hall to report, "Your Majesty, I am asking for an audience with the alien planet!"

The Jade Emperor nodded when he heard this, but his heart was full of surprise.

Then I saw the alien star Yu Zhi enter the temple with a gloomy face. After the worship, he bowed and said: "To the Jade Emperor, the innate Dou Grandma Purple Light Golden Lord Moli Haotian Great Sage Yuanming Dao Grandma Yuan Zun died earlier, and her soul has returned. List of Gods!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Jade Emperor's face changed suddenly, he sat upright suddenly, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Declare the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gangs, and the Seventy-two Earthly Demons come to the temple!"

After that, he thought to himself: "There must be a connection between the corpses of the five hundred Arhats floating in the North Ming Dynasty and the death of Lord Doumu Yuanjun!"

At the same time, the four heavenly masters looked at each other, only to find that the other person's face was completely gloomy at this time.

They were wondering if there was a hand behind the scenes that was pushing for a war between the Great Leiyin Temple in the West and the Heavenly Court!

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that the Five Hundred Arhats would die at the same time as Lord Doumu Yuanjun!

The Five Hundred Arhats have a low but indispensable status in the Great Leiyin Temple of the West. They are almost the foundation of the Leiyin Temple!

In the same way, although Doumu Yuanjun has always been on the periphery of the power of heaven, her status can never be shaken, because she is a direct disciple of Sage Shangqing, and she is also the mother of the stars, in charge of the Thirty-Six Tiangang and the The seventy-two earth evil spirits are the head of the stars!

And how could such a great man fall silently?

When thinking of this, the four heavenly masters looked at each other.

If this matter is not handled properly today, then heaven will usher in a catastrophe!

After all, Jiejiao has great power, and if someone turns against him because of this matter, then there will be a real riot in heaven!

In history, the Heavenly Court has experienced many "havoc in the Heavenly Palace", but the protagonists of these "havoc in the Heavenly Palace" have never shaken the Heavenly Court. Even Qi, who is currently suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain and is known as the "rascal in the Heavenly Palace". The Great Sage Tian, ​​more than a hundred years ago, was stopped by the Protector God just outside the Tongming Hall. Not to mention making a big fuss in the Lingxiao Palace, the Monkey King was surrendered before he even managed to break in from outside the Tongming Palace!

Just a few protector gods captured him, and it was turned to Lord Buddha Tathagata of the West to suppress him!

But things are different now, because every immortal god in Jiejiao is a person of great power!

If they unite, the Three Realms will be shaken, and even Heaven will be overthrown!

Just when they were thinking of this, the Buddhas of the Western Heaven were also welcomed in the sky above Beiming!

Since Wutian appeared, he has not moved and has been quietly suspended in the sky above Beiming, waiting for the arrival of the Buddhas.

Fortunately, he didn't wait long before he saw the sky above covered by an auspicious light.

Then Lord Maitreya Buddha, who was ten thousand feet tall, sat upright in the clouds with a faint smile on his face and said: "Namo Amitabha!"

When he finished speaking, the Buddha's light behind him shone everywhere, illuminating the entire Beiming City with golden light.

Then one after another Bodhisattvas and Buddhas appeared.

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