Unify all heavens

Chapter 720 Thousand-Year Promise!

It wasn't until Old Mother Lishan walked out of the temple on crutches and looked at the sky with a calm face that the Golden Spirit Mother and the others came to their senses.

"Dignified guest?"

There were big question marks in their minds and they looked at each other. Then they walked out of the hall in small groups and then looked up.

For them, only a few saints can be called "noble". Apart from that, there is no one in the Three Realms who can be called "noble" when the disciples of Jiejiao gather together. 'Character!

Just when they thought of this, they saw a strange black and purple wind coming from the horizon and descending on Lishan Mountain in the blink of an eye.

Then, a figure with black hair shawl, a calm expression, and a black robe dragging on the ground appeared out of thin air a few feet away from Old Mother Lishan.

The visitor looked at Old Mother Lishan, then at the rest of the Jiejiao family, nodded and said with a smile: "Little monk Wutian, I would like to pay my respects to the two holy ladies Wudang and Jinling, as well as the seniors from Biyou Palace!"

The Holy Mother Jin Ling raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and then looked at Old Mother Lishan.

I saw Old Mother Lishan nodding and smiling, and said: "Lord Wutian Buddha, you're too polite. The teacher has already given instructions on this matter. Lord Wutian Buddha, you can rest assured. Within a thousand years, I, the disciple of Biyou Palace, will not pay attention to anything unless necessary." Everything in this mortal world!"

Lord Wutian Buddha had a faint smile on his face, nodded slightly, put his hands together and said: "Thank you to the Sage of Supreme Purity for your success!"

Old Mother Lishan nodded slowly and said, "Master Wutian Buddha has no need to worry about my junior brother's matters!"

Lord Wutian Buddha bent slightly and said: "This is natural. The matter of subduing the demon Lord will be handled by the young monk!"


Old Mother Lishan nodded slowly, took out a blue token from her arms, and said, "This is the Order of the Sage of the Supreme Purity. It contains the path to the quasi-sage and the method of breaking the barrier set by the saint. Take it!"

After saying that, he tossed it casually and the token fell into the hands of Lord Wutian Buddha.

After reading the sign with joy on his face, he held it in both hands and said, "Thank you to the Sage of the Supreme Purity for fulfilling my wish. I will retire!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a ninth-grade black lotus, spinning and escaping into the void.

After he left, Our Lady of Jinling, who had endured for half a year, asked Old Mother Lishan: "Who is he? He is called Lord Buddha but he is full of evil!"

Old Mother Lishan looked up at the sky and said with a faint smile: "He is a calamity, a great calamity in Western religions!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit immediately said in astonishment: "The calamity of the Western religion?"

Mother Lishan slowly turned around, looked at the many gods and goddesses in the hall, and said in a majestic tone: "Listen carefully, you must abide by the saint's words for a thousand years. Unless necessary, you must not pay attention to the worldly affairs, so as not to fall into a catastrophe and fall into reincarnation. , Thousands of years of cultivation have come to naught! This calamity is no less than that of becoming a god. You all need to be more vigilant. When troubled times come, you should meditate behind closed doors and recite Huang Ting quietly. Even if the Jade Emperor is captured in front of you, you will not be able to do it. Pay attention!"

When all the immortals and gods heard this, they looked surprised, but they did not dare to disobey Old Mother Lishan's order. They all bowed down and said, "I will obey the decree of the Holy Mother!"


Old Mother Lishan nodded lightly and said, "You all should disperse and perform your duties. Don't forget about Li Qing's massacre of five hundred Arhats today and Lord Wutian's coming to Lishan!"

As soon as the words fell, many immortals and gods all left with curiosity on their faces, discussing in low voices.

However, the Holy Mother of Jinling stayed. After all the gods and gods left, she walked to Old Mother Lishan and whispered, "You sent a message to me to stay, but do you have anything important to entrust me with?"

Mother Lishan smiled softly and said, "Come with me!"

After saying that, she took the hand of the Holy Mother of Jinling and returned to the hall. After sitting opposite each other, she sighed softly, then shook her head and said: "When the teacher was taken away by Taozu, he used the Xiantian Yugu, Qingping Sword, and Chuanxin The lock and the Six Soul Flag were handed over to me, as well as the innate exotic flowers and herbs that were planted in Biyou Palace in the past. He originally taught me to use these things to exchange for the Four Swords of Zhu Xian. However, after today, these But I can only entrust this matter to you!"

After hearing the words, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "You are not on the list of gods, but your strength is much higher than mine. Even the Antarctic Immortal is no match for you at this moment. All the gods and Buddhas in the sky are respectful to you. , if you do this, it will be easy, why come to me again?"

Old Mother Lishan shook her head and said: "You are wrong. It is precisely because of my strength that they will not hand over the Four Swords of Zhu Xian to me. In fact, they will not exchange them with any of my Biyou Palace disciples. ! So, I am leaving you here today because I want to ask you something!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit frowned deeply, rubbed her forehead with a headache, and said: "Tell me, he... poof!"

Before she could finish her words, Old Mother Lishan suddenly raised her palm, and with lightning speed, she stamped her chest with a palm!

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who had no idea that Old Mother Lishan would do something to her, flew backwards several tens of feet under this palm, smashing several pillars with a rumble before falling to the ground.

The moment she landed, she spurted out a mouthful of pus and blood. She struggled to support the ground with her arms and sat up. She raised her head with a face as pale as gold paper, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Old Mother Lishan looked at her with disbelief on her face, then lowered her head and whispered with a complex expression: "This is what I have entrusted to you. Only when you and I break up can you have the chance to kill the four Zhu Xians." Change the sword back!"

"Remember, I will announce to the three realms that I have left the teacher and apostasy! You are on the list of gods, so you need to report this matter to the Jade Emperor first. The Jade Emperor will issue an order, and then those people will take care of it. I'll give you those four swords! Then, come and kill me with the sword!"

"I have given those things to the four heavenly kings! Go get them from their hands, and then go and change the swords!"

"From now on, they will all be handed over to you!"

"The Four Swords of Killing Immortals are the most deadly weapons under Heaven. They are not suitable for suppressing the spirit of great sects. Therefore, among the three sects, only our sect has the most people on the list. Only our sect has been wiped out by Tao Ancestor. But if it is used I have come to use my strength to prove the Tao, but there is a glimmer of a possibility! My energy and blood have been defeated, and I will not be able to go any further in this life. Those of you who have been on the list of gods do not have this opportunity. Only this little junior brother has a glimmer of a possibility!"


"Only by refining the Four Swords of Zhuxian in Junior Brother's body can he have a chance to prove the Tao with his strength! Only then can Jiejiao have a chance to come back to the world!"

Golden Spirit Mother was weak as she listened to Old Mother Lishan's instructions. The look of disbelief on her face slowly faded away, and then she lowered her head and fell silent.

At this time, Old Mother Lishan stepped slowly, walked towards her with a cane, and said softly: "I will send you back to the palace now. From now on, you will be the eldest disciple of Biyou Palace. You must not act like usual. Generally willful!"

When she said this, Mother Lishan slowly closed her eyes and whispered: "I can't help you!"

As soon as the words fell, he slapped him with one palm!


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