Unify all heavens

Chapter 718 The sky is stained with blood! (superior)

"Namo Helata Naduo Laye, Namo Asiye, Polu Jiedi, Shuobaoye, Bodhisattva Tupaya, Mahasattva Tupaya."

The sound of chanting like rolling thunder lingered high in the sky, making the Buddha's light on the five hundred Arhats sitting cross-legged in the sky become more and more intense.

Each one is as golden as cast gold!

At the same time, densely packed, seemingly endless golden 'swastika' characters flew out of the mouths of the other Arhats, and fell in an orderly manner into the alms bowl held by the Long-Eyebrow Arhat.

The bowl, which was originally golden, became even more dazzling after the influx of these ‘卍’ characters!




Li Qing continued to attack these Arhats until golden light was scattered everywhere, and no Arhat was injured.

Instead, he was repeatedly bounced away, and then rushed forward again!

At this moment, due to the convergence of thoughts and Dharma, the five hundred Arhats are like one person. If they attack an Arhat at will, the power and evil spirit will be shared by the five hundred Arhats!

Therefore, not only were they not injured, but they used the superimposed thoughts and Dharma of the five hundred Arhats to resolve Li Qing's attacks time and time again.

At this time, Li Qing had three damaged souls and seven souls, so he didn't know how to think. His resentment, filthiness, evil spirits, and anger would gradually increase with the passage of time because his attacks failed again and again!


After being thrown away again for attacking a golden Arhat, Li Qing's robes had been dyed black by the evil spirit. At the same time, the increasingly dense resentment, filth, and anger were mixed together, forming like a flame. General black smoke!

At first, the dark smoke only enveloped Li Qing, but as he was bounced away again and again, the black mist expanded, dyeing the sky a dark color.

At this moment, the sky and the ocean were the same color, except for the five hundred Arhats scattered everywhere. Because of the convergence of their thoughts, they were like five hundred suns, and the golden color turned into scorching white, one after another. Every time the swastika flew out of the mouths of those Arhats, it would distort the void!

At this moment, the alms bowl held by the long-browed Arhat had changed from dazzling gold to dazzling white!

The white light emanating from the alms bowl couldn't help but compete with the dark smoke emanating from Li Qing's body!

And the black fog is being dispersed by the white light!

At this moment, the long-browed Arhat who had been keeping his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes!

Suddenly his eyes glowed with white light and he shouted sharply: "Please help me to save this demon from the gods and Buddhas!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised the alms bowl high and poured all his cultivation into the alms bowl. He pointed the mouth of the alms bowl at Li Qing, who was rushing towards him. He glared and shouted: "All living beings should be saved! Buddhism Open wide!”

The moment he finished speaking, the other four hundred and ninety-nine Arhats opened their eyes at the same time and shouted in unison: "All sentient beings, as well as the Flame Mara Realm, in the three evil realms, will be reborn in my land and be transformed by my Dharma. Anuttarasamyaksambodhi will be achieved. No more falling into the lower realms. If you achieve this wish, you will become a Buddha. If you do not achieve this wish, you will not achieve supreme enlightenment."

"If any sentient being sees my light and touches their body, they will be happy and be kind and do good deeds. If they are to be reborn in my country, they will not achieve enlightenment."

"Think of me wholeheartedly, day and night. When I am about to die, I and all the Bodhisattvas will appear in front of them. After a short while, I will be born in my land and become the Ayueyuezhi Bodhisattva. If you do not make this wish, you will not achieve perfect enlightenment."

"The top of your body will be illuminated by light, you will achieve all wisdom, and you will gain boundless eloquence!"

"If you want to see the majesty of the pure lands of the Buddhas, you should look between the precious trees and see their faces like a mirror. If you don't do it, you will not achieve perfect enlightenment!"

When the five hundred Arhats finished reciting the forty-eight great wishes of Amitabha Buddha loudly, the Arhat with Long Eyebrows threw the alms bowl in his hand towards Li Qing. At the same time, he spread his arms widely, and then merged them together. There was no sadness, no joy, no anger, no evil, and he closed his eyes and recited. Said: "The body is like glass, the Dharma is solemn, the light shines forever, there is no Amitabha Buddha!!!"

When his voice fell, the other four hundred and ninety-nine Arhats also chanted in unison: "Namo Amitabha!!!"

As the six words "Namo Amitabha" continued to sound repeatedly, the alms bowl that emitted a bright white light also came to the top of Li Qing's head, and then a pillar of white light that was narrow at the top and wide at the bottom fell from the mouth of the alms bowl, covering Li Qing Inside!

Li Qing opened his pale eyes and looked around, then roared and tried to fly away.

But the beam of light was formed by the cultivation of five hundred Arhats for several generations. When Li Qing hit it, it was bounced back!

After trying it a few times, the anger in his heart became even stronger, and his eyes turned completely white, which looked extremely weird! Then he saw that the nails on his ten fingers suddenly grew longer and were surrounded by black mist, and then he fiercely pointed at the beam of light.

The creepy and weird sound, like fingernails scratching on the glass, instantly rang in the ears of many Arhats.

Even though they have become Arhats, they still get goosebumps after hearing this steady stream of weird sounds!

Immediately, the long-browed Arhat shouted loudly: "This devil has profound evil nature. We should use Buddhist scriptures to suppress him!"

After that, he endured the horrifying sounds and recited the Buddhist scriptures again.

The voices of other Arhats also sounded at the same time.

Suddenly, I heard the "Maha Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra" resounding in the sky.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, after walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, saw that the five aggregates are all empty, and survived all the hardships. Relic, form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, and emptiness is color."

Amidst the thunderous sound of scriptures, Li Qing in the light pillar gradually stopped scratching the light pillar with his nails. Instead, he slowly raised his head and looked at the alms bowl above his head. Then he suddenly rose up and slapped it with a claw. Fixed on the alms bowl above his head.

Then, with a sudden 'dong' sound, the alms bowl, which all the Buddhas and Arhats had placed high hopes on, was struck by Li Qing's paw.

When the long-browed Arhat saw this, his expression suddenly changed.

But before he could open his mouth to inform many Arhats, another 'dong' sound sounded.

At that moment, he saw that the alms bowl, which had gathered the cultivation of five hundred Arhats for several generations, was slapped away by Li Qing's claw, and disappeared in an instant like a stream of light.

The sound of chanting that filled the sky like rolling thunder suddenly stopped at this moment!

The faces of every Arhat were filled with expressions of disbelief, horror, and fear.

They all seemed to be stunned, staring blankly in the direction where the alms bowl disappeared, and did not come back to their senses for a while.

Only the long-browed Arhat suddenly licked his dry lips and looked at Li Qing, who was unharmed and was slowly turning around to look at them with indifferent eyes.

Arhat with Long Eyebrows: "."

The remaining four hundred and ninety-nine Arhats: "."

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