Unify all heavens

Chapter 717 Five hundred Arhats descended to earth! (Fourth update)



The hurricane rises, pushes up the waves, and sets off huge waves, turning the entire sea surface into a whirlpool, making Beiming even more daunting.

There seemed to be boundless terror hidden in the pitch-black water.

Suddenly, there was a "rumbling" sound like thunder, and from the center of the dark whirlpool that was more than a few miles wide, a golden-winged roc suddenly rushed out!

His wings pulled out two long water curtains, and then flew straight into the sky.

When he was young, he flew from the far north to the far west, arriving in Hezhou, Xiniu, and flew towards Daleiyin Temple without stopping.

Even though his thinking was almost chaotic because of his serious injuries, his speed did not slow down at all.

In the Daleiyin Temple, Lord Maitreya Buddha sits on a lotus throne, explaining Mahayana Buddhism to the Buddhas, Arhats, and Bodhisattvas below.

At this time, the "Miaoho Lotus Sutra" was being spoken.

He is saying, "I have seen my Tathagata. He has performed countless ascetic practices. He has accumulated merit and virtue. He has never stopped pursuing the path to enlightenment. He has looked at the three thousand great worlds. There are even things as small as a mustard seed. This is not the place where the Bodhisattva takes his body and lives. For all living beings. Look. Then you will achieve the path to Bodhi." At that time, a strong wind suddenly came from outside the hall, shaking the cassocks of the Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Buddhas.

Immediately, the golden-winged roc in human form was seen riding the wind from outside the hall and fell into the hall, hitting the end of the hall under the lotus throne with a bang.

In an instant, the hall was filled with three thousand Buddhas, five hundred Arhats, and boundless Bodhisattvas, all of whom laid their eyes on the golden-winged roc.

On the lotus throne, Lord Maitreya Buddha, who temporarily replaced the Tathagata and became the Buddha, also slowly lowered his head and looked at the golden-winged roc.

At that moment, he was seen paralyzed on the ground, his whole body covered in blood, and blood foam overflowing from his mouth.

After seeing the miserable appearance of the Golden-winged Dapeng, the Buddha, Bodhisattvas and Arhats in the hall all put their hands together, shook their heads and sighed softly: "Amitabha."

At this time, Lord Maitreya Buddha flicked a little golden light on the golden-winged roc.

In the blink of an eye, the golden-winged roc, which had been seriously injured and unconscious, suddenly woke up.

When he saw that he had returned to the Main Hall, he said weakly: "Lord Buddha, please forgive me!"

He knew in his heart that the current Buddha was no longer the Tathagata, so he could no longer be as arrogant as before, not to mention that he had something to ask for at the moment, so he restrained his arrogance and behaved obediently and politely.

When Lord Maitreya Buddha saw that the Golden-winged Dapeng was not as presumptuous as before, the smile on his lips became more intense, and he said in a pleasant manner: "Golden-winged Dapeng, why are you so seriously injured?"

The golden-winged roc got up with difficulty, knelt there, and said weakly: "My disciples went to find the source of the chaos in Beiming, and after entering the sea, they found that the lion camel king, macaque king, and tamarin king in the lower realm were all killed by Li Qing. Even the disciple was so injured by him! If it weren’t for Kunpeng’s descendants and Peng Demon King to save his life, the disciple would not be able to come back!”

Lord Maitreya Buddha nodded slightly and said, "Did Fellow Daoist Kunpeng not take action to stop the devil?"

The golden-winged Dapeng shook his head and said: "Kunpeng was ordered by the Taoist ancestor to ignore the world of mortals. Jinghou Hunyuan Daoguo abandoned the five senses and six senses and recited the Huangting Sutra in the cave!"

Lord Maitreya Buddha nodded slowly after hearing the words, then raised his head and said: "A few days ago, Li Qing was suppressed by the Taoist ancestors, but unexpectedly he escaped and even killed three demon kings and injured the golden-winged roc. , I, the Second Sage of the West, have also said that this son is destined to our religion. Who among you is willing to surrender to him in the lower realms, avoid the catastrophe of the three realms, and obtain the immeasurable merits!"

When he finished speaking, there was silence in the Main Hall.

All the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are thinking secretly.

At this moment, the long-browed Arhats on the high seats on both sides flew down from the throne and landed beside the golden-winged roc. After bowing to Lord Maitreya, they put their hands together and said: "Lord Buddha, I, the five hundred Arhats, wish to Go and surrender him!"

Maitreya Buddha immediately nodded and said with a smile: "That's good, that's good, but that demon is extraordinary. I will lend you the alms bowl left by Lord Tathagata to subdue the demon!"

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and sent a golden alms bowl with boundless power in front of the Long-Eyebrow Arhat.

The long-browed Arhat immediately bowed again and said: "Disciple respectfully receives the Buddha's treasure!"

After saying that, he held the alms bowl suspended in front of him with both hands.

Lord Maitreya Buddha nodded slightly, raised his hand and pointed to the north, saying: "That guy is in Beiming, please go and wait!"

The long-browed Arhat bowed and said: "Disciple receives the decree!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

As his figure walked out of the Main Hall, the other Arhats seated on both sides of the hall turned into a golden light and rushed out of the hall.

In the hall, Lord Maitreya Buddha said to the Golden-winged Dapeng: "Golden-winged Dapeng, please go back to the dojo to recuperate! I will be here later!"

The golden-winged roc immediately bowed to Lord Maitreya Buddha, then staggered out of the hall and flew towards his dojo.

On the other side, in the seabed of Beiming.

As Demon King Peng died, the voice of Kunpeng Ancestor reciting Huang Ting Sutra became louder and louder. These great sounds made Li Qing's face become more ferocious, he shook his head and roared back, and then suddenly left.

North Ming is very deep.

Very deep.

Therefore, when Li Qing broke through the sea and flew out, five hundred Arhats were already sitting in formation above Beiming in the sky.

The moment Li Qing appeared, the five hundred Arhats were shrouded in colorful auspicious clouds, their bodies emitted thousands of Buddha lights, and they began to recite the Great Compassion Mantra without any sadness or joy.

"Namo Helata Naduo Laye, Namo Asiye, Polu Jiedi, Shuobaoye, Bodhisattva Tupaya, Mahasattva Tupaya."

The moment these sounds came out, they were like rolling thunder, resounding through the sky above Beiming, and overwhelmingly swarmed towards Li Qing.

In this world, no one knows that Li Qing's body is not afraid of Buddhism due to the materials used to make it.

Therefore, just when the five hundred Arhats in the sky were reciting the Great Compassion Mantra to their heart's content, Li Qing suddenly raised his leg and stamped into the void with an expressionless face.

In an instant, there was only a loud "rumbling" sound, and the boundless evil energy rushed towards the rolling sea water below, and then rolled up the black sea to form a sea curtain that covered the sky and the sun, and slapped the five hundred Arhats hard!

The sound of chanting suddenly disappeared!

The formation that the five hundred Arhats had prepared was instantly shattered, and even their own bodies were swept away by the overwhelming sea water at this moment. I saw that the five hundred Arhats shrouded in the Buddha's light all flew upside down in shock at this moment.

Fortunately, their cultivation levels were not weak, and they all stabilized their bodies after flying upside down for several dozen feet.

Then the Arhat with Long Eyebrows shouted coldly: "Everyone, this demon is really powerful. The old monk wants to ask the Buddha to surrender to him, and I hope you can give me boundless magic power!"

As he spoke, he sat firmly in the void, took out a golden alms bowl from his arms, and then recited Buddhist scriptures and poured his own magic power into the alms bowl.

Seeing this, the other Arhats ignored their wetness and sat cross-legged in the void one by one. While reciting scriptures, golden 'swastika' characters floated from their bodies one by one, and were printed on the Long-Eyebrow Arhat's body.

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