Unify all heavens

Chapter 707: Fighting the four demons, the saints come together!

Their respect can only be maintained when they say these words.

After the words were spoken, the three of them had the same expressions as Demon King Peng. They looked at Li Qing with cold eyebrows and slowly approached him with the force of surrounding him.

Li Qing's expression was equally cold. When he saw the four of them approaching at the same time, he raised a sarcastic look on his lips and said: "It seems that you want to once again experience the magical power of this sect!"

After hearing Li Qing's words, the expressions of the other three demon kings changed slightly, and they unconsciously took a step behind Demon King Peng.

After Demon King Peng saw the faces of the three of them, he said calmly: "There is no need to panic, the ancestor has given me a magic weapon, and the universe in his sleeves can no longer pose a threat to us!"

After that, he sneered at Li Qing and said: "I will call you 'brother' for the last time. If you follow me into Beiming, the four of us will hold a banquet for you in Beiming to apologize. You can do whatever you want, and we will do the same." I will never resist at all! But if you are stubborn, the four of us will have no choice but to kill you! I hope you, Li Xingjun, will not blame you!"

Li Qing laughed when he heard this, and then suddenly waved his sleeves.

He doesn't care whether the Peng Demon King is really confident or deceiving him, but he will give him a try first!

So, when he waved his sleeves, the lion, camel king, macaque king, and tamarin king saw the world in front of them, and the four directions were unclear.

At the same time, Demon King Peng gritted his teeth and took out a jet black bead from his arms and poured his magic power into it. In an instant, the world in front of the three demon kings returned to its original appearance.

Li Qing felt as if his sleeves were brushing against the void, and then he heard a "stab" sound, and his sleeves fell apart and turned into rags floating in the air.

For a moment, Li Qing's expression was startled, and then he narrowed his eyes and looked at the bead in Demon King Peng's hand, and said coldly: "What a treasure, you can really break the world in my sleeve!"

Demon King Peng sneered, put the bead back into his arms, and said to the other three demon kings: "This guy's magical power has been broken. I'm waiting for him, but I don't believe I can't catch him!"

After saying that, he took the lead and rushed towards Li Qing. On the way, he raised his hand and pulled out a square-shaped halberd from the void, shouting: "King of Corpse Demon, take one of my halberds!"

At the same time, the lion camel king pulled out a nine-ring machete from his waist, the macaque king and the tamarin king each took out their magic weapons, and the three of them shouted at the same time and rushed towards Li Qing.

At this time, the tip of Demon King Peng's halberd came from top to bottom and came to Li Qing.

Li Qing immediately leaned back and used an iron bridge. At the same time, he raised his foot and kicked upward. He kicked the Peng Demon King in the chest and kicked him back.

At this moment, the Lion Camel King, Macaque King and Yu Tao King waved their weapons and came forward. The three of them knew that they could not defeat Li Qing alone. Didn't you see that even Xiansheng Erlang who could capture Sun Wukong was really You also suffered a lot from Li Tianjun.

Therefore, almost when the Peng Demon King was kicked in the chest by Li Qing, they came to Li Qing's side in three directions at the same time, waving their respective weapons, and hit Li Qing viciously.

Li Qing immediately sneered. In this world of Journey to the West, both gods, Buddhas, and demon kings all focus on magical powers, but never work on basic martial arts. Therefore, even if they hold magic weapons, they only wield them arrogantly.

But he is different. After all, he has learned all the martial arts in the world as early as in Fengyun World!

As soon as he thought about this, Li Qing shouted coldly: "You only know that I have the world in my sleeves and many magical powers, but you don't know that my martial arts are better than my magical powers!"

When he finished speaking, he slammed the stick in his hand forward and used a long-lost stick technique in Fengyun World - the Tiger Subduing Stick!

In an instant, he saw that the body of the Nether World Stick in his hand was divided into three, and then changed from three to five, and from five to a hundred. The sticks were all phantoms, and the sticks were all entities.

As a result, the three demon kings who were already waving their weapons and were about to fall on Li Qing suddenly fell into the shadow of Li Qing's stick.

There seemed to be endless sticks coming from all kinds of strange and strange angles, and they hit them hard when they didn't know where to stop them.

Whenever they were hit with a stick on the forehead and prepared to block, the stick hit them on the elbow again, and when they withdrew their troops to defend, the stick hit them on the face again.

In just a moment, the weapons in their hands were blown away by the endless shadows of sticks. Then they sometimes ran around, sometimes moved around, and screamed in pain.

Not far away, after seeing the Lion Camel King, Macaque King, and Tamarin King trapped in the shadow of Li Qing's stick, the Peng Demon King secretly left with a look of shock and horror.

At the same time, the Antarctic Immortal and Kunpeng were also fighting in full swing.

The two sides did not use powerful magical powers. They both tested each other with various small spells that everyone knew.

Just as they were getting angry, in the Wa Palace, Saint Nuwa also walked lightly and slowly walked out of the Wa Palace.

At the same time, the 'Patriarch Subhuti' of Fangcun Mountain also dismissed many disciples around him and soared to the nine heavens.

In the Great Leiyin Temple, ‘Jie Yin’ also stood on the ninth-grade lotus platform and flew towards Li Qing.

High in the sky, in the mist, the Antarctic Immortal blocked Kunpeng's fist with his crutch and hurriedly conveyed the news to Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun.

As a result, Yuanshi Tianzun, who was waiting for Li Qing's arrival in Yuxu Palace, suddenly frowned and disappeared.

The moment Yuanshi Tianzun left, Taishang Laojun, who was looking after the Bagua furnace in Tushita Palace, raised his eyelids slightly, raised his whisk and slowly stood up, and told the gold and silver Taoist boy: "You guys should watch Bagua in the palace." Furnace, the fire cannot be big or small, just keep it as it is now!"

After that, he left the Tushita Palace and headed towards the battle place of the Antarctic Immortal.

In the Lingbao Tianzun Hall, Lingbao Tianzun also noticed when Taishang Laojun set off, and then sneered: "I can't say it today, we are going to fight with each other, and blood will be spilled for thirty-three days!"

After saying that, he also started to leave.

About thousands of miles away from Yuxu Palace in the sky, the Antarctic Immortal Old Man smiled at Kunpeng and said: "Fellow Kunpeng, the saint is coming, I should invite you to reincarnation!"

Kunpeng's expression did not change when he heard this, and he replied coldly: "Sanqing is not in harmony with his heart. Even if he comes here, he will not take action! But you, the Antarctic Immortal Emperor, have lived long enough, why not go to that netherworld. Stay some time!"

The moment he finished speaking, the surrounding clouds and mist were suddenly dyed into five colors by a force coming from somewhere.

Then, the sound of the great avenue suddenly sounded:

Chaos has always been a mysterious place, relying entirely on mysteries to establish mysteries.

The two rituals of Taiji combine with the four images, and the sky is open to Zi Ren.

Yinwu, a native of Di Chou, teaches, and Huang Ting's two volumes save the crowd of fans.

The disciples of the Jade Palace and the Golden Tower, the Golden Lotus is my source of fire.

The six roots are purified and troubled, and few people know about the mysterious method.

With two fingers, the dragon can subdue the tiger, and the eyes bring auspicious light to move the sky and the earth.

The clouds are 30,000 feet tall, and the clouds are flying around the whole body.

Riding leisurely and leisurely without seeing each other, sitting silently on a nine-dragon chariot made of sandalwood.

Flying strange beasts serve as handrails, wishing that the Three Jewels and Jade will bring you all your wishes.

The white crane and the green luan lead the way, followed by the red phoenix dancing in fairy clothes.

The feather fan parted and the clouds and mist were hidden, and the fairy boy played the jade flute on the left and right.

The warriors in yellow turbans obeyed the orders, and the cigarette smoke was billowing and all the immortals followed.

The leader of the sect who expounds the Tao, Dharma and Yangzhen, Yuanshi Tianzun leaves Yuchi.

At the beginning of Hunyuan, the Tao was judged to be the most respected, and the pure and turbid parts of the universe were refined.

Tai Chi's two instruments give rise to four images, which are still in the palm of your hand today.

Hongmeng's first judgment was famous, and he was able to refine the five elements innately.

The three flowers on the top face the north gate, and the five qi in the chest penetrate into the southern sky.

The team of immortals is called Yuanshi, but the mysterious family has not yet begun.

The fragrant flowers along the road follow the chariot hub, and the vicissitudes of life last for thousands of eons.

Compensation Chapter.

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