Unify all heavens

Chapter 706 In the Nine Heavens, Kunpeng blocks the way!

Ming means sea, which means the extreme north.

Boundless, the water is deep and black, calling it Beiming.

There are few people living in this place, and it is full of immortals and gods, just because of one word:

There is a fish in the North Ming, and its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it is. It turned into a bird, and its name was Peng. I don't know how many thousands of miles there are on the back of a Peng. It flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It is a bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming. Nan Ming is the Tianchi, Peng migrates to Nan Ming, the water hits for three thousand miles, and the force surges upward for ninety thousand miles.

At this moment, a thought came from somewhere, entered the sea, and reached Kun'er.

"Hurry up to the nine heavens to stop the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, intercept Li Qing, and enter my palace!"

This short sentence made the demon master Kunpeng, who had been reincarnated for an unknown number of years in his dream, open his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qing's voice and appearance appeared in his eyes, which were as deep as another Beiming.

Suddenly, the Black Sea, which had been calm for thousands of years, became turbulent, with huge waves reaching into the sky!

Then, a huge creature like a whale but with two wings, like a bird but with a single horn rushed out of the Black Sea and rolled up huge waves.

Then his body was as fast as the wind, and his shadow was like lightning. He rushed into the sky in an instant, and then his wings spread out, covering the sky and the sun with just one, and it was already thirty-three days!

Then he transformed into a human form, with a sinister expression, wearing a navy blue robe and a black gold crown, with his hands behind his back, standing in the clouds and waiting.

Elsewhere, at the Great Leiyin Temple in the West, following the light and shadow, he said indifferently, ‘What’s the matter? ', 'Jie Yin' then bowed respectfully and said: "Greetings to the teacher, I heard that Taoist friend Yuqing wanted to harm little friend Li Qing. In order to avoid a war between the saints, I reported to the teacher and asked the little friend to come to the west of me. People protect them!”

As these words rang out, Guangying nodded stiffly and said, "Yes!"

After saying that, the light and shadow disappeared instantly.

Then, the smile on 'Jie Yin''s lips became fuller.

And at this time, because of the weird behavior of the Antarctic Immortal, Li Qing remembered what the Master Tongtian said to him, "Since you have come back from Tushita Palace, you will go to Taoist Yuqing soon. He will do it for you." You must keep in mind what he teaches and understand it with your heart. If he teaches you magical powers, you will also learn them. If he asks you about the origin, you will blame me. He wants to accept you as his disciple. You should neither refuse nor agree. Just say come back and ask me. If his disciples give you magical weapons and magic weapons, but you cannot accept any of them, you can come back in good health! ’.

As soon as he thought of this, when the Antarctic Immortal was about to give him a treasure, he spoke in advance and gave the Antarctic Immortal a bottle of wine first. Then when the Antarctic Immortal was about to speak again, he spoke first and asked: "Dare you Ask senior brother, what happened to the monster monkey that disrupted the peach festival?"

The Antarctic Immortal was blocked by his words, and he suddenly began to wonder why Li Qing could avoid him again and again.

At the same time, he stroked his beard and smiled on the surface, saying: "The demon monkey was sentenced to the demon-slaying platform by the Jade Emperor. After being struck by thunder and fire, chopped with knives and axes, and stabbed with spears and swords, he was unscathed. So, he has been He was sent to the uncle by Yang Jian, who wanted to use the Bagua furnace to refine it into fly ash!"

While Li Qing listened to the words of the Antarctic Immortal, he was thinking in his mind why the Tongtian Cult Master didn't let him accept the magical weapons and magic weapons given to him by Yuan's disciples.

At the same time, the Antarctic Immortal's words fell.

Li Qing nodded slightly and said: "In this way, I left the great uncle, Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun sent the monster monkey to the great uncle's Tushita Palace."

The Antarctic Immortal nodded when he heard the words, and then when he spoke, he didn't know what he noticed. He suddenly frowned, the smile on his face disappeared, and he looked expressionlessly at the fog ahead.

Li Qing was startled when he saw this, and then he narrowed his eyes and looked into the mist ahead.

At that moment, I saw only a slender figure looming in the mist.

The Antarctic Immortal looked at the figure as if facing a formidable enemy, slowly stopped, stretched out his hand to stop Li Qing's chest, and said calmly: "Junior brother, go to Yuxu Palace yourself, senior brother met an old friend! "

As he spoke, his figure suddenly stooped, and while stroking his beard, he walked toward the mist with a cane. At the same time, he said calmly: "Fellow Daoist Kunpeng, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you?"

When this voice first sounded, it seemed to be ringing in Li Qing's ears, but soon, he could no longer hear the words spoken by the Antarctic Immortal, and it seemed that he had gone to a very far away place.

But their figures are clearly only in front of them.

After Li Qing noticed this situation, he narrowed his eyes unconsciously, and then used the method of shrinking to an inch, crossing thousands of rivers and mountains in an instant, heading towards Yuxu Palace.

But when he was in the middle, he was cut into pieces and forcibly intercepted in the middle.

Li Qing appeared from the void with a gloomy face, then squinted his eyes and looked at the figure not far in front of him, and said coldly: "Peng Demon King!"

After he said these words, the Peng Demon King, who was dressed in a golden robe and a green-black cloak, had already transformed into a human form, smiled and bowed to Li Qing, and said respectfully: "I have seen my brother, and my ancestor ordered me to I invite my brother to be my guest in Beiming for a few days, and I hope you won’t refuse!”

After Li Qing heard this, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, which seemed to be the same as the feeling he had when he saw Zombie God's finger bone for the first time.

"Is there someone plotting against me again?"

When this idea suddenly appeared in his mind, he spoke calmly and said: "If it were normal, I wouldn't need to be invited by my brother, I would have to go to Beiming to visit if I had no choice but to do something important at the moment, so I really don't have such leisure!"

Demon King Peng grinned and said word by word: "My ancestor ordered me to invite my brother to my Beiming as a guest for a few days. I hope that my brother will not embarrass my younger brother!"

When Li Qing heard this, his face turned cold. He slowly shook his sleeves and said in a deep voice, "What if I don't want to go?"

When Demon King Peng heard this, his face turned cold, and he said in an indifferent tone: "Brother, please don't blame me for offending me!"

"Just you?"

Li Qing immediately laughed loudly, reached into the void with his hand, pulled out a long blood-red stick, then pointed the stick at the Peng Demon King, and sneered: "Aren't you afraid of dying here?"

Demon King Peng smiled softly, shook his head and said: "I'm afraid, but even if I die here today, my elder brother will have to enter my Northern Ming!"

Almost as soon as his voice fell, several unidentifiable figures suddenly walked out of the void beside him.

When they revealed their identities, Li Qing's eyes suddenly shrank. Then he sneered and said: "You have such a big formation!"

When he finished speaking, the macaque king, lion camel king, and tamarin king who had just appeared all bowed to Li Qing and said respectfully: "We have met brother!"

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