Unify all heavens

Chapter 682 All ten categories of Jiuyou are eliminated! (Down)

Seeing the drunken look on the Bull Demon King's face, the Macaque King opened his mouth, but could not say a word.

At that moment, he smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed: "That's all, brother, keep drinking!"

After that, he returned to his seat and said to the Yu Tao King and the Lion and Camel King with a worried look on his face: "Brother is already drunk and has no idea what I am talking to him!"

When King Yu Tao heard this, he was shocked and said: "What should we do?"

The Macaque King glanced at him and the Lion and Camel King, and said thoughtfully: "It's weirdly cold in the Water Curtain Cave now. We might as well go out of the cave to check and see what's causing the cold in the cave!"

The Lion and Camel King nodded when he heard this, and said in a rough voice: "Just as you said, we will go out to investigate together!"

When he said this, he narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth and said: "If you teach me which mountain spirit and wild monster is causing trouble, I will tear him alive!"

The Tamarin King and the Macaque King nodded in unison and said coldly: "That's what you should do!"

After saying that, the three of them stood up and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

But when they walked to the entrance of the cave, there was suddenly an extremely strange and cold wind blowing in from the entrance of the cave.


The moment the dark wind blew over the three of them, the Lion and Camel King trembled, the Macaque King took out the stick on his waist, and the Tamarin King's eyes widened.

Then the Macaque King clenched his stick tightly, bared his teeth with a fierce look on his face and said, "Who is coming?"



Although a steady stream of dark wind blew in from outside the Water Curtain Cave, no one responded.

When the macaque king saw no one answered, he looked at each other with the lion, camel king and tamarin king, and cautiously approached the entrance of the cave slowly.

But just as they walked to the entrance of the cave and were about to go out, two black smoke-like figures suddenly passed through them and came to the Water Curtain Cave.

But the strange thing is that these three demon kings did not seem to see the two figures. Except when the two figures passed through them, they trembled and said nothing. Still walking cautiously towards the entrance of the cave.

Behind them, in the wide cave, there were four or five monkeys hanging on the vines and swinging back and forth. At this moment, they suddenly closed their eyes and fell to the ground stiffly, making "bang bang" sounds one after another. Voice.

After hearing the sound, the three demon kings all turned back.

So, they saw many drunk monkeys in the Water Curtain Cave, and at this time, they died one after another.

In just the blink of an eye, the originally bustling Shuiliandong became lifeless and extremely silent.

After seeing this strange scene, the three demon kings suddenly widened their eyes.

At the same time, two black smoke-like whirlwinds appeared out of thin air in the center of the cave.

Since the two whirlwinds appeared, they have been circling the cave.

At the same time, a cold and strange sound came from the whirlwind.

"Sun Wukong~"

"Sun Wukong~"

"You have reached the end of your life, we are here to pick you up~"

At the entrance of the cave, the three demon kings all widened their eyes after hearing this. Then they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the reason for the coldness in the cave was the coming of something bad, they didn't have to worry.

After all, in terms of longevity, each of them still has hundreds or thousands of years to live.

During this period, as long as they escape from reincarnation, they will live as long as the heaven, earth, mountains and rivers!

As soon as they thought about this, the three demon kings looked at each other and said in their hearts: "It turns out that the monkey in the cave was taken away by Yin! But then again, didn't that monkey already become a fairy and jump out of reincarnation? Are you there? Why would someone come to arrest him?"

Just as they were thinking about this, a strange wind blew in from outside the cave.

"Is there another sinister plot?"

They think about it first and look back subconsciously.

But before they could even turn their heads, an extremely powerful force hit them!

In an instant, the three demon kings were blasted into the cave by this tyrannical force, slamming into the stone wall of the Water Curtain Cave one after another!

In just this moment, they were all seriously injured!

And it was firmly attached to the mountain wall, unable to move at all!

Compared to the lion camel king and the tamarin king who fell unconscious after hitting the mountain wall, the higher-level macaque king gasped violently and opened his eyes, wanting to see who had attacked them.

But the next moment he opened his eyes, he heard a bang, and then a figure flashed past their eyes.

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a violent rumbling sound, the entire Water Curtain Cave trembled.

In a daze, the Macaque King clearly saw the figure flashing past his eyes.

So my heart was full of shock and I thought: "That's the Bull Demon King???"

As soon as he thought about it, he looked towards the cave again, and immediately saw a figure wearing a silver-white robe, looming in the dust that filled the water curtain cave.

"That's the Corpse Demon King Li Qing!"

Suddenly, such an idea appeared in his mind.

And at the same time, the two black smoke-like whirlwinds, as if they sensed something, circled from the top of the cave to Li Qing, and asked sinisterly: "You have the aura of Sun Wukong in you, have you ever seen it?" he?"

In the midst of Yin Cha's questioning, Li Qing suddenly turned around and shouted coldly with a livid face.


With just one word, Li Qing dispersed the whirlwind formed by the two evil spirits in front of him.

At the moment, I saw only two little ghosts wearing green and gray baggy trousers, covered in green and black, holding soul-binding ropes in their hands, green faces and fangs, standing beside Li Qing stupidly, watching the dark wind dissipating beside them.

It took a while for them to react.

Then he stared, opened his mouth and sneered: "You are so brave."

As soon as they said this, Li Qing's cold palms grabbed their green and black ferocious heads one by one.

Only then did the two little devils finally see clearly that the robe Li Qing was wearing was the Tianjun robe.

Then, I saw these two little devils shivering and screaming in fear.

"Grandpa, spare your life!"

"Grandpa, spare your life!"

And as they begged for mercy, Li Qing exerted force on his palms.

So, with just a "bang" sound, the two little devils were crushed into two balls of pitch black smoke by him, and then quickly escaped into the ground.

At the same time, the Bull Demon King, who had been kicked by him earlier and was stuck on the mountain wall, shook his dizzy head, broke free from the mountain wall, and landed on the ground.

Perhaps because the drunkenness had not completely dissipated, when the Bull Demon King landed, he fell hard to the ground, making a large human-shaped pit on the ground.

But with the Bull Demon King's physique, this kind of thing is nothing.

So, he slowly took his hands out of the pit, then pulled out the huge bull head from the ground, shaking it subconsciously a few times.

Thanks to book friend Feifei Han, book friend Zhang Yangming, helmsman Shen Tu, and book friend Yang Liuxian for their rewards!

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