Unify all heavens

Chapter 681 All ten categories of Jiuyou are eliminated! (middle)


Before the stick could even hit, the air was already exploding!

Li Qing's face darkened and he shouted angrily: "You're just a little fairy! How dare you act so presumptuously in front of me?"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves.

In an instant, the Monkey King not far away saw the world suddenly turning upside down.

At this moment, his Ruyi Golden Cudgel, which had transformed into Optimus Prime, also hit Li Qing's sleeve hard.

Although the Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Cudgel is the world's first-class magic weapon, Li Qing's sleeves contain infinite mysteries. With a slight shake, the attack that can crack mountains and crack the ground is turned into nothing.

Seeing this, the monkey's expression changed, he quickly put away the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, used somersault cloud technique, turned over and tried to escape.

But at this moment, the four poles around him were already in chaos, and the world was constantly upside down. It was as if the whole world was shrouded in silver.

His somersault cloud that could make him fly thousands of miles in an instant actually harmed him at this moment. Not only did he not escape, but it made him fly deep into Li Qing's sleeves.

At this time, Li Qing flicked his sleeves and dispersed the Monkey King's somersault clouds in his sleeves, making him dizzy and swaying in the turbulent current.

When the Peng Demon King and the Jiao Demon King saw how easily the Monkey King was put into Li Qing's sleeves, they all secretly shook their heads.

"This Monkey King is also impatient. After being provoked by the powerful Bull Demon King for a few words, he became so angry. He doesn't know that we are not as capable as him, so why did he hide away when he saw this guy!"

"Look, even if he has all kinds of abilities and all kinds of changes, how can he escape the magical power of the universe in his sleeve!"

Or maybe it was because the two of them were so obsessed with watching that the words they originally said secretly in their hearts actually came out with their mouths.

The moment the words came out, their expressions changed.

Then I noticed that the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qing turned around suddenly, with an unprecedented indifference on his face.

"You guys are very good!"

He said softly with eyes full of coldness.

Then he suddenly waved his sleeves, and the Peng Demon King and the Jiao Demon King, who had no time to react, also put them into their sleeves.

In fact, the moment Li Qing's words came out, Demon King Jiao and Demon King Peng exclaimed in their hearts, 'No! ’, but their cultivation level is much inferior to Li Qing’s.

Therefore, they didn't react until the big sleeves covering the sky and the sun covered them both.

But by this time, it was already too late.

After Li Qing put both the Peng Demon King and the Jiao Demon King into his sleeves, he stood quietly in the air for a moment, looking at the turbulent North Sea below without saying a word.

Our Lady of Jinling once told him that if he was upset, go and take a look at the sea, and then the worries in his heart would disappear.

But at this moment, Li Qing looked at the rough waves on the vast North Sea below, but he couldn't feel any sign of his boredom disappearing, and instead became more and more angry.

He regarded the Bull Demon King as his senior brother, but the Bull Demon King provoked the Monkey King to deal with him.

He regards the Peng Demon King and the Jiao Demon King as his only friends in the immortal world, but they are different from what they appear to be.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Qing's expression gradually became indifferent, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

"Sister, your method doesn't work."

After he said these words in a cold voice, he took a step forward and entered the void.

When he appeared again, he had arrived.


The vast ocean is under control, and the tide surges silver mountain fish into their caves;

Weining Yaohai, the waves turn over the snow and the mirage leaves the abyss.

The wooden fire is high in the corner, and it towers high in the East China Sea!

There are strange rocks on the red cliffs and strange peaks cut off the walls.

On the cliff, colorful phoenixes sing; before the wall is cut, a unicorn lies alone!

At the top of the peak, you can listen to the crow of the golden pheasant, and watch the dragons coming and going in the grotto.

There are longevity deer and fairy foxes in the forest, and there are spiritual birds and black cranes in the trees.

The wonderful flowers of Yao Cao never fade, and the green pines and cypresses last forever.

Fairy peaches always bear fruit, and bamboos always leave clouds.

There is a ravine covered with vines and green grass on all sides.

It is the Optimus Prime where all rivers meet, and the root of the earth will never be moved!


It is the Huaguo Mountain that is known as ‘the ancestral vein of ten continents and the coming dragon of three islands’!

Also at this moment,

Huaguo Mountain is very lively.

In the Water Curtain Cave, the Bull Demon King continued to drink to his heart's content, with hazy bull eyes and an unpredictable smile on his face.

"I think the Monkey King has already been taken into the arms of my junior brother!"

Beside him, the Tamarin King and Macaque King, who were not drinking much, and the Lion and Camel King were sitting uneasily.

They always feel panic-stricken, as if some danger is coming.

Or because of this mood, they always feel that the atmosphere becomes very depressing in an instant, and their hearts become depressed.

In front of them, hundreds of monkeys lay in a row, like stacks of Arhats, lying drunkenly one on top of the other.

Although most of the monkeys were drunk and fell to the ground, there were still a small number of monkeys playing and playing with wine bottles and fruits.

What's more, they drag the vines in the water curtain hole and swing them around.

The four monkey generals also had red eyes and were wrestling and playing with the smell of alcohol all over their bodies.

The entire Shuilian Cave was very lively and full of chatter and noise.

But for some reason, when the three demon kings looked at the bustling Water Curtain Cave, the sense of foreboding in their hearts became stronger and stronger.

The Lion and Camel King couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He picked up a glass of wine from the stone table in front of him with trembling hands and drank it down, trying to suppress the panic in his heart.

But when the hot drink entered his throat, he choked to tears and coughed for a long time.

Beside him, King Yumaran kept touching the weapon on his waist, as if this could make the panic in his heart dissipate.

But for some reason, as time passed, he felt more and more frightened, and there was a cold air under his feet that rushed directly to the top of his head, making him shiver from time to time.

It continued like this for a long time, and he finally couldn't help but look at the macaque king beside him, who was scratching his head and ears, licked his lips and said: "Brother, brother, why do I suddenly feel that it is so cold in the Water Curtain Cave?"

The Macaque King, who was scratching his head and ears, was startled by his words.

In fact, he also noticed a sudden drop in temperature.

But the growing uneasiness in his heart made him deliberately ignore all this.

Now that King Yu had asked about it, he swallowed his saliva and said, "To be honest with you, my brother also noticed this!"

After saying that, he looked at the Bull Demon King.

But he saw that the Bull Demon King seemed unaware of this and was drinking alone.

The Macaque King stood up slowly, came to the side of the Bull Demon King, stretched out his furry palm and patted the Bull Demon King's broad shoulder.

The drunken Bull Demon King turned around and said with a silly smile as if his tongue was knotted: "Brother, come and have a drink! Have a drink!"

The corner of Macaque King's eyes twitched and he said, "Brother, don't drink anymore. Didn't you notice that the temperature in the Water Curtain Cave suddenly dropped a lot?"

The Bull Demon King smiled stupidly and looked at the anxious-looking Macaque King for a while, then slowly shook his head and said naively: "What did you just say?"

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