Unify all heavens

Chapter 659: The Fierce Battle Reveals the Holy Lord Erlang

When Li Qing was observing Zhenjun Erlang, he was also looking at Li Qing.

In his eyes, Li Qing not far away was a mass of twisted black mist.

So he immediately used divine light in his eyes and looked at Li Qing with his heavenly eyes on his forehead, hoping to see through the essence of the black mist.

But what surprised him was that even the heavenly eye on his forehead could not see through the black mist.

"Quasi-saint means?"

After Zhenjun Erlang secretly thought to himself, he asked in a cold voice: "Where are you from, a monster? How dare you come to my Guanjiang estuary to demonstrate!"

After Li Qing heard this, he didn't say much, but just replied coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's fight first!"

When he finished speaking, Erlang Zhenjun immediately sneered and said: "Okay, let me subdue you, the devil! Then cross-examine you carefully!"

Before he finished speaking, he pulled a golden rope from his waist and threw it towards Li Qing.

"If you fight with him, you need to be extremely careful with his demon-slaying sword and demon-binding rope. Both of them can break the black robe you are wearing and hurt you! Even with your current cultivation level, you will be killed by that Even if you are bound by a demon-binding rope, it will be impossible to escape!”

The moment he saw the rope, Li Qing recalled in his mind what the person pretending to be Hongyun Ancestor said to him.

Therefore, he immediately used the magic of the sky and the earth, thinking: "I don't believe that my body, which is ninety thousand feet tall, can be bound by this demon-binding rope!"

When Li Qing secretly said these words in his heart, his body swelled in the wind, and in just a blink of an eye, he turned into a terrifying giant of 90,000 feet, with his head blocking the sun and moon, and mountains under his feet!

At the same time, I saw the sea of ​​clouds being eroded by a stream of ink color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in the blink of an eye, the sky above was completely black.

When Zhenjun Erlang who was not far away saw this scene, he immediately narrowed his eyes and said with a cold smile: "What a magic trick to control the sky and the earth!"

While he was speaking, the demon-binding rope he had thrown out earlier also came to Li Qing's side like lightning.

Just as Li Qing thought, the demon-binding rope couldn't stand him when it hit the black mist. However, the rope crashed directly into the black mist and hit him.


At that moment, a sound of gold and iron striking each other was heard coming from the black mist.

And with the sound of this voice, the demon-binding rope shot out from the black mist and returned to True Lord Erlang.

The moment Erlang Zhenjun reached out and grabbed the demon-binding rope, his face was covered with an ashen color, and he said in a cold voice: "Yuan Dao, you are a disciple of the Three Religions, but you didn't expect to be a zombie who secretly learned the skills!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stuffed the demon-binding rope into his arms, brandished the three-pointed two-edged halberd, and rushed high into the sky.

He did not attack Li Qing directly, but rushed straight into the sea of ​​clouds like an ink ocean, and then disappeared.

Because of Li Qing's towering body, his eyes could see more than before.

At this time, when he saw True Lord Erlang disappearing behind the sea of ​​clouds, he opened his mouth suddenly and sucked in the sea of ​​ink-colored clouds that covered the sky and the sun into his mouth.

But when he opened his mouth to inhale a small piece of the sea of ​​clouds, he remembered that Erlang Shen was as good as the monkey at attacking people, so he immediately closed his mouth and waved his hands in the sea of ​​clouds to form a hurricane.

Zhenjun Erlang, who was hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, was already close to Li Qing, but when Li Qing waved his hands and caused a hurricane to blow away the sea of ​​clouds, his figure also appeared in the sky.

I saw the corner of his mouth slightly raised, and sneered: "What a cunning devil!"

As he finished speaking, he also recited the mantra in his heart and used the technique of controlling the sky and the earth.

In an instant, two terrifying giants standing tall and tall appeared between the vast sky and the earth.

While Shunfeng Er Gaojue and clairvoyant Gao Ming reported to the Jade Emperor in horror, all the demon kings in the earthly immortal world were also frightened by these two majestic giants.

On Fangcun Mountain, the Monkey King who was listening to the class also looked back at the sky at this time.

He looked at the two figures with burning eyes and said to himself: "Old Sun, I will also show off such power in the future!"

Just when he was thinking of this, there was a sudden sound of wind coming from the door.

Although the Monkey King heard the wind, he did not react, so he was directly hit on the head by a sutra book, and then only heard a faint old voice ringing in his ears.

"You hozen, don't get distracted!"

When this voice came out, the Monkey King saw that the two wooden doors at the entrance of the hall were closed with a magical force.

When the monkey king saw this, he had to turn around obediently, collect his mind and listen carefully.

At the same time, a sound came from the pitch-black lotus held by the 'Hongyun Patriarch' in both hands.

"That zombie has supernatural powers, and even a saint has taken action to cover up his past and future. I haven't figured out where he came from, so what he said seems true and false. When the zombie is at a disadvantage later, you might as well save him." Save. It’s considered a good relationship!”

"After rescuing him, look for the target again. Don't look for him again!"

After hearing the indifferent voice coming from the black lotus, the 'Hongyun Ancestor' immediately nodded and said respectfully: "I will obey the Buddha's decree!"

When he finished speaking, he stuffed the black lotus back into his heart and turned his head to look into the distance.

I saw the two giants standing inseparable.

One is the immortal Erlang Zhenjun who has become a saint in the flesh, and the other is the zombie of the Emperor's Demon Realm who has an unparalleled body.

Every time the two of them shook their fists, it felt like the end of the world was coming in the high sky, with thunder blazing in the sky, lightning blasting the earth, and hurricanes making the void tremble.

At the same time, the ground beneath their feet also cracked and magma surged up!

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought for dozens of rounds.

From Guanjiangkou to Huaguo Mountain, they left Dongsheng Shenzhou and came to Beiju Luzhou.

Due to the battle between the two, the oceans in all directions were flooded and huge waves rolled into the sky.

Unknowingly, their battle attracted the attention of all the great powers in the world.

In the Wanshou Mountain, Zhen Yuanzi, who was standing under the ginseng fruit tree and discussing the Tao with Patriarch Hongyun, suddenly turned cold and said, "What a bastard, he went to provoke the True Monarch Xiansheng Erlang!"

At the same time as his words sounded, in a certain Heavenly Palace in the majestic ninth level, Heavenly Lord Shangqing Lingbao looked at the battle in the lower realm with his eyes and divine light, and said with a smile on his lips: "So you are my disciple!"

Moreover, after fighting for a long time, Zhenjun Erlang couldn't guess where Li Qing's master was so powerful, so he narrowed his eyes and started thinking.

"If I continue to fight with this devil, I will definitely destroy the four states, and I will definitely be punished! You might as well use some tricks to contain him!"

After thinking this, he raised his three-pointed two-edged halberd and waved it in front of Li Qing. When he threatened Li Qing to duck back, he dispersed the magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Earth and disappeared from Li Qing's front!

After Li Qing saw True Lord Erlang disappearing, he hurriedly started to investigate.

At the same time, the Erlang Zhenjun had turned into a big-headed fly, flying quickly from behind Li Qing towards his ears.

After Li Qing searched for a long time and found no trace of Erlang Shen, he suddenly remembered the incident where Zhongshen had attacked him from behind.

At that moment, he frowned and thought to himself, "Could it be that Erlang Zhenjun also wants to use this to plot against me?"

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