Unify all heavens

Chapter 658 The Revealed Saint Erlang Zhenjun at Guanjiangkou

It just so happens that the Earthly Immortal Realm is divided into four major states, and the residence of the True Lord Xian Sheng Erlang is actually also in the Dongsheng Shenzhou, close to the Huaguo Mountain, and even a neighbor to the Monkey King (Note 1) .

After Li Qing and the 'Ancestor Hongyun' arrived at the boundary of Dongsheng Divine Continent, it didn't take long before they could see the Guanjiang Estuary in the distance with the glow in the sky.

'Ancestor Hongyun' stopped and smiled at Li Qing as if to remind him: "Little friend, you need to be more careful when fighting against the Xian Sheng True Lord Erlang. This True Lord Erlang is not an ordinary person. He is a quasi-sage." There are not many who can defeat him!"


Li Qing raised his eyebrows and said, "I'd like to hear the details!"

'Ancestor Hongyun' smiled and said: "Back then, the Jade Emperor's sister Sifan went down to the world and cooperated with Yang Jun to give birth to a boy named Yang Jian. He studied under the master Yuding since he was a child and learned eight or nine mysterious skills. Later, he became a saint physically and mastered the seven Thirteen kinds of infinite changes, knowing the infinite wonderful ways!"

"This saint is wearing a yellow robe with eight claws and dragon patterns. It was given by Yuanshi Tianzun!"

"The three-pointed two-edged halberd in his hand is the transformation of an ancient monster!"

"There is a silver slingshot and gold bow on his waist. Even if he is a great master of Zhengdao, he will be staggered if he is hit by his slingshot!"

"There is a demon-slaying sword hidden in his mouth, a demon-looking mirror in his arms, and a demon-binding rope tied around his waist!"

"Under the seat is a howling evil dog that looks like a white elephant. It was also very famous in those ancient times!"

"If you fight with him, you need to be extremely careful with his demon-slaying sword and demon-binding rope. Both of them can break the black robe you are wearing and hurt you! Even with your current cultivation level, you will be killed by that Even if you are bound by a demon-binding rope, it will be impossible to escape!"

When he said this, his smile faded and he said: "What's more, his wife is the third princess of the West Sea. If you fight with her husband, she will definitely plot against you, so you need to be more careful!"

When Li Qing nodded slowly after hearing this, he added: "Before you fight with him, let me tell you about his methods. You must keep it in mind!"

When he finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and said: "This saint has endless transformations and is good at getting into the belly of people to defeat the enemy. During the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, he once got into the belly of the fox and marten, pinched the heart of the evil beast, and subdued the evil beast. Animal. He was once swallowed by Ma Yuanzun King Buddha, but he transformed it into a strange elixir, which caused Ma Yuanzun King Buddha to ejaculate for three days, draining all his power. Even Zhu Zizhen, one of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, also He drilled into his belly and pointed at his heart, forcing Nana Zhuzi to realize his true form!"

"Therefore, you need to be extremely careful. If he gets into your belly and uses his magical powers, your zombie body will immediately be torn into pieces and turned into ashes! By then, even if the Lord of the Interception Cult comes in person, it will be difficult to save you!"

When Li Qing heard this, the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched.

No matter what he thinks, he still feels like Zhan Na Erlang Zhenjun!

But there are just so many things you need to be careful about.

In the midst of a battle, how could he be careful about so many things.

Thinking of this, he felt a little hesitant in his heart, and said: "Listening to your detailed explanation, I think I can't beat him, so I might as well find other existences first!"

After hearing this, 'Ancestor Hongyun' narrowed his eyes and stared at Li Qing coldly like a poisonous snake.

But at the same time, he had a smile on his face.

But this smile was full of threats.

"Now that we are here, how can we avoid fighting?"

After he said this calmly, the expression on his face turned into a kind one. He raised his hand and patted Li Qing's shoulder and said with a smile: "My little friend, you don't need to fight him to the death, you only need to fight for a few hundred rounds! Then it will be enough!" He will naturally return to Guanjiangkou!"

Judging from his appearance, he seemed to know that Li Qing had seen through his identity.

It's just that at this moment, we haven't broken our skin yet.

Li Qing looked at him deeply, gritted his teeth and said, "Senior, you are different today from the past!"

The moment 'Ancestor Hongyun' heard this, his expression turned cold and he chuckled: "My little friend, you are smart, so you should know the price to pay for offending a quasi-sage!"

When he finished speaking, the cold look on his face disappeared, and he smiled kindly: "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards you. After all, I am the ancestor of Hongyun!"

He waved his hands and said with a smile: "You can go alone, I will watch from here. However, if you dare to leave without permission, this black robe will deprive you of your intelligence and turn you into a puppet!"

The smile on his face never dissipated until he said these words.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth and sneered, threatening: "When I leave, I also want to warn you, is the person behind you prepared to offend Dao Ancestor?"

'Ancestor Hongyun' changed his expression when he heard this, and said coldly: "What do you mean by this?"

Li Qing sneered without changing his expression: "You only know that I am a disciple of Saint Tongtian and Zhen Yuanzi, but do you know that I also have some relationship with Dao Ancestor?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately shrank down to an inch. Before 'Ancestor Hongyun' could ask any more questions, he was already over the Guanjiang estuary in an instant.

The moment Li Qing left, the face of 'Ancestor Hongyun' turned gloomy, and said secretly: "I don't know if what this evil beast said is true or false, I need to go to the Buddha to inquire!"

Having said this, he raised his hand to his heart and took out a thirty-sixth grade jet black lotus with black smoke rising.

The next moment the black lotus appeared, an extremely cold voice came from it.

"What's important?"

'Ancestor Hongyun' immediately told Heilian everything Li Qing had said to him with a respectful look on his face.

At the same time, among the towering buildings at the mouth of Guanjiang River.

Xiansheng Erlang Zhenjun was talking to his wife.

Just listen to him say: "Recently, many mysterious beings pretending to be immortals, gods, Buddhas and demons have appeared in the earthly immortal world. The Jade Emperor ordered me to investigate in Dongsheng Divine Continent. After I leave home, you need to be careful. If there are those bold He came here pretending to be me, so you ask him some things that few people know. For fear that your life is in danger, I will leave the barking dog at home. If you know that he is fake, don't offend him, just find some excuse to go back to your parents' home in Xihai. Hide for a while! I will look for you when I return!"

The third princess of Xihai nodded immediately, leaned on his chest and said: "Don't worry, I will be careful!"

Hearing this, True Monarch Xiansheng Erlang was about to say a few thoughtful words, but suddenly his eyes widened and he said in a cold voice: "What an evil beast, how dare you come to your door!"

When he finished speaking, he said to the third princess: "You can stay at home and stay at home. I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, his figure suddenly turned into a rainbow light, left the room, and rushed into the sky in an instant.

At the same time, Li Qing stopped and looked solemnly at the tall figure that appeared when the rainbow light disappeared not far away.

I saw that he had a clean and handsome appearance, with lobed ears and bright eyes.

Wearing a three-mountain flying phoenix hat and a light yellow collar.

The gold boots are lined with dragon socks, and the jade belt is decorated with eight treasures of flowers.

He has a crescent-shaped slingshot on his waist and a three-pointed two-edged gun in his hand.

He once saved his mother by splitting the peach mountain with an ax, and struck the twin phoenixes of Yuan and Luo with his flick.

He is famous for his ability to kill the eight monsters, and is sworn to the Seven Saints of Meishan.

The heart is high and does not recognize the family members of heaven, and the nature is arrogant and returns to God to live in Guanjiang.

The spiritual sage Akagi Akira is known as Erlang.

(Note 1: The city lord checked all the information about Erlang Shen, including novels, and found that the area at the mouth of the Guanjiang River was said to be in Nanfangbuzhou, and some said it was Luzhou in Beiju. Finally, I found out from Wu Chenen's information, In order to write about his journey to the west, he traveled across the ocean along the Huaguo Mountain and came to the nearby mouth of Guanjiang River to write about the battle between the Monkey King and Erlang Zhenjun. Therefore, this information shall prevail here.)

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