Unify all heavens

Chapter 647 Li Qing becomes famous in the three worlds! (seven)

After the old woman-like ghost disappeared from the cave, he drove through the mist and soon arrived at the foot of the eight-hundred-mile corpse mountain.

From a distance, she saw three demon kings with deer heads, tiger heads, and sheep heads, gathering together in front of them to discuss something unknown.

Just as she was floating towards the three-headed demon king with an expressionless face, she was in the Great Thunder Sound Temple in the West, hundreds of thousands of miles away from here.

Tathagata Buddha also finished preaching a sutra with thunderous sounds.

When all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Dharma Protectors were preparing to leave and return to their home monasteries to study carefully what was said today, the Tathagata Buddha slowly spoke and called out the Deng Deng Buddha who was about to leave.

"Randeng Buddha, please stay!"

When his words sounded, the other Bodhisattvas and Arhats all turned back to look at the Deng Deng Buddha, and then left with doubts in their hearts.

At the same time, the figure of Ran Deng Buddha had become transparent and was about to leave. Under the words of Tathagata Buddha, he gathered his body shape again and looked back at Tathagata Buddha.

At this time, all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats had left, and they were the only two people left in the entire Great Thunder Sound Temple.

Tathagata Buddha slowly opened his eyes and said with a smile: "The ancient Buddha still remembers the golden-winged roc!"

When the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng heard the words, he nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Since the time of chaos, the sky opened in Zi, the earth opened in Chou, people were born in Yin, heaven and earth reunited, and all things were born. All things have animals, birds, and beasts. The unicorn is used as its head, and the birds are made of the phoenix. Then the phoenixes have the energy to mate and give birth to peacocks and rocs!"

Tathagata Buddha nodded slowly with a smile on his face and said: "The ancient Buddha is right. The peacock was the most evil when it was born. It loved to eat people and sucked them up forty-five miles. At that time, I was on the top of the snow mountain. She went up to her and cultivated a six-foot-long golden body, but she sucked me in too. I wanted to go out through her door, but I was afraid of contaminating my true body. So I cut open her back and stepped up to the spiritual mountain. At that time, I wanted to hurt her. My destiny, I should be advised by the Buddhas, hurting the peacock is like hurting my mother, so I kept him in the Lingshan meeting and made him the Buddha's mother, Peacock, Great Ming King and Bodhisattva. Dapeng and he were born from the same mother, so they are somewhat related!"

When he said this, he paused, and then said with a smile: "Although the Dapeng is not as vicious as the peacock, it is not a kind person either. I kept him by my side, hoping to influence him with the Dharma. How could I know that during my lecture just now? , but he escaped from Lingshan Mountain and went to the lower realm to do evil! Feeling that everything in the world has its limits, this golden-winged roc was actually captured by the Corpse Demon King of the Eight Hundred Li Corpse Mountain in the lower realm, and the treasures on his body were taken away. Keep it in your sleeve!”

After hearing the words, Ran Deng Buddha asked with a smile: "Sleeves? Is that Corpse Demon King a disciple of Zhen Yuanzi, the ancestor of the Earth Immortal?"

Tathagata Buddha immediately nodded and said: "It is his disciple. Now he has locked the golden-winged roc in his sleeve, fearing that the roc's life will not be saved! The Buddha, Bodhisattva and Arhat protectors in our religion are all afraid of the roc and are afraid of rescuing him." , he swallowed them up in one gulp! I am about to pass away, so I cannot leave Leiyin Temple without authorization! The ancient Buddha might as well go on my behalf, grant him some benefits, and get the Dapeng back from the corpse demon king!"

After hearing the words, Ran Deng Buddha recited the Buddha's name and said with a smile: "I'll go right away!"

As he finished speaking, his figure gradually became blurred and transparent, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

As the saying goes, a day in heaven is a year on earth!

Although Tathagata Buddha had a few words with Randen Buddha, seven or eight days had passed in the lower realm.

At this time, in the Ghost Ridge of the Eight Hundred Miles Corpse Mountain, Li Qing was sitting on the throne, talking and laughing with many demon kings in the cave with a smile.

In the open space in the center of the cave, there were three demon kings with tiger heads, sheep heads, and deer heads respectively. Due to their drunkenness, they all raised their hands and bowed deeply to Li Qing, with pleading expressions on their faces. They laughed in unison and said: "My three brothers have the supernatural power of the corpse demon king. They are willing to join the king and become little demons from now on. I hope the king will not refuse!"

When the three of them finished speaking, many demon kings who were already drunk on the seats on both sides started laughing and cursing: "You are not stupid! The corpse demon king has been declared the king on the list of ten thousand demons. In front, he waved his sleeves to take away the golden-winged roc behind! It has been less than half a month. Not only has the heavenly palace not seen the gods descending to earth, but even the bald donkeys in the west have not come to rescue their uncle of the Buddha! It can be seen that the corpse The demon king’s magical power even scares the people in the palace of that day and the west!”

"Now that you want to join the Corpse Demon King and worship him as your king and ancestor, are you trying to find a big tree to enjoy the shade?"

"Hahahaha, as long as the mortal corpse demon king agrees to wait, we seventy or eighty demon kings will also join in the fun! You guys are right, right?"

"Hahahaha, well said, well said!"

"Yes, yes, we all have this intention, and we all want to worship the Corpse Demon King as our king!"

These demon kings had been drinking all kinds of meat and vegetables, but now they started to make trouble, and the whole cave became chaotic.

Taking advantage of the commotion, the demon king actually left his seat and staggered to the side of the three demon kings. He bowed to Li Qing with unsteady steps and said with a loud smile: "Zombie Demon King" Your Excellency, I, the Hundred-Eyed Demon King, will surrender to you today!"

When he finished speaking, seven or eight more demon kings with different appearances and smelling of alcohol jumped out staggeringly, laughing and shouting: "Add me one more, add me one more, I want to worship you too." The Corpse Demon King is king!”

When Li Qing frowned when he heard this, the faces of the three demon kings in the center of the cave had already turned cold, and they sneered: "Since you and my three brothers have the same purpose, you might as well come out of the cave to compete, and let the king take a look. , which one is a wine bag and which one is the real thing!"

Having said that, before Li Qing could speak, the three brothers had already left the cave with cold faces.

And those demon kings who were watching the excitement and not taking it too seriously, all waved their arms at this time and shouted excitedly: "That hundred-eyed demon king, don't show off your girly behavior, why don't you go out and kill him quickly?" The three of them! Let’s come back and drink!”

The Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord, who was originally about to leave the show, saw all the demon kings present laughing and scolding him. He became drunk and did not care about anything else. He laughed directly and said: "Let's compete, really, I am the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord." Are you afraid of the three of you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned back and said to the girls who had just made sworn vows under the influence of wine: "Girls, please heat up some food and drinks for your brother, and come back to eat after I kill three of them!"

After saying that, he walked out of the cave with a sinister smile on his face.

When the other demon kings saw this, they laughed and applauded, then stood up unsteadily and followed him out.

In the blink of an eye, there was only a mess left in the cave, and most of the demon kings had already left the cave at this time.

Bai Jingjing, who was sitting on the lower left side of Li Qing, looked back at Li Qing at this moment and couldn't help but ask: "Zombie Demon King, they are making trouble now. What should we do if they alarm the heaven?"

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