Unify all heavens

Chapter 646 Li Qing becomes famous in the three worlds! (six)

Let's say that many demon kings left the corpse mountain and returned to their caves with ugly faces.

Those who were far away would have to cross mountains and seas, while those who were close would go directly back to the cave.

At this moment, a snake demon wearing mail armor and a face covered with fish scales fell down from the clouds in a menacing manner, and returned to the cave with gnashing teeth.

"Bad luck!"

As soon as the demon king returned to the cave with an ugly expression, he immediately sat down and slapped the table and cursed angrily.

When he finished speaking, the group of monsters below immediately swarmed up and started asking questions.

"Didn't the king go to look for trouble with the Corpse Demon King? Why did he come back so soon?"

"What's the bad luck? Your Majesty, just say it, and I will vent my anger on you!"

"The king looks so ugly, but what happened?"

The demon king, who was already very angry, heard the messy sounds of the little demons again before the fire was extinguished, which made him even more angry.

"Shut up, everyone!"

At that moment, he raised his arms and roared.

The many little demons immediately trembled and closed their mouths.

The demon king stared with eyes full of violence, glanced around at the little demons below, raised his hand and pointed at a certain little demon at random, saying: "Bring me the wine!"

The moment the little demon heard this, he turned around and ran out of the cave to look for wine as if he had been granted amnesty.

At the same time, the little demons in the cave remained motionless and stood blankly under the demon king's angry eyes.

I don't know how long it took, but the little demon who went to get the wine finally came back with sweat on his face. He didn't even bother to wipe the sweat off, so he hurriedly placed the jar with the wine in his arms on the table and took off the stopper. He opened it and poured some into the wine bottle that was already on the table.

As soon as the wine bottle was filled, the demon king picked it up and poured it into his mouth. Then he slammed the wine bottle on the table and gave a cold drink.

"Keep pouring!"

The little demon quickly picked up the jar again and carefully poured it into the wine bottle.

After doing this for more than ten times, half of the wine in the jar was gone.


The snake demon, whose face had improved a lot, slapped the once empty wine bottle on the table, raised his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth, waved his arms feebly, and said: "Go to the cave and collect the treasures that you have saved before. Get it and give it to me when I visit the Corpse Demon King later!"

After these little demons ran away in a panic, the Demon King let out a long sigh, raised his hand and patted it on the table, and said in a tired voice.

"Keep pouring! Your Majesty, I'm in a bad mood today, so I'll drink three jars of it first!"

The little demon nodded, tilted the wine jar, and poured it into the wine bottle.

When the demon king picked up the wine bottle, the little demon hesitated for a long time, and finally couldn't hold it back and said, "Your Majesty, it's better to drink less. If you feel upset, I'm willing to let you punch and kick me!"

When the snake demon poured the wine into his mouth, he heard what the little demon said.

At that moment, I saw him slowly put down the wine bottle, and couldn't help but laugh: "What does this have to do with you? Keep pouring wine!"

While the little demon was pouring the wine, the demon king suddenly smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know what the corpse demon king has, but now he showed up and took down the golden-winged roc and the black bear spirit with ease. ! We were also threatened by him and went back to our homes to find our treasures and visit him later!"

As he finished speaking, he smiled bitterly, picked up the full wine bottle helplessly, and poured it into his mouth again.

And at the same time, the other demon kings were just like him, drinking wine with helpless expressions and waiting for the little demons under their command to deliver treasures.

Since they are demon kings, there are more or less treasures hidden in their caves.

As for those without treasures, they were mostly down-and-out demon kings with only two or three little demons under their command.

Because they knew their own situation, these demon kings did not return to the cave, but went to the human world.

Or plunder some beautiful women, or plunder the treasures of some small countries.

Generally speaking, none of these demon kings dared to visit Li Qing empty-handed.

Li Qing didn't know that those demon kings had gone to the human world to snatch treasures for him in order not to come empty-handed.

At this moment, he was searching for the last treasure from the golden-winged roc.

The golden-winged roc gnashed its teeth angrily, but did not dare to resist.

The Peng Demon King on the side couldn't help swallowing his saliva, thinking that he was lucky enough to stop immediately after hearing Li Qing's words before. Otherwise, it would be his turn after the Golden Winged Dapeng was looted by Li Qing. .

At the same time, Bai Jingjing looked at Li Qing with faintly shining eyes.

She found that Li Qing was becoming more and more mysterious.

After a while, the golden-winged Dapeng, who had no treasure left in his body, was taken away by Li Qing's sleeves.

"Zombie Demon King, why don't you let me leave this place?"

The golden-winged roc was trapped in the universe, and roared with anger on his face.

As soon as his voice fell, he lost his way and was tucked deep into Li Qing's sleeve.

At this time, the smiling Bull Demon King returned to the cave.

As soon as his figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, his laughter reached Li Qing's ears.

"Hahahaha, good junior brother, tell me quickly, what kind of treasures have you looted from that golden-winged roc?"

Li Qing, who was sitting in the main seat, waved his hands and said after hearing the words of the Bull Demon King: "He is very poor. He searched for a long time and didn't see anything good!"

When he finished speaking, the Bull Demon King had already arrived in front of him.

When he slapped Li Qing on the shoulder, the Bull Demon King's voice rang out at the same time.

"Hahaha, good junior brother, don't make trouble. That Golden-winged Dapeng is the uncle of Tathagata Tathagata of the West. How can he be poor? Just take it out and let my brother give you the palm of your hand!"

Li Qing glanced at him sideways, spread his hands and said, "It's true, if you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it!"

The Bull Demon King immediately lost his smile, glared and complained: "You zombie is so stingy, so what if you just take out the treasure and show it to my brother? Can I, the powerful Bull Demon King, still steal your things?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Demon King Peng, who was sitting in the row on the right below, couldn't help but said quietly: "Brother, the last time you were in Beiming, you used this excuse to trick me into hiding. Haizhu!"

The Bull Demon King suddenly turned around, looked at the Peng Demon King with a dull look, shook his head pretending to be stupid and said: "What are you talking about to avoid the sea pearl? I have never seen it before, old cow!"

When he finished speaking, his bull's eyes narrowed in an instant, and he gritted his teeth and said to Demon King Peng: "If you dare to mention one more word, I will beat you to death!"

While transmitting the message, he turned back and said with a big smile: "He must be confused. I, the powerful Bull Demon King, roam all over the world, heaven and earth. There are no treasures that I haven't seen yet. How can I covet him?" What a sea-avoiding pearl!"

When he finished speaking, he saw a ghost with a pale face and the look of an old woman suddenly floating out of the void to the left of Li Qing.

This fierce ghost was not a good person when he was alive. Although he looked like an old woman, he had a fierce look on his face.

"Your Majesty, a demon king has come to the foot of the mountain and wants to see you!"

After the fierce ghost said this coldly, Li Qing nodded and ordered: "Let him come up!"

When he finished speaking, the fierce ghost stepped back and disappeared into the cave.

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