Unify all heavens

Chapter 614: Wuzhuang Guanzhong’s Past (Part 1)

Let’s not mention Li Qing’s question, how the King of Growth will answer.

It is only said that since the creation of the world in Pangu, after Nuwa made stones to mend the sky, it has been divided into four major states, namely Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, and Beiju Luzhou.

But on the border of Xiniu Hezhou, great powers and demons gathered together, but people without any cultivation dared not even take a step forward.

Although the Great Leiyin Temple of Xitian is also located on this continent, there are always endless demons on Xiniuhe Continent.

Even at the foot of Lingshan Mountain, there are many man-eating demons and terrifying monsters.

One can imagine how many monsters there are in other places.

These demons have almost occupied Xiniuhezhou, and they are close to attacking Xitian and destroying the temple and destroying the Buddha.

But on this huge Xiniu Hezhou, there are several places where demons, no matter how high their level of cultivation, dare not set foot.

Wuzhuang Temple in Wanshou Mountain is one of them.

What do you think? The Zhenyuan Immortal of Wuzhuang Temple was the great power from the beginning of the world!

As one of the three thousand disciples of Zixiao Palace, he has a wide circle of friends and knows all the great powers in heaven and earth.

Although these demons in Xiniu Hezhou today have some abilities, they are not sprung from rocks after all. They are all born from some of the great demons that stirred up the storm in ancient times.

How could they dare to come here to make trouble for a big shot of the same level as their ancestors?

Not only do they not dare to do this, they even dare not set foot within a hundred miles of Wanshou Mountain.

Because no demons have come here to cause trouble since ancient times, this Wanshou Mountain has always been a famous fairy mountain in the world.

On this day, the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, who was sitting cross-legged in the main hall in the Wuzhuang Temple of Wanshou Mountain, suddenly opened his eyes for some unknown reason and ordered the Taoist boys on the left and right: "My children, burn incense immediately to worship the saints, and go to the garden to pray." Pick three or five fruits for a visit from an old teacher and friend, who will be here soon!"

The boy didn't dare to be negligent after hearing this. He quickly went to the next room to get the golden hammer and walked quickly to the back garden.

During this period, I saw purple energy suddenly coming from high in the sky three thousand miles east. Its momentum was majestic, like a big wave in the sea, rolling and surging.

Upon seeing this, Immortal Zhenyuan quickly stood up and went out to greet him.

At this moment, the welcome incense and holy incense have been lit in the tall empty incense burner in the front yard.

At this moment, only green smoke was seen rising, floating in the sky.

Then I saw the Immortal Zhenyuan adjusting his clothes solemnly and looking up slightly.

As far as the eye can see, three thousand miles of purple energy quickly gathered into a blurry figure.

After just a few breaths, the blurry figure became clear and swayed down from the sky.

Before landing, the figure smiled brightly and said: "What a great immortal, your Longevity Mountain is really a good place to see the truth and cultivate one's mind!"

Zhenyuan Great Immortal Lang responded with a smile: "Tianzun is ridiculous, Zhenyuanzi really doesn't dare to take it seriously. How can my small mountain temple compare to Biyou Palace?"

As he spoke, the figure swayed and landed in front of Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi said with a smile on his face: "Tianzun, please, I have prepared some fruits, only Tianzun can enjoy them!"

Lingbao Tianzun smiled and said: "When the immortal said this, I am really greedy for your ginseng fruit!"

Zhen Yuanzi laughed when he heard this, stretched out his hand to support Lingbao Tianzun, and said: "Please!"

Lingbao Tianzun also smiled and said: "Please"

After that, the two of them walked towards the main hall.

After entering the main hall and eating the ginseng fruit, Zhen Yuanzi ordered the boy to put on the chess equipment and started playing chess with Lingbao Tianzun.

Zhen Yuanzi is the master of this room, so he should be the backhand in the first game according to etiquette.

The two played several games, and both won and lost.

Then Zhen Yuanzi held the chess piece in his hand, looked at the chess game while stroking his beard, and said with a smile inadvertently: "Tianzun is lying on the ninth floor of the sky, and he never comes out easily. I think he was lonely in the palace, so he came to Xiaodao to relieve his addiction to this game."

When he finished speaking, he dropped the chess pieces on the chessboard and continued: "If Tianzun wants to play chess, he only needs to send a boy to deliver me an invitation letter. Zhen Yuanzi naturally welcomes the invitation and goes to Tianzun's invitation. , Why bother for Tianzun to come down to earth in person!"

Lingbao Tianzun smiled when he heard the words, raised his hand to take a chess piece, and said: "I came here this time, firstly, I haven't seen the great immortal for a long time, and I am greedy for your ginseng fruit, and secondly, I came here to wait for a Taoist friend. Come!"


Zhen Yuanzi was immediately surprised and said strangely: "I wonder who the person Tianzun is waiting for is?"

Hearing this, Lingbao Tianzun raised his head and said with a smile: "Speaking of which, this fellow Taoist, the Great Immortal also knows him, and they are very close to each other!"

Zhen Yuanzi was even more surprised when he heard this. He immediately thought about the powerful people with whom he had a very close relationship.

After much thought, I couldn't figure it out.

After all, ever since Ancestor Hongyun was assassinated by Kunpeng and Ancestor Minghe during the prehistoric years, he has always lived in the Wuzhuang Temple to thank guests and meditate. He would only go to the appointment if Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West sent invitations.

While Zhen Yuanzi was frowning and thinking, he was hundreds of thousands of miles away from here.

Li Qing asked the King of Growth with an expressionless face: "Why are you here? But the Jade Emperor ordered to arrest me?"

After hearing Li Qing's words, the King of Growth shook his big red head like a rattle, and then said: "That's not the case, but the Heavenly Lord ordered that his nephew lead the way to Wuzhuang Temple for his uncle!"


Li Qing looked surprised, then glanced at Patriarch Hongyun beside him, and asked Xiangzheng Tianwang: "Which Tianzun?"

The King of Growth looked respectful and said, "I am the Supreme Pure Spiritual Treasure Heavenly Lord!"

The moment the word 'Shangqing' came into his ears, a smile appeared on Li Qing's face.

He secretly thought that the Tongtian Cult Leader was really powerful. He had just come to this world, and the Tongtian Cult Leader knew his whereabouts, and even knew that the purpose of his visit was Wuzhuang Temple.

Such magical power is truly terrifying and terrifying!

As his thoughts shifted slightly, he raised his hand to support the King of Growth who was kneeling in the void, and said with a smile: "Since you are a disciple of Senior Brother Duobao, please get up quickly. There is no need for us to perform this grand ceremony!"

King Zengzheng said yes, stood up hurriedly, and then cupped his hands and said: "Uncle, that nephew will lead the way." When he said this, he paused and hesitated: "However, please invite uncle and this senior. , restrain your aura, so as not to be mistaken by the big monster on the ground as a provocation when passing by Xiniu Hezhou, and come to cause trouble!"

When he finished speaking, Li Qing and Ancestor Hongyun calmed down their auras.

Seeing this, the King of Growth made a salute to them with clasped fists, and immediately turned around to lead the way.

I didn't know what method he used, and his figure instantly disappeared from the front of Li Qing and Hongyun ancestors.

When it appeared, it was already hundreds of miles away.

Then it flashed again.

Li Qing and Ancestor Hongyun hurriedly used their crouching skills to catch up.

And they chased him for tens of thousands of miles.

About ten minutes later, the Growth King suddenly jumped up a few miles ahead and stepped on an auspicious cloud high in the sky. Then he watched Li Qing and Hongyun Patriarch catch up and faced Li Qing cupped his fists and saluted, and said: "The Wuzhuang Temple is in front, so my nephew will leave first. If my uncle needs it in the future, he only needs to recite my nephew's name, and his nephew will know where he is." After finishing his words, The figure gradually disappeared.

When Li Qing saw this, he waved to say goodbye. Then after the King of Growth disappeared, he turned back to Patriarch Hongyun and said, "Senior, the front is Wuzhuang Temple where Zhenyuan Immortal lives!"

Along the way, Ancestor Hongyun had been suppressing the excitement in his heart. As soon as Li Qing finished speaking, he took a step forward and disappeared without waiting any longer.

Li Qing saw this but did not chase after him. Instead, he waited on the spot for about five or six minutes before using the technique of shrinking to an inch and flying towards Wuzhuang Temple.

He thought that Hongyun and Immortal Zhenyuan had not seen each other for who knows how many years. They must be extremely excited to meet now and had many things to say. If he went directly and witnessed the scene of the two great masters crying with joy, it would definitely make them feel awkward.

It should be noted that the purpose of his coming to Wuzhuang Temple is to let Immortal Zhenyuan be his backstage in the world of Journey to the West. If Immortal Zhenyuan felt uncomfortable because of such trivial matters, then half of his purpose would have been defeated.

However, he didn't know that his biggest backer had already gone to Wuzhuang Guanzhong to drink tea and play chess with Zhen Yuanzi.

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