Unify all heavens

Chapter 613 Emperor Shangqing Lingbao

Lingbao Tianzun is not as good as Taishang Laojun. He has a business of refining alchemy and has Tushita Palace in the heaven.

Although the place where he lives is magnificent, it is rarely populated.

Except for a few children, there was no one else.

Therefore, when he was sitting in the palace quietly practicing Taoism, he never thought that someone would come to see him on this ordinary day.

After noticing Moli Qingfei coming from a distance, he slowly opened his eyes and said to the boy beside him: "Tong'er, go and see who is coming?"

Upon hearing this, the boy bowed to Lingbao Tianzun and turned to leave.

When he came to the door, he saw a rainbow light falling in front of him.

After the rainbow light dissipated, Moli Qing, who looked like a living crab, was revealed.

When the boy saw this, he laughed and said, "No wonder the master asked me to come here, it turns out that my senior brother is here!"

As he spoke, he bowed to Moli Qing.

Mo Liqing's face returned the gift solemnly, and said: "Is the master in the palace?"

The boy smiled and said: "Yes, yes, I will take senior brother to see the master right now!"

After saying that, he led the way.

Although Mo Liqing is a disciple of the Jie Cult, he is not a direct disciple of the Cult Leader after all.

He has been a god for a long time, and he has only heard some high-status disciples mention this place.

But when he was in Jiejiao in the past, he had not seen the leader of Tongtian Cult very much, so he had never been to the place where Tianzun lived. If it weren't for the seriousness of the matter, he would not dare to come here.

Even when he followed the boy into the palace, he didn't dare to look around, he just lowered his head and moved forward.

After a while, the boy suddenly stopped and said with a smile: "Brother, the master is inside, just go in!"

Mo Liqing nodded hurriedly, patted the dust on his body in a panic, and then walked in.

But I saw that the main hall was extremely empty and simple, with only one bed placed at the end of the main hall.

And on that bed, Lingbao Tianzun, who looked like a middle-aged man with black hair shawl, was sitting cross-legged.

After Lingbao Tianzun carefully looked at Mo Liqing for a while, he said with a smile: "Since you became a god, you have never been to my Tianzun Palace. Why are you here today?"

Mo Liqing was already flustered, but after hearing what Lingbao Tianzun said, he was even more panicked with sweat dripping from his forehead, and hurriedly knelt down on the ground, saying: "Master, forgive me, it's not that the disciples don't want to come here, it's actually the disciples. My status is too low, I dare not disturb the leader!"

Lingbao Tianzun smiled, raised his hand and said: "Get up, there is no Jiejiao now. If you remember the feelings of that day, just call me Tianzun. If you blame me in your heart, just call Tongtian, and I won't blame you." with you!"

When he finished speaking, Mo Liqing, who was about to stand up, knelt down again and said respectfully: "Brothers from the Mo family are the ones who intercept the teachings once, and they will always be the ones who intercept the teachings. Even if they become gods today, the original intention of the disciples will still be the same." Never changed!"

Lingbao Tianzun nodded with a smile and said, "I wonder why you are here today?"

Hearing this, Mo Liqing immediately raised his head and said: "Regards to the leader, today the two gods of Gao Ming and Gao Jue, who were ordered by the Jade Emperor to monitor the world, saw a figure wearing the clothes of my disciple in the territory of Dongsheng Shenzhou! "

When Lingbao Tianzun heard this, he was surprised and said: "Is this happening? Let me take a look!"

When he finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes, as if he was sensing the human world, and like he was asking about the saint in Zixiao Palace.

After a moment, he opened his eyes with a smile on his face and said to himself: "I have an additional direct disciple!"

After he finished speaking, he didn't know what he thought of. The calm look in his eyes suddenly turned majestic. Although there was a smile on his lips, the meaning of the smile was different from before.

"Magic Ceremony Blue!"

Lingbao Tianzun suddenly spoke.

The Growth King kneeling below, when Lingbao Tianzun finished speaking, immediately replied: "Disciple is here!"

Lingbao Tianzun nodded slightly and said in a majestic tone: "That Drought God Li Qing is my personal disciple. You should go down to the world to see him immediately and take him to Wuzhuangguan Zhenyuan Great Immortal! Don't let others know about this!"

Upon hearing this, King Zengzhengtian immediately stood up and said respectfully: "Disciple, accept the order!"

After saying this, he turned around and left the Shangqing Emperor's Palace, and immediately flew towards Nantianmen.

At the same time, Lingbao Tianzun used a trick to leave a projection in the Shangqing Emperor's Palace, but his true body had already gone to Zhenyuan Immortal.

Let’s not mention this matter for the moment, just say that the King of Growth returned to the Nantian Gate after a while. After explaining his purpose to the other three brothers, he immediately left the Heavenly Palace and flew towards the lower world.

He had already known Li Qing's location earlier with his superb magical power, so he flew directly towards Li Qing at high speed at this moment.

At the same time, on the sea surface, Ancestor Hongyun said to Li Qing with an unhappy look on his face: "You little kid, how did you become the God of Drought, but you don't distinguish between east, west, north and south? You and I have been here for half an hour. I left here before, and after going around in circles, I ended up back here again!”

As he spoke, he raised his hand and pointed at the fairy mountain not far away.

Li Qing smiled mischievously, how could he have known that the human population was so sparsely populated today.

Just when he was thinking about how to calm down Ancestor Hongyun, he heard a sudden shout from high in the sky.

"Uncle Master, stay!"

After hearing this shout, both Li Qing and Ancestor Hongyun looked back.

At that moment, a tall figure, two feet and four feet tall, holding a green-edged sword and with a face like a living crab's whiskers and a copper coin descended from the clouds.

As he landed, he said urgently: "Master, uncle, stay here, master, stay here!"

Before Li Qing could speak, Ancestor Hongyun frowned and said, "Who is this? Why are you yelling like this!"

After Li Qing heard this, he smiled and explained: "Senior, I don't know, but he is Mo Li Qing, one of the four generals of the Mo family. He used to guard Jiameng Pass in the lower realm. After the canonization of the gods was completed, he was named the gatekeeper of the heaven. His name is The King of Growth in the South!”

Ancestor Hongyun frowned deeper and said strangely: "Have I heard you talk about becoming a god before? But old man, I have been through several guilds in the ancient world, but I have never heard of it!"

Li Qing hesitated and said: "I don't know much about this matter. Senior, you can wait until you find the Immortal Empress Zhenyuan and ask him in detail!"

Speaking of Immortal Zhenyuan, Patriarch Hongyun remembered the time when Li Qing took him for a spin, and he snorted again.

At this time, Mo Li Qing flew in front of them, and after taking a look at Patriarch Hongyun, he knelt down directly in the air towards Li Qing and said respectfully: "Mo Li Qing pays homage to Master Uncle!"

Li Qing was surprised at the moment. He knew that the four generals of the Mo Family were all members of the Jie Jiao disciples, but he never thought that Mo Li Qing would kneel down as soon as they met.

At that moment, he asked strangely: "Who is your master? Why do you call me uncle?"

Mo Liqing replied respectfully: "Reporting to my uncle, my nephew has been a registered disciple of Taoist Duobao for some time, and my uncle is the direct disciple of the leader, so that's why!"

Li Qing heard this and asked again: "Why are you here? But the Jade Emperor ordered to arrest me?"

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