Unify all heavens

Chapter 611 Former best friend!

When Li Qing thought of this, his expression showed some anxiety.

He thought to himself: "Why is the old man so anxious? It would be terrible if he fell into another world!"

Just as he was thinking about this, he heard the sound of Yunzhonghuo coming from below.

"You kid, why did you send me, the old man, to this immortal world?"

His words were full of blame, which made Li Qing murmur in his heart.

At this time, the light gate gradually dispersed, and the fire in the cloud flew over like Li Qing.

As he spoke, he complained: "You little kid is too unkind. Old man, I had no grudges with you in the past, and I have no worries these days. I even rescued you, but you repaid me with your kindness and sent me back to the immortal world." !”

Li Qing's eyes narrowed upon hearing this, and he repeated Yun Zhonghuo's words in his heart.

From what he said, he used to be an existence in this earthly immortal world. He only left here because he offended some existences or caused great trouble.

As soon as Li Qing thought of this, he pretended to smile strangely and said: "Senior, you are wrong to blame. I don't know that you have caused trouble in this immortal world. I have no control over this cross-border portal. Everything is random. "

His words were meant to be a test, but Yun Zhonghuo didn't know whether it was because of the fear in his heart or something else, but he sneered without hesitation: "Nonsense, old man, how could I have gotten into trouble? If it weren't for that Kun."

He just said this and hurriedly stopped talking. His dark face stopped in mid-air and he looked at Li Qing fiercely. He couldn't help but secretly thought: "This cunning boy actually deceived me again! Fortunately, old man, I reacted quickly." !”

While he was thinking this way, Li Qing was also wondering. After all, there were too many things that could be grasped by the word 'Kun'.

At that moment, he connected all Yun Zhonghuo's previous words and began to think carefully.

"This old man once mentioned that he was one of the three thousand disciples, and he would call the master by his name from time to time, which shows that his status must be high. The three thousand disciples of that year all became powerful in the end, and they were all famous figures in the three worlds. That being said, this old man’s name must have been extremely famous back then! As for the name Yun Zhonghuo, he must have made it up!”

When he thought of this, he recalled the word 'Kun' that Yun Zhonghuo had mentioned before, and his eyes immediately brightened.

Among the three thousand guests, only Kunpeng from the past had the word "Kun" in his name.

In this way, after combining the kindness that the old man Yun Zhonghuo always wore on his face, his identity became clear.

Thinking of this, Li Qing shouted tentatively with a hesitant look on his face.

"Ancestor Hongyun?"

His original intention was just to test, and he was not very sure in his heart.

As a result, when he said these four words, 'Yun Zhonghuo' changed color on the spot and screamed: "How do you know my identity?"

After hearing his words, Li Qing's face was instantly covered in shock.

He did not expect that his guess was correct. The true identity of 'Yun Zhonghuo' was actually the ancestor of Hongyun.

Just when he thought of this, he saw Hongyun looking at him with gritted teeth and said bitterly: "You kid really knows my identity. Even if you offended Tongtian today, I will punish you!"

When he finished speaking, he suddenly rushed towards Li Qing.

When Li Qing saw this, he immediately panicked and tried to avoid him anxiously.

After all, he is just the God of Drought, and his strength is equal to that of the Golden Immortal. However, the strength of Hongyun Ancestor is unfathomable, and he may not be able to withstand even a slight blow.

But just as he was avoiding it, his eyes accidentally saw the scene below.

When he saw the fairy mountain in the vast ocean, he was startled. He narrowed his eyes and saw the strange rock on the top of the mountain.

As soon as he thought about it, Patriarch Hongyun had already rushed in front of him and waved his sleeves to slap him.

Li Qing didn't dare to take Hongyun's sleeve, so he hurriedly shrank to an inch and hid hundreds of miles away.

Seeing this, Patriarch Hongyun's face suddenly turned cold, and he gritted his teeth and took a step forward.

The moment he raised his legs and feet, his figure suddenly disappeared.

Li Qing saw this and said hurriedly: "Senior, please slow down first!!"

Before he could finish his words, Ancestor Hongyun appeared silently behind him, and his waving cuffs fell on his back.

But at the same time, Li Qing's voice also fell in the ears of Ancestor Hongyun.

Therefore, he didn't use much force with this sleeve, but he still managed to stagger Li Qing.

Li Qing turned around with a bitter smile and said to the cold-faced Ancestor Hongyun: "Senior, take a closer look. Is this really the Earthly Immortal Realm?"

Ancestor Hongyun snorted coldly and said, "Can't I still recognize that this place is the Dongsheng Divine Continent in the Earthly Immortal Realm?"

Hearing this, Li Qing smiled bitterly and said, "Senior, take a closer look. Although this is undoubtedly the Earthly Immortal Realm, it is not the era you were in!"

Ancestor Hongyun frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Li Qing hurriedly explained: "Seniors existed at the beginning of the world, before becoming gods, but the world we are currently in is after becoming gods!" When he said this, he thought about it again, looking hesitant. He said: "Well, it will probably be hundreds of years or thousands of years after you disappeared, senior."

Only then did Patriarch Hongyun understand. He frowned and said, "You mean, this is the 'future?' What proof do you have?"

Li Qing heard the words and said: "If I remember correctly, my senior had a close friend in the prehistoric years! We might as well go find him to prove it!"

Hongyun was startled when he heard this, and said in a deep voice: "You mean?"

Before Li Qing waited for him to finish speaking, he nodded heavily and said, "That's right, Zhen Yuanzi!"

Hongyun's heart began to beat when he heard this. Zhen Yuanzi and he had a very close friendship during the prehistoric years, and he missed him a little after not seeing each other for so many years.

But although he longed to meet Zhen Yuanzi immediately, his expression was full of hesitation, and he said: "The world is so big, where should I go to find him!"

When Li Qing saw the cold look on Patriarch Hongyun's face dissipate, he immediately felt relieved. He was really afraid that Patriarch Hongyun wouldn't listen to his words and would directly come up to deal with him.

When he thought of this, he said: "Leave this matter to the juniors!"

Hongyun nodded slightly but said no more.

When Li Qing saw this, he hurriedly led the way.

Although he didn't know where to look for Zhenyuan Immortal, as long as he found the human world and asked where Wanshou Mountain was, he could find Zhenyuan Immortal.

When he thought of this in his mind, he was also secretly glad that fortunately Ancestor Hongyun did not fall into other worlds.

Although he has traveled through time many times relying on the purple coffin, he has never traveled through time with other beings. Even Jiang Fei Youyun, he always hid in the purple coffin for fear of mutation.

Li Qing didn't know that after they left that day, the Zombie God who was originally in the formation also rushed into the light gate with them, but because of time difference or other reasons, he did not land with them. In this world, he broke into an extremely weird and terrifying world.

Before the battle with him, Zombie God had sworn an oath with cold words: "If I don't turn your thousand years of cultivation into nothing today, even if you are suppressed by a powerful force in the future, I will have no regrets! "

On that day, the Zombie God was flicked away by the Hongyun Ancestor whose pseudonym was ‘Yunzhonghuo’. Now he just complied with his oath and was suppressed by the powerful!

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