Unify all heavens

Chapter 610 Nine Orifices and Eight Holes Stone

The vast ocean is under control, and the tide surges into the caves of silver mountain fish; in Weining Yaohai, the waves turn over the snow and the mirages leave the abyss.

There are mountains on the sea, towering into the clouds.

On the cliff, there are two colorful phoenixes singing, and in front of the cliff, the unicorn is lying alone.

There are often golden pheasants crowing on the peak, and dragons are always coming and going from the grotto.

Duan is a fairyland and a blessed place.

There is also an endless forest on the mountain. In the forest, there are longevity deer and fairy foxes jumping and playing, and there are also spiritual birds and black cranes singing from time to time.

Everywhere there are Yao flowers and exotic grasses that will last forever, and there are green cypresses and pines that have been standing for a long time every year.

It is Optimus Prime where hundreds of rivers converge, and the root of the earth will never be moved!

On the top of the mountain, there is a fairy stone. It is three feet, six feet and five inches high, with a circumference of two feet and four feet, and has nine orifices and eight holes. There are no trees to shade the stone, but there are orchids to complement it.

It is said that this fairy stone was formed after the creation of the world, but no one has landed here yet, so no one has studied it deeply and no one knows about it.

Although there are monkeys and strange beasts on the mountain and monsters in the mountain streams, they dare not come here. It is as if the fairy stone is protected by gods. They can only watch the essence of heaven and earth falling like a tide from a distance, be absorbed by the fairy stone, and then stay in the forest. The cave was secretly envious.

On this day, the king of the Communist Party of Chu in the human world conquered the Kingdom of Wu, and countless people were stained with blood on the battlefield.

As a result, it rained heavily all day long, but this heavy rain could not wash away the blood of the world. Instead, it caused the ghosts of grievances to wander everywhere. Even the overseas fairy mountain far away has been crying in recent days.

The thunder has been going on for several months. All kinds of spirits in the mountains have been hiding in their caves and nests during these months, their eyes are dizzy with hunger, hoping that the thunder will end soon.

But the violent storm and rolling thunder continued for another half a month before they stopped in response to their expectations.

When the clouds disperse and the rain subsides, the thunder stops and the wind stops, and the sun shines on the earth, all the beasts in the mountains and forests suddenly roar together, and hundreds of demons scream for joy.

But just when they were swarming out, looking for food and playing, they heard a sudden thunder sound in the sky.

In an instant, all the beasts were stunned and all the monsters were panicked. They all looked up, fearing that there would be another rain falling in the sky.

The result was that the sky was clear and cloudless. But above their heads, there is a light door surrounded by thunder snakes.

As the saying goes, people have their own words, and animals have their own words.

After seeing this strange scene, the beasts began to talk among themselves.

A spiritual monkey with a ring of red hair on his head danced and asked the fairy fox beside him, bared his teeth and said: "Fox, you are wise, do you know what this halo is?"

When the red and green fox heard this, he narrowed his eyes and shook his head slightly, saying, "I don't know, maybe another immortal lost his way and landed on this fairy mountain on the sea."

When the monkey heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he ran to the monkeys in the distance on both hands and feet. He danced and said happily: "Listen to me, I asked the wise fox earlier to know what this circle of light is. How do you know its answer?"

The monkeys all shook their heads and looked at it seriously.

The monkey rolled several times in joy and screamed: "It said, this is a lost immortal who landed on this fairy mountain on the sea!"

When the monkeys heard what it said, they all scratched their heads and were overjoyed.

The old monkey with all white hair stopped the monkey group's play at this time and said in a deep voice: "That fox has always been very wise. Since it said that this is an immortal, you should go find the immortal and don't lose your etiquette." , get me a pill and a half of elixir, so that I don’t have to suffer the pain of falling into the netherworld!”

After saying this, it widened its eyes and said fiercely: "If I know that you have broken etiquette, I will hang you upside down under that cypress tree for ten days and a hundred days, without giving you a drop of water or half a pill." Fruit!”

When the monkeys heard this, they all hurriedly shook their heads and said anxiously: "Don't dare!"

Hearing this, the old monkey said: "Let's go then. If I can survive for a few more years, I can surely wait for our Monkey King!"

When he finished speaking, the monkeys gathered in small groups and jumped towards higher places.

And at this moment, an old man wearing purple clothes and a kind face suddenly stumbled out of the mid-air light door and fell from the clouds.

When the monkeys who were heading to higher places saw this scene, they all shouted with joy: "Immortal, you really are an immortal who has lost your way!"

After saying that, he hurried away scratching his head and ears, hoping to pick up the fallen old man.

At the same time, the old man suddenly performed a trick in mid-air, stopped, and looked at the surrounding scene with a blank expression.

The monkeys on the ground jumped up in a hurry, as if they were trying to drag the old man down from the clouds.

After a while, the old man in mid-air finally saw the surrounding scene clearly.

At that moment, his face suddenly became frightened, and he lost his voice: "Earthly Immortal Realm???"

When he finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and murmured: "Impossible, impossible! What kind of power does he have to send me back across time and space? Besides, I have no enmity with that kid, and he doesn't know that I am Why did your identity send me back again?"

When he said this, he looked around nervously, as if he was afraid that his former enemies would come to his door.

But in his eyes, there were no strange phenomena in the sky and the earth, except for the light door that sent him to the immortal world.

Then I saw him squinting his eyes, looking at the light door, and said in surprise: "How strange, how strange, this door has a shielding effect? ​​Why haven't you heard Taoist Tongtian mention it before?"

Just as he said this, he saw that the light gate not only did not disperse as he expected, but instead thundered and became brighter.

The monkeys jumping and screaming below all calmed down after seeing this, and asked to the left and right: "Do you know why this is?"

As a result, when they asked the monkey next to them, other monkeys' inquiries sounded in their ears at the same time: "Do you know why this is?"

When the monkeys below were quarreling and quarreling, a strange figure with one eye, one arm and one leg suddenly rushed out of the increasingly bright light door.

As soon as Li Qing rushed out of the light door, he hurriedly looked around.

He was afraid that Yun Zhonghuo, who was one step ahead of him, would break into other worlds and be separated from him. In that case, let alone how he should explain to Tongtian, just whether Yun Zhonghuo would blame him made him worried.

After all, Yun Zhonghuo has always been too mysterious. He has no idea about Yun Zhonghuo's level of cultivation. He only guesses that his level is similar to that of Emperor Qingxu.

Because of this, he became worried.

If Yun Zhonghuo really has the cultivation strength of Emperor Qingxu, he will definitely be able to find him. It just takes a long time. After all, Emperor Qingxu is extremely powerful. He said with a smile that day: "I will pardon you with the second-level Zhongyuan of all realms." The position of the official of the earth will forgive you for the crime of crossing the boundary. From now on, you will enter all the heavens and all the realms, and no one in the ten directions of heaven and earth can judge you for the crime of crossing the boundary!"

In the past, Emperor Qingxu just smiled and pardoned him for trespassing into all the worlds. However, Yun Zhonghuo, who has the same cultivation level as Emperor Qingxu, even if he is not as majestic and magical as Emperor Qingxu, must be It is also easy to chase it across borders.

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