Unify all heavens

Chapter 426 An unexpected surprise! (middle)

The sweat was like oil, and Bu Jingyun, who was already furious, became even more furious.

Although he didn't take action, Nie Feng, who had known him for more than ten years, was already aware of the surging Qi in Bu Jingyun's body.

Nie Feng knew that even if the three of them joined forces, they would not be the enemy of Evil Buddha. It would be better to use them to deal with Xiong Ba and the person behind the scenes of Tianxiahui.

As soon as he thought of this, he raised his hand and patted Bu Jingyun's arm, and warned in a low voice: "Senior Brother Yun, don't be impulsive! Think of Huojiazhuang!"

Nie Feng is indeed one of the few smart people in the world. Monk Buxu had only briefly mentioned Bu Jingyun's affairs before, but he realized that the three words "Huojiazhuang" were like dragons to Bu Jingyun. The reverse scale!

Not only is it fatal if touched, it is also extremely important!

Sure enough, after Bu Jingyun, who was originally furious, heard the words "Huojiazhuang" from Nie Feng's mouth, he felt as if a basin of ice water was poured over his head. The surging energy in his body instantly dissipated, and his face The scene gradually calmed down.

He glanced back at Nie Feng, only to see Nie Feng smiling at him and nodding lightly.

That's what Nie Feng is like, no matter what difficulties he encounters, he can always laugh.

Bu Jingyun's face was dull and cold. He just glanced at Nie Feng, gathered his energy in his palm, and struck the dark sea water with his cloud-dispelling palm.


Broken Tree's driving speed suddenly accelerated.

The evil Buddha, who was lying on the dense branches of the broken tree and swaying up and down with the branches, seemed not to notice this.

In fact, his attention was not on Feng Yun and Monk Buxu, but on the sea.

The Evil Buddha is the dark side of the Great Sun Tathagata. His strength is the same as that of the Great Sun Tathagata, but in other aspects he is completely opposite to the Great Sun Tathagata.

For example, the Great Sun Tathagata is invulnerable to water and fire, and is invulnerable to swords, but he is only afraid of thunder!

But the evil Buddha is afraid of fire and water, but he is not afraid of thunder!

His body is just like ordinary people, and the skin will be broken by just scratching it with a knife.

The eyes of the Great Sun Tathagata are like the sun and the moon, and can easily see the entire world. However, the eyes of the Evil Buddha are only slightly stronger than those of normal people, but he has an inner eye that the Great Sun Tathagata has never had.

At this moment, he is looking at the Black Sea with his inner eye, intending to find the ruins of Leshan.

The Great Sun Tathagata has been guarding Kyushu for who knows how many years. He can draw the terrain of Kyushu with his eyes closed. The memories of the Evil Buddha and the Great Sun Tathagata are interoperable, so he can know where they are at the moment based on the terrain under the Black Sea. at.

For example, he has discovered from the terrain at the bottom of the Black Sea that broken trees have traveled to the area near Leshan.

Because the destination of his trip was the Lingyun Grotto on the Leshan Giant Buddha, when he found that he was not far from Leshan, he sat up and squinted at the car in front of him who was using his palms to push the broken tree. Three people. He thought to himself: "I am so evil physically and mentally. Even if I find the dragon vein in Lingyun Cave, I can't get close to it, let alone crush the dragon vein and take it. How about bringing the three of them into Lingyun Cave to crush the dragon vein for me?" broken!"

As soon as he thought this, the Evil Buddha nodded secretly.

Then he raised his head and shouted: "Stop, stop, stop right here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Yun and Monk Buxu all stopped, and then looked back at Evil Buddha.

Evil Buddha looked at their eyes and smiled, saying: "For the sake of you giving me a ride, I will give you a chance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped from the dense branches to the broken tree trunk, then spread his legs apart, put his hands in front of him and pressed down fiercely, stared and shouted: "Sink it to me!"

Suddenly, Feng Yun and Monk Buxu saw that the water below the broken tree suddenly sank deeply, sinking dozens of meters in the blink of an eye!

The seawater under the broken tree was forced by the evil Buddha's world-shaking cultivation to flow in all directions, forming a dark water wall about tens of meters high around the broken tree. The bones were floating among them, causing Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun's expressions to change greatly.

Monk Buxu stared blankly at the evil Buddha whose expression remained unchanged. He was really shocked and murmured: "How could there be such a strange person in the world?"

At this time, the sea surface two feet away in front of the broken tree suddenly bulged, as if something was about to break through the sea.

When Fengyun and Monk Buxu saw this, their expressions changed. Then they approached each other and looked ahead with wary eyes.

But the next moment, the sea monster they imagined did not appear. Instead, in the roaring waves, a giant Buddha head that had been soaked in gray-white by the sea water gradually emerged from the sea water.

Although the Buddha's facial features have long been blurred, only his eyes and lips are left. But Nie Feng still recognized it at a glance. This was the Leshan Giant Buddha!

Seeing that the head of the giant Buddha in front of him had completely emerged from the sea water, Nie Feng couldn't help but look up.

But they saw that the wall of dark water around their heads was already fifty or sixty meters high.

This scene shocked him.

"When will I have this power?"

He couldn't help but ask himself secretly in his heart.

At this time, Bu Jingyun also asked questions in his heart.

"If I have this skill, Xiongba will definitely be defeated!"

Just when this idea emerged in their minds, a loud shout suddenly came from their ears!

"Give it to me!"

The two of them came to their senses instantly as if they had been given a wake-up call, and then looked in the direction of the sound.

However, I saw that the evil Buddha had left the broken tree at some point, and was now spreading its limbs and clenching its teeth on the temples of the head of the Leshan Giant Buddha.

Before doubts arose in their minds, they saw bubbles as big as a human head suddenly appear in the water at the neck of the Buddha. What happened next shocked them on the spot!

I saw that the Leshan Giant Buddha, which was sunk deep in the sea, slowly floated up! The speed is getting faster and faster, and in just a blink of an eye, half of the Leshan Giant Buddha has been exposed.

At this time, Evil Buddha suddenly shouted with a ferocious look on his face: "Get up!"

As soon as the word "rise" came out, the Leshan Giant Buddha, which had half of its body exposed on the sea surface, suddenly broke out of the water!


In the huge waves, the evil Buddha actually uprooted the Leshan Giant Buddha from the sea and lifted him up to fly out of the surrounding water wall surrounding the broken tree.

Nie Feng quickly exclaimed when he saw this.

"No, what will we do if he flies away?"

As soon as these words came out, Bu Jingyun, whose expression had not changed for thousands of years, suddenly showed a look of panic, while Monk Fuxu also turned pale.

But before they could come up with a solution, the broken tree that lost the power of the evil Buddha was instantly bounced up by the sea water!

The surrounding water walls tens of meters high also crashed down at the same time!

At this critical moment, the Evil Buddha, who had already flown out of the water wall with the Leshan Giant Buddha, flew back again for unknown reasons.

But this time, he was alone and did not hold up the Buddha.

After Evil Buddha saw the pale-faced Fengyun duo and Monk Buxu in the air, he stamped his feet fiercely in the air.


Suddenly, a huge explosion of air suddenly appeared.

As this blast of energy sounded, a circle of energy waves appeared out of thin air and spread out from the void where the Evil Buddha was.

This is the first update. In addition, Feng Yun Juan will be completed in the near future. The next world will be a mixed world of A Chinese Ghost Story and some movies.

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