Unify all heavens

Chapter 425 An unexpected surprise! (superior)

Monk Buxu has seen many Buddhas, but he has always seen them in temples.

He had never thought about it, or even had this idea.

There are people in the world who look exactly like the Buddha in the temple!

Therefore, at this moment, Monk Buxu's eyes were not only staring like bells, he had lost the calmness and calmness of the eminent monk he had been in the past, and his hairs were rising, and he was even confused.

"Is this the reincarnation of Buddha?"

He stared blankly at the figure in the distance and murmured.

Nie Feng, who was gathering Qi in his palms at the end of the broken tree and slapping against the sea, suddenly moved his ears. He didn't hear clearly what Monk Buxu was saying and thought he was talking to him. So he turned around and asked, "Master, are you calling me?"

Monk Buxu did not respond to Nie Feng because he had not yet recovered from the shock that figure brought to him.

It wasn't until he suddenly noticed that Broken Tree's speed suddenly slowed down that he realized what he was doing and turned back to look at Nie Feng. But he saw Nie Feng jumping from the dense branches to the tree.

Monk Buxu thought he had forgotten to replace Nie Feng, and he quickly said apologetically to Nie Feng, who had just regained his footing: "You can rest for a while, and then leave it to the young monk!"

Before Nie Feng could respond, he jumped high, like a feather, and landed gently on the dense branches at the end of the broken tree.

The three or two branches he stepped on swayed slightly and then returned to calm.

Nie Feng's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he thought to himself: "Master Fuxu's body skills are so handsome, and his foot skills are definitely not inferior to mine!"

Just as he was thinking of this, he saw that Monk Buxu suddenly raised his palm and slapped it towards the sea surface from a distance, regardless of the loss, without any pause in the process.

Suddenly, the speed of the broken tree in the sea suddenly accelerated.

"Boom boom boom——"

"Boom boom boom——"

At this moment, the sound of the waves sounded like thunder.

Nie Feng was dumbfounded by this, wondering why Monk Fuxu seemed to be a different person after just resting for a while.



As the sea breeze got stronger, the broken tree got closer and closer to the figure in Monk Fuxu's eyes.

After a while, it had sailed four to five hundred feet.

At this time, Nie Feng also saw the figure flopping in the sea.

He stood up with a sound and said in surprise: "Master, someone seems to be drowning in front of you!"

Monk Buxu seemed to ignore this, but slapped his palms on the sea surface faster and faster.

Finally, with Monk Fuxu's palm power regardless of loss, they only took more than 20 minutes to reach the drowning figure.

At this moment, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng both stood up, ready to pull the man up from the sea at any time.

Monk Fuxu kept adjusting the direction of his palm force, causing the broken tree to slowly turn in the sea, hoping to touch the figure with the head of the broken tree.



As the distance got closer, several people on the broken tree could even hear the sound of the drowning person choking on the sea water.

Perhaps they were eager to save people, or perhaps the situation was critical, but none of the three of them thought about the poisonous sea water.

In the nervous expressions of the three of them, one end of the broken tree finally touched the drowning man's flapping arms.

At this moment, Nie Feng suddenly frowned.

He found that the arms of the man in the water that were exposed out of the water were as green as a corpse that had been left for a long time!

Bu Jingyun on the side also noticed this problem, and his face suddenly turned cold. At the same time, he thrust his left foot forward, summoning all his energy, and was ready to attack the enemy at any time.

At this moment, the two arms above the water suddenly grabbed the broken tree and jumped up from the water.

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun quickly stepped aside and got out of the way.

At this time, Monk Buxu also noticed something was wrong, and quickly jumped down from the end of the broken tree, standing with Fengyun and the others.

Xiao Sanxiao sent Dragon Turtle to find this broken tree. It was five or six times as wide as a normal tree, so the three of them stood side by side on the tree without looking crowded.

Just then, I heard a sound.


As this voice sounded, the figure in the water finally stood on the broken tree.

Looking at the appearance of this figure, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were all dumbfounded except for Monk Fuxu.

At the same time, this figure was looking at them.

Judging from his appearance, he is exactly the same as the Buddha statue in the temple. Not only is his face broad, but even his earlobes are plump and plump on his shoulders, and the top of his head is also covered with protruding jet-black temples.

If one ignores his sinister eyes and the black and blue color all over his body, anyone who sees him will involuntarily think that he is the Lord Buddha descending to earth.

At this time, Nie Feng stared at him with a vigilant look on his face, cupped his fists and said, "I dare to ask your Excellency."

While he was speaking, the man was taking off his jet black monk's robe, rolling it into a long strip and twisting the seawater with his hands.

"Whoosh whoosh-"

When Nie Feng saw that this person was ignoring him, he was not angry. He only said in an aggravated voice, "I dare to ask your Excellency."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the naked man raised his head and glared at him, cursing and saying: "You little baby, why are you so embarrassed? I just came out of the sea and I'm not in the mood to play house with you." It’s a child’s trick. If you don’t want to feed zombies in the sea, just shut up!”

The moment he finished speaking, he grabbed the two corners of the monk's robe and shook it hard.


As this sound sounded, there was an invisible huge force that lowered the sea level under the tree by two or three meters.

For a moment, they seemed to have fallen into the center of a whirlpool, with walls of pitch-black water in all directions.

In an instant, the three people's expressions turned pale.

Half an hour later;

The evil Buddha was lying lazily on the dense branches of the broken tree, with his head resting on his left hand, and in his right hand he was holding an arm-long branch, gently patting his blue-black belly.

Feng Yun and Monk Buxu stood at the other end of the big tree, taking turns hitting the sea surface with their palms, making the tree slowly move forward.

At this moment, the big tree has the dense branches in front and the broken branches in the back, so the resistance is great. The three of them were so exhausted that they were sweating profusely.

Monk Buxu and Nie Feng were okay. They knew they couldn't defeat the evil Buddha, so even though they were tired and sweating profusely, they just admitted that they were unlucky and didn't say much.

But Bu Jingyun became more and more angry.

Although he looks cold on the outside, he is extremely hot inside.

Especially as time passed, the sweat on his body had soaked his clothes, making him even more irritable.

Every time he raised his palms to gather energy and hit the sea water with his cloud-dispelling palm, the veins on his arms bulged high, and he wanted to use this to strangle the evil Buddha behind him!

At this moment, a drop of sweat suddenly slipped from his forehead, blurring his eyes.

Bu Jingyun, who had been forced to endure it at first, was even more furious at this moment.

Although he raised his hands to rub his eyes, his whole body was filled with vitality.

It seems that the next moment, he will take action brazenly!

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