Unify all heavens

Chapter 419 Three Star Tribulations!


Nie Feng couldn't help but lost his voice, and even looked at Bu Jingyun beside him.

He really didn't understand why Master Buxu said that only the two of them could save the people of this country.

Monk Buxu nodded gently and said, "Because...this is the original fate of the two of you!"

Just as Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were becoming more and more confused as they listened, Monk Buxu suddenly looked up at the dark sky and asked with a hint of reverence on his face: "Have you ever heard of the legend of 'Wuxing'?"

Even though Bu Jingyun was curious, his expression was still cold, as if he didn't care.

But Nie Feng was different.

After hearing this sentence, he slowly shook his head and said, "I never heard of it!"

After hearing this, Monk Buxu's expression did not change at all, as if he had expected it.

For a long time, just as Bu Jingyun was waiting and frowning, Monk Buxu slowly said: "It is said that after the heaven and earth first opened, after Nuwa made stones to mend the sky, the heaven and earth gradually reached a balance; and the sky was mended. The remaining four strange stones have also been thrown into the world by Nuwa according to different opportunities."

"Nu Wa is finally done. She is floating in the endless night sky, just wanting to enjoy a moment of leisure."

"But when she looked at the boundless dark night sky, she suddenly felt something was wrong, but she didn't know why she felt something wrong, so she closed her eyes and concentrated, threw her heart into the void, and looked towards the river of time and space!"

"She looked at it for a long, long time."

I don't know how long it took, but tears slowly filled the corners of Nuwa's eyes, and she choked with sobs and sighed: "That's it! It turns out that God's will has arranged it for a long time. Even after thousands of years and billions of years, there are still so many disasters and sufferings in the world."

When she said this, she sighed again: "God's will is indeed too cruel, but... how to remedy this?"

So she fell into deep thought.

Thinking of a remedy

As a god, she can even refine stones to mend the sky, but she cannot remedy the endless suffering that God has arranged for the world!

Just because, when she was repairing the sky, she had already exhausted more than half of her strength. With the power in her body now, if she no longer acts rashly with compassion and uses her strength to save the common people, she can barely survive in the world forever, or she can be immortal forever!


As long as she can see death without saving him!

As soon as Nuwa thought of this, she couldn't help but ask herself.

If she can't save the common people, then what's the use of her life?

Thinking of this, she became even more obligated and determined to use her remaining strength to save this world!

Since she has foreseen that there will be endless suffering in the world, she will do her best to remedy it!

Even if in the end her body and spirit are destroyed and she returns to the void!

She has no regrets!

However, although she had the heart to save the common people, she had no choice.

For a moment, Nuwa's face looked dejected, and she subconsciously looked around at the endless night sky.

She suddenly realized that except for a full moon, there was nothing in the dark night sky.

She stared blankly at the full moon, feeling as if something was missing and a little regretful.

I don't know how long it took, but Nuwa raised her brows and a smile appeared on her face.

She finally thought of a way to save all living beings from fire and water.

Because, after the heaven and earth first opened, there were no stars in the night sky!

Yes, it’s Xing!

Wouldn't it be a pity if there were no stars in the night sky?

Therefore, Nuwa desperately concentrated her energy, brought together the strength in her body and the thoughts in her heart, and then raised her hand.

Then I saw a flash of light in my hand, and stars appeared in the corner of the night sky.

In this way, after many years, the night sky finally became dotted with stars.

She personally named each star, which contained her blessings and hopes for the world!

She hoped that if all sentient beings encountered setbacks, they would look up at the sky full of stars.

These stars will light up the lamp of hope in their hearts and guide them to find the hope of life!

There are even some stars among which she has imbued them with their own power. Therefore, these stars have strange powers, and they will come to the world every once in a while! Lead all living beings out of suffering!

When the night sky was finally covered with star veil, Nuwa looked up at the strange beauty of the stars surrounding the moon, but there was always a sense of loss in her heart, as if something was missing in the night sky.

So he raised his hand and shot out seven white lights in the night sky. At that moment, he saw seven extremely bright stars suddenly appeared among the stars in the night sky. Compared with the stars in the night sky, these seven stars appeared more dense and orderly.

For a moment, only the shadows of these seven stars were printed in Nuwa's eyes.

She said softly: "There are too many troubles in the world, and people can easily lose their way! Big Dipper, why don't you use your eternal power to guide the world and lead confused sentient beings to the right path?"

When Nie Feng heard this, his eyes widened and he lost his voice: "Could it be that Senior Brother Yun and I are the stars that have some of Nuwa's powers?"

Although Monk Buxu was interrupted in his narration, he was not angry at all. He just smiled lightly and said mysteriously: "When the poor monk finishes speaking, you two brothers will understand!"

Let’s continue telling now.

When Nuwa said this, she secretly thought that even though the world has a guiding light, it is still free from disaster and suffering!

As soon as she thought about this, she was ready to add a few extremely bright stars to the night sky. She hopes that these stars can stop the chaos and bring peace to the world forever!

But just when she was about to take action, she suddenly realized that she had no more energy left. In order to refine stones to mend the sky, in order to create stars and reverse the will of God, all her strength has been exhausted, she has long been exhausted, and her oil is exhausted!

Seeing that she only needed to build a few stars, the world would no longer have to fear suffering, but her body no longer had any strength left, and Nuwa couldn't help but feel sad.

However, she still has a way!

This method is her three breaths!

It is these three breaths that can make her burn out and still survive in this world!

Originally, even if she only had three breaths left, she could survive forever, because she was a god!

But she arbitrarily changed God's will for the sake of the world. Now, the price for her rebellion against God's will is about to come. As long as she uses up these three breaths, she will disappear between this world forever!

She is not afraid of God's will, nor is she afraid of being destroyed physically and mentally. What she is afraid of is making mistakes!

Yes, she made a huge mistake!

She actually missed three calamities!

The first calamity was when the Three Kingdoms were in power. At that time, the Emperor Star would come to the world.

But if the Emperor Star does not have the help of a hero who is righteous and invincible in the world, it will be difficult to contain a hero who is in conflict with the Emperor Star. At that time, life will be ruined!

The second calamity will be a thousand years after the Three Kingdoms stand. At that time, a strong man from a foreign land will come. He will bring a flood that will destroy the Kyushu. If there are not two strong men with unparalleled cultivation to solve the source of the flood, If there is a catastrophe, Kyushu will be destroyed!

The third calamity is the calamity of heaven and earth. This calamity will occur ten years after the flood overturned Kyushu. At that time, a family called "zombie" will appear. If no one comes to resist, heaven and earth will perish!

Thank you to Alliance Leader Yang Baoer for the two 10,000 rewards! In addition, this chapter borrows part of the passage from Fengyun's original work, so I will continue to add another chapter based on it!

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