Unify all heavens

Chapter 418 Dragon Vein! (continued four)

This is a tomb!

An extremely luxurious tomb, like an underground palace!

There are thousands of tombs in the world, they may be simple or luxurious.

But even the mausoleum of the current emperor is not one ten thousandth of the size of this tomb!

Just because this is the tomb of the Yellow Emperor!

"Boom boom--"

Dark sea water poured down from the gap in the cracked spherical boulder, forming a dark waterfall.

Li Qing was suspended in front of the waterfall. Although the sound of the waterfall could be heard in his ears, his eyes were always looking around.

I saw that this was a huge cave that was more than a hundred times wider than the cave above. There was a huge and spectacular tomb built in the cave.

The tomb was built on a smooth ground. The width and length of the ground were about thirty to fifty feet, but there was a cliff at the end.

It was pitch black below the cliff, and even Li Qing's eyes couldn't see how deep the darkness was.

Behind the cliff is a tombstone with the four characters "Tomb of the Yellow Emperor" clearly written on it.

Under the stele is a sword made of bronze. One side of the sword is engraved with the sun, moon, mountains and rivers, and the other side is engraved with mountains, rivers and vegetation. On the hilt is a book about the art of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other hand is a strategy for unifying the four seas!

The sword is surrounded by all kinds of burial objects!

But in front of the sword is a golden dragon chair with dazzling golden light!

Sitting on the dragon chair is a humanoid skeleton with bones like dragon bones and no skin.

There is a dragon tail on the spine of the skeleton, hanging straight to the ground!

Although the cave is dark and lightless, all the swords, dragon chairs, and tombstones and skeletons are autofluorescent.

These fluorescent lights illuminate the surrounding funerary objects brightly and sparkly.

Seeing this, Li Qing was deep in thought, feeling incomprehensible.

He knew in his heart that this skeleton was the 'Yellow Emperor', and with his current level of cultivation, he could completely replenish its flesh and blood and turn its corpse into zombie!

But he didn't dare to do this.

The reason is that the Yellow Emperor was a holy king in ancient China and the head of the Five Emperors!

There is an article in "Historical Records: The Chronicles of the Five Emperors": "Born as a god, weak but eloquent, young and loyal, long and agile, mature and intelligent. At the time of Xuanyuan, the Shennong family declined. The princes invaded and attacked each other, tyrannizing the people. , and the Shennong family was unable to conquer. So Xuanyuan was accustomed to fighting, and the princes were eager to follow. Chiyou was the most violent, and no one could attack him. Emperor Yan wanted to invade the princes, and the princes returned to Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan cultivated virtue and mobilized the army. , control the five qi, use the five kinds of grass, pacify all the people, conquer the four directions, teach the bears and tigers, and fight against Emperor Yan in the wilderness of Banquan. After three battles, he will achieve his ambition."

During the hundred years that the Yellow Emperor reigned, writing, clothing, palaces, currency, medicine, and weights and measures appeared in China.

It can be said that the merits are overwhelming!

Li Qing knew that even if only a pile of skeletons were left for people like this, they would still be blessed by God.

Just as the moment he saw the Yellow Emperor's skeleton, there was a destructive force that enveloped him, as if he would be destroyed on the spot if he showed the slightest disrespect!

It is said in the original work: The Yellow Emperor was originally an ancient sage king of China. His original surname was Gongsun. Because he was born in the hills of Xuanyuan, he was also known as the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor in ancient times! He is the head of the Five Emperors and is born with a magical and domineering power. This power made Huangdi invincible in all battles throughout his life;

At the same time, he also has a tenacious old enemy-Chi You!

Although Chi You was strong, he was always defeated by Huang Di after many fierce battles, and peace was restored to Kyushu.

The Yellow Emperor is like the real dragon in the legend. The dragon's responsibility is to protect Kyushu from being invaded by foreign enemies.

However, birth, old age, illness and death are inevitable paths in life.

Even though he is as powerful as the Yellow Emperor, he cannot avoid the day he will die of old age.

Just as Huangdi was getting older, his body suddenly underwent astonishing changes

It was this change that convinced Huangdi that he had the responsibility to protect China, so in the last ten years of his reign, he did not hesitate to travel all over China to find the best spiritual place.

Finally, he found the lifeline deep in Lingyun Cave.

So he ordered his descendants to bury his remains here after his death.

Legend has it that as long as the remains of the Yellow Emperor are kept here forever, China will not be invaded by foreign enemies and will enjoy peace forever!

However, he is a human and not a god, so he cannot protect Kyushu when heaven brings disaster to Kyushu!

After thinking about this, Li Qing set his sights behind Huang Di's remains.

There is the dragon vein that has been passed down through the ages in China.

This is also one of the purposes of his coming here!

There has been a legend since ancient times that the dragon vein is the geographical vein of Kyushu. The earth is the dragon's flesh, the river is the dragon's blood, the stone is the dragon's bone, the vegetation is the dragon's hair, and the people are the dragon's soul!

However, there was a dragon vein that did not fall to the earth, but grew into the Yellow Emperor's body.

This dragon vein is the Yellow Emperor's backbone dragon tail, which is the most spiritual one among the nine dragon veins. Therefore, in addition to guarding the Nine Provinces on the spiritual land of Lingyun Cave, it also has the ability to create heaven and earth. Nothing in the world can resist it!

Whether it's a divine stone that mends the sky or a divine weapon in the world, with just one touch, it will turn into fly ash and return to heaven and earth!

At the same time, it also has the power to tame the earth and the unparalleled power to shake evil!

Li Qing wanted to take the dragon vein away, but he didn't have the ability.

Although he can defeat the heaven in this realm, he cannot defeat this entire world!

Therefore, he could only look at the Yellow Emperor's spine hanging quietly on the ground from a distance.

Because, as long as he touches the dragon's veins for even half a minute, huge horrors that he can't imagine will happen.

While Li Qing was worrying about how to take away the dragon veins, Xiao Sanxiao, who was riding a dragon turtle above the sea, finally explained to Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun what had happened in the past ten years.

The look of horror on Nie Feng's face had already existed when he smiled to himself and mentioned that Xiongba had died long ago and was now just a zombie.

The look of horror on his face did not dissipate until Xiao Sanxiao said everything at once.

After waiting for a long time, Nie Feng organized some words in his mind, and then slowly said: "Senior, you mean that Shi Xiongba is actually a corpse?"

Xiao San smiled and stroked his beard and said: "That's right! I have also been investigating for a long time before I came to this conclusion!"

When he said this, he sighed softly and said no more words.

On the contrary, Monk Buxu, who was sitting on the turtle shell near the tail of the dragon turtle, said at this time: "Nowadays, corpse disasters occur in the land of China!"

"After a long period of investigation, the monk discovered that these monsters called 'zombies' are all from the Tianxiahui!"

"They often serve as disciples of various halls of the Tianxiahui during the day, and at night they go down the mountain and become zombies, destroying villages and towns!"

When he said this, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun both changed their expressions.

Just as they were about to speak, Master Buxu chanted the Buddha's name and said: "Amitabha, although the young monk can fight the zombies and bring peace to Kyushu, how can the young monk alone save the entire China!"

After saying this, he suddenly raised his head, looked at Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun with peaceful eyes, and said: "Although the young monk does not have this ability, you two can accomplish this feat! Only you two can save China and save China. A peaceful world for hundreds of millions of people!"

Thanks to Hall Master Mo Luoliang and Alliance Leader Yang Baoer for their ten thousand rewards!

In addition, the third update will start tomorrow, as well as the additional compensation chapter!

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