Unify all heavens

Chapter 415 Dragon Veins! (continued)


As a thunder sounded, the Great Sun Tathagata, who had become an evil Buddha, immediately shouted to the three blurry figures in front of him: "Hey! Slow down, I'm not a god! How can I catch up with you!"

When Li Qing heard this, he immediately slowed down and waited for the arrival of the Great Sun.

Jiang Fei and the Immortal God with his head hanging on his shoulders stopped when they saw Li Qing slowing down, and then turned their heads to look behind.

They saw the evil Buddha with blue and black skin, his cassock soaked through in the rain, flying toward them quickly with an angry look on his face.

When Jiang Fei saw this, he said to the Immortal God: "I discovered that after this old monk became an evil Buddha, his skills were terrifying, and he did not retreat but advanced instead! No matter how high the warriors in this wind and cloud world are, they can only He is suspended in the air and unable to fly, but after this old monk became the evil Buddha, he not only could fly in the air, but he could also fly after us for so long! It seems that we have another companion!"

Although the Immortal God's neck is broken, it does not affect his speech.

So when Jiang Fei finished speaking, he sneered: "Companion? Hehe, he said he is a companion, but for us, this evil Buddha is not a competitor? Lord Jiang Fei! You have been following the Lord the longest, The position must be extremely stable. No matter where the Lord goes, he will take you and Lord Youyun with him! But we are different! We have followed the Lord for the shortest time, and besides, we have offended the Lord during our lifetime. Unless there are important events, we will not We can't even see the Lord here, so every time there is an additional 'companion', we have to be careful! Lest he replaces us!"

He didn't know where he learned the method of sound transmission, but this sentence actually rang in Jiang Fei's ears.

Jiang Fei fell silent after hearing this. After sighing in his heart, he focused on the evil Buddha flying towards here.

The Immortal God sneered in his heart when he saw this, and then fell silent.

Although he was silent, his eyes were full of coldness, as if he was thinking about something.

At this time, the evil Buddha finally caught up.

As soon as he stopped, he cursed angrily at the expressionless Li Qing: "I'm telling you."

As soon as the words came out, he noticed that Li Qing's expression suddenly turned cold.

At the same time, a hot aura appeared around his heart.

In an instant, the Evil Buddha had turned his attention to Jiang Fei and the Immortal God.

Jiang Fei didn't notice it because he was thinking about what the Immortal God had said before.

Even though the Immortal God's head was hanging on his shoulders, it didn't stop him from giving evil eyes a vicious look.

And his eyes gave the evil Buddha the best target to hide the fear in his heart.

At that moment, the Evil Buddha opened his eyes and shouted angrily: "What do you see? I'm just talking about you. You're flying so fast with your neck crooked? Are you not afraid of traveling through time and meeting your ancestors?"

The Immortal God was furious when he saw this.

But before he could open his mouth, he heard the evil Buddha angrily scolding: "You still dare to be angry? Hehe, that little doll is not angry yet, but you dare to be angry. It seems that you, a crooked neck, don't have that little doll in your heart at all! "

The moment he finished speaking, he turned back to look at Li Qing and said with a flattering smile: "Little baby, what do you want from this subordinate who doesn't have you in his heart? Just slap him to death!"

The moment he finished speaking, the Immortal God, who was originally worried about being competed for favor by other zombies, suddenly opened his eyes and spat out a cloud of blood mist.

This blood mist is exactly the essence of his heart, so after he sprays it out, the aura of immortality drops rapidly in an instant.

If Jiang Fei hadn't suddenly come to his senses and supported him, he might have fallen from the clouds.

After seeing his appearance, Evil Buddha became even more unscrupulous, and immediately said: "Little baby, I'm not the old monk telling you, what do you want from such an unstable sick man? Why don't you leave it to him? Monk, let him wash the monk’s feet and wipe his butt every day to hone his mind!”

Li Qing glanced at the Immortal God, and saw that under the Evil Buddha's words, his eyes widened to the limit. They were full of bloodshot eyes, and his face was also ferocious.

He glanced at the Evil Buddha in astonishment, then said expressionlessly: "You have caught up with us now, why don't you lead the way?"

After hearing this, the evil Buddha touched the dense temples on his head and said with a smile: "Little baby, what are you so anxious about? That dragon vein will not grow two legs and run away! Besides, I am very familiar with it, even if it She has become a little lady who can walk and run, and I can see through her clothes and recognize her true nature at a glance!"

Li Qing frowned when he heard this, and after Evil Buddha finished speaking, he immediately said in a cold voice: "Stop talking nonsense and lead the way quickly, otherwise, I will let your neck hang on your shoulders! "

After hearing these words, the Immortal God immediately glanced at Li Qing full of resentment.

The evil Buddha's expression changed, and after subconsciously taking a look at the Immortal God, he felt his scalp numb. He thought: "No, I seem to have angered this kid. It seems I really have to lead the way. Otherwise, if I become such a crooked guy, how can I survive?"

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately laughed a few times and said: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, Buddha said that peace is the most precious, only then can you have great success! I, the monk, will lead the way, lead the way!"

After saying that, he immediately flew ahead, flying quickly towards Lingyun Cave.

What Xie Buddha thought was speed, but in Li Qing's eyes, it was like a turtle crawling.

After he glanced at the evil Buddha flying in the rain in front of him, he patted the Immortal God on the shoulder and said, "When we get to the place later, I will straighten your neck!"

Upon hearing this, the Immortal God showed a smile that was uglier than crying, tilted his neck and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord!"

After Li Qing shook his head slightly, he waved his sleeves and turned around, chasing the evil Buddha who had already flown a hundred feet away.

After Li Qing left, Jiang Fei sighed and patted the Immortal God's shoulder, comforting him: "Don't worry, the Lord will correct your neck later!"

After that, he was ready to leave.

But just as he turned around, the Immortal God reached out and grabbed the white shirt.

Jiang Fei looked back in confusion, only to see the Immortal God looking at him fiercely like a knife, and then heard him grit his teeth and say: "Don't worry, Lord Jiang Fei, I swear to you that you will never fight with this bald donkey in this life." Give it up and let it go!"

Jiang Fei looked stunned, and then asked strangely: "What did you swear to me? You must swear to God!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the immortal god with his neck crooked, looking proud, and snorted coldly as if he was proud to be a zombie: "How can we swear to God when we wait for zombies to transcend heaven and earth? Isn't this insulting? My identity?"

Jiang Fei: "."

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