Unify all heavens

Chapter 414 Untitled

The ladder is a ladder that will be famous all over the world!

But this person is actually a member of the Jianghu who came to destroy the Tianxiahui.

It was raining at this time.

In the drizzle, tens of thousands of heroes stood on the ladder of the Tianxiahui with solemn expressions.

In addition to Wushuang City, the fierce rival of Tianxiahui, the leader also includes the remaining disciples of the ten sects in the world, as well as the small sects that have suddenly risen in the past ten years.

But there is only one person leading them.

A middle-aged man with a cold iron mask on his face.

The man was dressed in black, and there were two iron rings on his wrists hanging down from his waist.

Ring name - Ecstasy!

And the man is the "catcher" who became famous in the world more than ten years ago and shocked everyone in the martial arts world from killing wantonly!

At this moment, Zhushen was silently looking around, as if he wanted to see clearly this place where filth and evil were hiding.

But only he knows it.

He just wanted to see "him" and see if "he" would become like an ordinary old man in the past ten years or so, with his temples turning white.

Apart from this, he never thought that when he returned after leaving Tianxiahui last time, he would bring heroes from all over the world to destroy the powerful force that raised him!

And when Catching God was looking around, Duan Lang, who was standing directly opposite him more than ten meters away, was also looking at Catching God with cold eyes.

The reason is that God Catcher is arrogant!

Over the past ten years, Duanlang has long regarded himself as a member of the Tianxiahui.

And many disciples of the Tianxiahui used the honorific title of "Young Gang Leader" when addressing him.

Therefore, when he saw that this "iron-faced man" was so arrogant in his territory, he was already filled with resentment. I wish I could blow his head off right away with the palm of Tathagata.

But he couldn't do that.

At least he couldn't do this before Xiong Ba gave the order.

Because, he had a deep feeling that this person was closely related to Xiongba.

Seeing the faces of many people on the ladder getting colder and colder, Duan Lang couldn't help but wonder.

"Could it be that my adoptive father hasn't rescued Feng and Bu Jingyun from those two people?"

As soon as he thought about this, he slowly turned his head and said to a disciple with a blank expression beside him: "Go and see why the gang leader hasn't come here yet?"

While he was talking, he suddenly smelled a particularly strange smell on this disciple, which seemed to be the sour smell of dead fish and shrimps.

In addition, this disciple's expression was also extremely cold, and he showed no mercy compared to Ting Jingyun.

However, Duanlang didn't think much about the enemy, he just thought that this person was a disciple of Bu Jingyuntang.

After the disciple heard this and left, Duan Lang snorted coldly in his heart.

"It's true that the kind of disciples can be taught by the kind of people. That Bu Jingyun has a dead face, and the disciples in the hall are also expressionless!"

Not far away, Shi Wuzun, who was standing with Dugu Ming, whispered softly: "Young City Master, in the opinion of this poor monk, we should not wait for that person. He is just the leader of a third-rate sect. With him or not?" They are all the same, why don’t we take advantage of the fact that the tyrant hasn’t appeared yet, strike first, and kill everyone in this world!”

Dugu Ming shook his head gently and whispered: "Don't be anxious. Since the Twelve Panic asked us to wait, we will wait to avoid offending him! What's more, we have gathered the world's heroes, even if he has three heads and six arms, after tonight , this world will be destroyed tonight!"

While they were talking, the disciple had also arrived at the three-point teaching field.

He saw Xiong Ba lying in a cracked pit from a distance, and he reached Xiong Ba's side in a few jumps.

If Duan Lang or the group of martial arts people saw this scene, they would definitely be shocked.

A random disciple in the world could actually have such a level of cultivation!

At this time, this disciple had already helped the lying Xiongba to sit up, and asked with a cold face: "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

In such a sentence, Xiongba's face showed no emotion, as if he was used to hearing it.

He sighed softly and said: "I was shattered by the old immortal's palm. I didn't expect that after Kyushu experienced such a disaster, there would be such a terrifying person!"

After hearing these words, the disciple said: "In that case, sir, hurry up and heal your wounds. I will go and reply to Duan Lang and ask him to immediately order the incoming person to be torn into pieces!"

Hearing this, Xiongba said: "Go, go and look for the Sword Master and Master Youyun in the Black Sea at the foot of the mountain. The two of them were thrown into the sea by the Great Sun Tathagata before. The sea water is full of corpse poison. I think these two Your Excellency has almost recovered, as long as there is some change in the outside world, the two of them will wake up!"

After he finished speaking, the disciple slowly put him down, then stood up and left.

The movement technique used is exactly the "Eight Transformations of Yunlong" that shocked the martial arts world back then.

For a moment, I could only see his figure rising up in the night sky. After rising up eight times, he rotated his body and fell down, and then rose up again!

In the blink of an eye, he jumped out of the three-point teaching field, and then landed lightly on the ground without making the slightest sound.

The Three-Point Teaching Field was not far from the ladder to heaven, only a few dozen feet, so it didn't take long for him to return to Duanlang.

When Duanlang saw this, he frowned subconsciously and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong? Where is the gang leader?"

When the disciple heard this, he cupped his hands expressionlessly and said, "This is the young gang leader. The gang leader is fighting against the enemy and cannot be distracted, but there is an oral message coming."

Duanlang's eyes lit up and he asked urgently: "What did the foster father say?"

The disciple replied expressionlessly: "The gang leader has ordered you to temporarily take over the position of gang leader and lead the disciples to destroy the invading enemies!"

After hearing these words, Duanlang's breathing couldn't help but quicken.

"Temporarily acting as gang leader?"

After he murmured and repeated this sentence, he thought to himself: "If it is true as this disciple said, the foster father is fighting the enemy with all his strength and cannot be distracted, then how can there be oral instructions passed down?"

Thinking of this, his eyes lit up slightly.

"Although Wushuang City is famous in the world and could once compete with the World Association, my adoptive father's skill has already been earth-shattering. If he takes action, these people will be wiped out by his adoptive father in a short time. In this way, my adoptive father will definitely have those people at this moment. The two of them were killed. He gave this order just to see if my method of breaking the waves can be used!"

As soon as Duan Lang thought of this, excitement suddenly appeared on his face. He quickly took a step forward, raised his right hand high and shouted: "All the disciples in the world listen to the order! Destroy the incoming enemies at all costs! Use their heads to warn the people of the world!"

The moment Duan Lang finished speaking, the faces of the people in the rivers and lakes not far away all changed.

When Dugu Ming saw this, he immediately gritted his teeth and ordered the Wushuang gatekeeper behind him.


As soon as he finished speaking, many people on the ladder to heaven immediately shouted angrily and swarmed up.

Shi Wuzun was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly said: "Young City Master! Don't you wait for that person? What if I offend Twelve Frightened?"

Dugu Ming turned around fiercely, like a ferocious beast, and cursed fiercely: "What are you waiting for? If we keep waiting, we will be killed!"

When Lord Shiwu heard the words, he narrowed his eyes and said word by word: "So, the poor monk knows!"

After saying this, he jumped up with a ferocious look and shouted loudly in the air.

"I've heard for a long time that Gang Leader Duan Shao can also wield the Tathagata Divine Palm. Today, I, Lord Shiwu, will come to learn from me!"

Clap your hands as you speak!

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