Unify all heavens

Chapter 291 The Millennium Banshee (Part 2)

He hadn't noticed before, but when he looked at the two women carefully now, he actually felt a powerful aura of exotic treasures from the woman in the white dress.

In his feeling, this aura is dozens of times more powerful than the Dragon Balls!

If he can absorb this rare treasure, not only will his strength be restored, but he may also evolve into a jade-armored corpse god!

"These two women must be kept!"

Thinking of this, the eyes of the golden-armored corpses became serious when they looked at them.

When the golden-armored corpse looked at the two women in front of him, they all frowned and looked at the golden-armored corpse.

Because among the four zombies standing in front of them at this time, only this golden armored corpse was the most powerful.

At this moment, after seeing that the corpse energy on the golden-armored corpse became stronger again, the woman wearing a black cloak asked with a gloomy face: "I wonder what the four of you want to do if you block my way?"

The golden-armored corpse smiled faintly when he heard this and said: "You said it was us who blocked your way? But in my opinion, it is you who blocked my way!"

After hearing this, the woman in the black cloak narrowed her eyes and sneered: "If you were at your peak, I would still be afraid of you, but now, humph, the four of you combined are the most powerful. Fight with me! Get out of my way quickly, and don’t block my way, otherwise don’t blame me for destroying you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The golden-armored corpse laughed angrily when he heard this, and said sternly: "You have such a strong tone. Even the subduing dragon and the tiger would not dare to speak to me like this! If you want to leave safely today, take out the rare treasure!" "

Upon hearing this, the woman in white subconsciously flew back.

"Where to go!"

The silver-armored corpse opened his eyes fiercely when he saw this, and reached out his hand to grab her in a flash.

His speed was extremely fast, and he was already in front of the woman almost the moment he started.

But just when his hand was about to grasp the shoulder of the woman in white, a white palm grasped his shoulder in advance, and then Yinjiazhi felt that the scenery in front of him was rapidly regressing.

"How dare a mere silver-armored corpse take action in front of me?"

It was only then that the voice of the woman wearing a black cloak rang in his ears.

The moment the silver-armored corpse made a move, the golden-armored corpse flew towards the woman in the black cloak. However, before he could get close, the silver-armored corpse was grabbed by the shoulder and thrown back by the woman.

But he didn't see clearly when the other party extended his hand.

Thinking of this, the face of the golden-armored corpse became livid. While looking at the woman, he sent a message to Li Qing: "Little friend, do me a favor! Attack the woman wearing the clothes here." When the female devil in the black cloak comes, go and catch the woman in white! After you kill them all, I will be grateful!"

Li Qing smiled bitterly in his heart when he heard this. He just felt his eyes blur, and he saw the gold-armored corpse supporting the silver-armored corpse to retreat, while the woman in white was choked by the woman in black cloak.

He couldn't even see the movements of these people clearly, so how could he help?

And just as he was thinking this, You Yun's voice sounded in his mind.

"Master, please agree first. I have seen through all the lies of the four of them!"

Li Qing's face was stunned when he heard this, and his heart was even more horrified.

Is the ghost zombie so powerful?

Can you even hear other people's voices?

While he was thinking this, he nodded slightly to the golden armored corpse.

When the golden-armored corpse saw this, a strange color flashed in his eyes. His voice transmission was just a test. Seeing Li Qing nod, he thought to himself: "How can this kid have the confidence to agree? That female devil's speed is not even close to the original I can’t even see clearly!”

But he changed his mind and said: "That's good, we can take this opportunity to see what this guy is like!"

Thinking of this, the golden-armored corpse gave Li Qing a wink, then raised his foot and stamped hard in the air.


The moment the sound of gas explosion appeared, his body suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed towards the female devil wearing a black cloak.

Originally, the female devil was already preparing to retreat slowly, looking for an opportunity to escape.

But after seeing the golden-armored corpse rushing in front of her in an instant, she quickly raised her hand and hit the golden-armored corpse on the chest.

Although the golden-armored corpse couldn't see clearly the movements of the female devil's hands, he had already calculated the attack position of the female devil in his mind.

So, the moment the female devil's palm touched his chest, he suddenly opened his mouth and blew out a stream of black smoke.



The moment black smoke erupted from the mouth of the golden-armored corpse, a strange sound rang out. And when he was hit in the chest by the female devil and flew backwards, the black smoke buzzed and rushed towards the female devil's face.

The female devil's expression changed greatly when she saw this, and she quickly retreated back. But the silver-armored corpse had already arrived behind her when all her eyes were focused on the golden-armored corpse.

As soon as she stepped back, the silver-armored corpse hit her back hard with the fist he had prepared.


As the sound rang out, a scream came from the female devil's mouth.


Then she hit the black smoke with a look of horror on her face.

With her eyesight, it was not difficult to see that the essence of this black smoke was a group of tiny centipedes with wings.

When she saw that she was almost colliding with the group of centipedes, she widened her eyes and screamed: "If you don't use the Earthly Yin Demon Pearl quickly, if I am destroyed by them, you will never survive!"

When she shouted these words, her whole head was surrounded by the group of centipedes. Then countless centipedes opened their mouths full of sharp knives and bit into her face.

Although the woman in white heard what the female devil said, she was not ready to take action. However, because she was strangled by the female devil, her head was only a few centimeters away from the centipedes.

When the head of the female devil was surrounded by centipedes, her head was inevitably surrounded by centipedes.

Seeing these centipedes biting towards her, her eyes showed a strong look of fear, and then she gritted her teeth and spat out the Earthly Demon Pearl in her body.

boom! ! !

The moment she spat out the dark green Earthly Demonic Bead, it suddenly became the size of a basketball, and then violently knocked away countless centipedes around it.

After seeing the round, dark green bead that was bigger than a human head, the eyes of the gold and silver armored corpse all lit up, and after saying "What a treasure!", they all hurriedly flew towards the bead.

At this moment, Youyun's voice sounded in Li Qing's mind.

"Master, quickly use the Taotie Swallowing Heaven Technique on that bead!"

At this moment, Li Qing didn't bother to ask You Yun why he knew that he knew how to swallow the sky. Almost as soon as You Yun's voice sounded in his mind, he shouted sharply in his heart.

"The glutton swallows the sky!"

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