Unify all heavens

Chapter 290 The Millennium Banshee (Part 1)

"That kid is still observing?"

Feeling that Li Qing hadn't caught up yet, the golden-armored corpse frowned. He originally thought that when they flew more than five hundred meters at most, Li Qing and You Yun would catch up and show them the way. As a result, they had already flown more than a thousand meters, but Li Qing and You Yun had not caught up yet.

"It seems that one of these two zombies must be evil-minded!"

Thinking of this, his eyes narrowed and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Even if you are as cunning as foxes, you can't escape from my grasp!"

Thinking of this, he whispered: "Shinjia, flying five hundred meters will be the end of Fei Zong's gaze. If they haven't caught up by then, you can pretend to be exhausted and fall to the ground." !”

The silver-armored corpse on the side nodded slightly when he heard this, and then began to calculate the distance.

Eleven hundred meters!

One thousand three hundred meters!

One thousand five hundred meters!

Seeing that they had reached 1,500 meters, but Li Qing and You Yun had not yet caught up, the golden-armored corpse gave the silver-armored corpse a look.

Seeing this, the silver-armored corpse slowed down its flying speed, and its body began to sway like a drunken man.

After flying swaying for only a few dozen meters, his body suddenly stiffened, and then he quickly fell straight to the ground. Like a stone statue, it made a huge sound in the air.


The golden-armored corpse looked at all this with a calm expression, but made an urgent sound in his mouth.

"Silver Armor!"

After shouting urgently, he flew towards the body of the silver-armored corpse that was landing on the ground.

The body of the silver-armored corpse was extremely heavy, so it just fell more than a thousand meters. The originally rusty white-silver armor outside the body started to emit black smoke as it rubbed against the air.

And in the black smoke, the armor outside his body became brighter and brighter.

Just when the armor outside the silver-armored corpse completed turning white and silver, the golden-armored corpse finally flew under him and carried him on his back. Then he continued to fly forward unsteadily.

"Demon, do you think they will catch up again?"

The silver-armored corpse lay on the golden-armored corpse's back and asked in a low voice.

"Hey, they have to chase even if they don't want to!"

After the golden-armored corpse said this with a sneer, his body suddenly stiffened, and then he fell towards the ground with a whoosh.

Amid the wind, the golden-armored corpse looked gloomily and said coldly to the silver-armored corpse: "If they had caught up from the beginning, I wouldn't have worried. But now, we have to be more vigilant, because these two Zombies are very clever! Even if they don’t chase us, we still have to force them to catch up! After all, it’s easy to dodge open guns and hidden arrows, and based on their performance at the moment, even if they don’t plot against us, they will definitely follow us. By then we will It’s obvious that they are secretly working against us!”

Li Qing, who was in the distance, watched them fall while listening to the faint voice in his mind.

"Master, although the corpse energy in their bodies is sparse, the quality is extremely high, enough for them to fly around without sleep for about seven days!"

Li Qing sneered in his heart when he heard this, but on the surface he said: "These two seniors flew into the air just after they recovered. At this moment, there must be a lack of corpse energy in the body, which caused them to fall into a deep sleep again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he flew towards the two falling gold and silver armored corpses at half his speed.

Youyun followed Li Qing closely, and glanced at Li Qing on the way. She saw Li Qing's eyes narrowed, biting his lips, as if he was using all his strength.

When You Yun saw this scene, a look of thought suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she thought to herself: "Is this Master trying to prevent the two armored corpses from seeing the depth?"

Thinking of this, she nodded slightly, and she learned something more from Li Qing.

But at this moment, Youyun's expression changed slightly, and she quickly transmitted what the gold and silver armored corpse said to Li Qing again.

Li Qing's expression did not change when he heard this, because he had already expected what You Yun said to him.

After all, even a pig, after living for more than a thousand years, is absolutely as smooth as a human being, and the two armored corpses have been living for who knows how long, and they are absolutely cunning.

Even so, he was still shocked by Youyun's hearing. At this moment, the distance between them and the gold and silver-armored corpse was about 1,600 meters at least, almost at the end of his sight, but Youyun could still hear their conversation!

It can be seen that the ghost corpse is magical!

Thinking of this, Li Qing narrowed his eyes slightly and thought: "It seems that I am looking for an opportunity to test her limits!"

And just when he thought of this, he suddenly felt two powerful and strange breaths coming from the place where the gold and silver armored corpse fell.

He subconsciously opened his eyes and looked, only to see that the falling gold and silver armored corpses suddenly stopped falling and were suspended side by side in the air, exuding a powerful corpse aura that shocked him.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qing saw two figures, one white and one black, flying up quickly from the ground.

The aura emanating from these two figures was very strange, something he had never seen before.

Perhaps feeling the powerful corpse energy emanating from the gold and silver-armored corpse, the speed of the two figures gradually slowed down.

"Let's go over and take a look!"

Li Qing frowned, and after speaking to You Yun, he took the Corpse Slaying Sword and flew towards the location of the gold and silver armored corpse.

Although he was curious, he still didn't show his fastest speed.

As the distance got closer, he finally saw the faces of the two figures clearly.

They were actually two women, one wearing a black cloak with her hair tied high, and the other wearing a white dress with long hair reaching her waist.

At this moment, the two women were floating not far away from the gold and silver armor corpse with gloomy expressions. They were wary of each other and at the same time, they were also wary of the gold and silver armor corpse.

At this moment, Li Qing and You Yun approached them.

After seeing two more zombies flying towards them, the expressions of the two women became gloomy again.

As soon as Li Qing approached them, an expression of relief appeared on his face, and then he looked at the gold and silver-armored corpse with a smile, and said: "Fortunately, the two seniors are awake again, otherwise we are really afraid that we will not be able to catch up with you two. Although with two Seniors with such strength won’t be injured if they fall from such a high place, but they can’t avoid ending up in disgrace!”

Upon hearing this, Jin Yin Armor Corpse showed a faint smile on his face. But they all snorted coldly in their hearts.

"This Fei Zhan is so shameless!"

Thinking of this, the golden-armored corpse first glanced at the two women, then turned to Li Qing and smiled: "Young friend, I am determined. I waited just to save the corpse energy, so I was ready to fall like that!"

Li Qing laughed when he heard this: "So that's it, I was worried for a long time!"

Hearing this, the golden-armored corpse glanced at Li Qing with a satisfied expression.

It’s all acting anyway, so it depends on whose acting skills are better!

Originally, he just suspected that the person with more thoughts was Li Qing, but now when Li Qing said these words, he sneered in his heart and thought: "As long as you are careful about this flying zombie, that ghost corpse will never escape. The palm of my hand! Once I use her to find the Dragon Ball and regain her strength, no matter how many thoughts Fei Zheng has, I can destroy it with one palm!"

Thinking of this, he once again focused his attention on the two women in front of him.

Thank you to book friend Yang Baoer for being the first master of this book for being rewarded twice with ten thousand yuan!

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