Unify all heavens

Chapter 281 The corpse becomes a spirit

"Mr. Zhu, wait!"

After seeing Mr. Zhu's figure becoming transparent after saying those words, Li Qing quickly shouted.

"What else can I do, little friend?"

Zhu Gong turned around and asked.

Li Qing pointed to the Youzhi lying at the foot of the statue, and asked Zhu Gong: "Zhong Kui said before that he needed to find a pure soul that had drank Meng Po soup and penetrate it into the body of Youzhi, so that this soulless body could be destroyed. The ghost corpse has revived, but we have returned to the human world now. You are well-informed, do you know any other methods?"

Zhu Gong was startled when he heard this, and then sneered: "A ghost corpse is, after all, a rather special zombie. A zombie is a corpse transformed into a spirit. Have you ever seen a corpse buried underground that is about to transform into a corpse?" There is still a soul in it!"

Hearing this, Li Qing's eyes lit up and he asked tentatively: "You mean you are looking for a place to bury it?"


Zhugong snorted twice and said angrily: "Youzhi, youzhi, it's already transformed. Why should you bury it? Find some human blood and crow blood and feed it for a while, and it will naturally revive. If you think it's too slow, , find a few boys and girls born on extremely cloudy days, feed them with their blood, and they will revive in a few days!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at Li Qing with wide eyes and said, "Is there anything else? If not, I will leave!"

Li Qing smiled when he saw this. He felt that after finishing the third thing, Mr. Zhu's attitude towards him dropped a little, and he was no longer smiling like before.

Even so, he still had many questions to ask Mr. Zhu. After all, Mr. Zhu was well-informed. He let him go this time. He didn't know if he would be able to meet again in the future.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said: "Mr. Zhu, I still have many...several things I would like your advice on!"

"Tell me, tell me, what's the matter? I'm in a hurry, so you'd better ask everything you want to ask at once!"

Mr. Zhu waved his hand impatiently.

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words, organized his words a little and said: "That's it, Zhong Kui once gave me a technique of external incarnation, and then when I got the purple coffin, I also got a cultivation technique. I don't Do you know if there is any problem with these two spells? Also, the golden tablet in my purple coffin space was cracked by thunder not long ago... I don’t know if it will affect the time travel! Well - these three A question!"

"that's it?"

Zhu Gong raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"Well - that's all!"

Li Qing nodded honestly.

Zhugong snorted softly and said: "The cracks in the golden tablet in your purple coffin were repaired by the old man just now when he was sealing them. As for the two magic formulas, although they both have problems, they are not the same. Big! When I checked your memory before, I made some improvements!"

As he spoke, he nodded at Li Qingxu and implanted his improved spell formula into Li Qing's mind.


When all this huge data poured into Li Qing's mind in an instant, Li Qing's mind was suddenly shocked into a blank.

But when he finally understood and digested all the data, he saw that Zhu Gong had already disappeared.

Li Qing shook his head helplessly, then turned around and put the You corpse lying at the feet of the statue into the purple coffin, then turned to look at the earthly master's body.

The Earth God once gave him a peach core and wanted Li Qing to take him out of this world to avoid the catastrophe of the end of the Dharma.

As a result... he was killed by Zhong Kui after taking Li Qing down to the Netherworld.

Li Qing sighed softly when he thought of this.

Since he has agreed to the land, he will send the body of Lord Tutu to other worlds, and forget about Lord Tutu's worries.

Thinking of this, he took two steps forward and walked to the body of the Earth Master, preparing to put the body into the purple coffin.

But just when his palm touched Tu Tu Ye's body, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he thought to himself: "Among the top ten forbidden corpses in the world, one seems to be a divine corpse!"

Thinking of this, Li Qing's heart moved.

The Earth God is a god, so his body...isn't it the corpse of a god?

After this thought appeared, the corners of Li Qing's eyes suddenly trembled unconsciously, and then his face suddenly turned cold, and a look of solemnity appeared in his eyes as he looked at Lord Tutu's body.

"It's better to stay for now... then go back and find a place to bury the corpse for a while!"

He murmured lowly and put the Earth Lord's body into the purple coffin.

Then he looked back at the clay statue of the Earth God standing there, turned around and flew out of the Earth Temple.

On the other side, Naihe Palace, Fengdu City, Netherworld.

In the ruins-like Naihe Palace, a faint light suddenly lit up.

When the light dissipated, Zhu Gong wearing a purple robe appeared on the teleportation array.

When he saw that Po Meng and the three ghost emperors who were originally suppressed by the collapsed Naihe Palace disappeared, his brows suddenly furrowed and he said in a cold voice: "You are all here, what are you doing sneakily?"

As soon as Zhu Gong finished speaking, a middle-aged man wearing a jet black robe appeared above Zhu Gong's head.

The man landed slowly, then raised his hands to Mr. Zhu and said with a smile: "I have seen Mr. Zhu!"

"Emperor Fengdu!"

Mr. Zhu glanced at the man with a sneer, then turned to the sky and said, "Do you think the old man is talking about just him? Do you really think that the old man is blinded by his old eyes?"

As soon as his voice fell, three figures appeared from the sky with gloomy expressions, and slowly descended to the side of Emperor Fengdu.

Zhu Gong glanced at them and sneered: "What do you guys want to do with me?"

Emperor Fengdu smiled softly, shook his head and said: "Mr. Zhu, you have stayed in Fengdu City longer than me. We have always been a people-friendly people, so why do you want to be robbed this time?"

Zhu Gong didn't even raise his eyelids when he heard this, and said with a cold face: "Enter the calamity? When I experienced the great calamity of heaven and earth, you still don't know where you were?"

Emperor Fengdu was speechless when he heard this. Although he was in charge of Fengdu City, he never knew about Duke Zhu's background and could not find it. He only knew that Duke Zhu had stayed in Fengdu City for a very long time and had a very strong backing.

He heard that Mr. Zhu knew many powerful people who had existed since ancient times and had close friends and old friends all over the three realms.

But he did not know the specific knowledge of those powerful powers.

While he was thinking, Lord Zhu sneered: "You gods of the underworld, you shouldn't be here just to chat with the old man in your true form, right?"

Emperor Fengdu chuckled lightly and said calmly: "Mr. Zhu was joking... In fact, I was ordered to borrow something from you this time!"

"Oh? Borrowing things??"

Upon hearing this, Duke Zhu suddenly narrowed his eyes, looked at Emperor Fengdu with a sneer, and said, "Then tell me, what are you going to borrow from me?"

"The rest of your life!"

Emperor Fengdu looked at the old man in front of him and said softly.

"Can you say that again?"

Zhu Gong was stunned when he heard the words and blinked his eyes, as if he didn't hear clearly.

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