Unify all heavens

Chapter 280 The third thing!


After feeling the surging corpse energy in his body, Li Qing couldn't help but let out a breath.

During this period of time, he was possessed by the ghost body, and he always felt powerful but unable to use it.

Therefore, during his time in the Netherworld, Li Qing mostly used the ghost skills he learned instead of the supernatural powers of the Netherworld itself.

Although his own body has problems, at least it allows him to exert his full strength without being restrained. But when possessed by a ghost corpse, it was completely the opposite.

After moving his hands a little, Li Qing stood up, slowly took off the purple coffin hanging on his chest, and handed it to Mr. Zhu.

Not long ago, in the Bamboo Residence, he promised to plant the bamboo shoots handed to him by Lord Zhu in a world with sufficient spiritual energy, and Lord Zhu would do three things for him.

Zhu Gong gave him a clone puppet, which could save his life at critical moments. He regarded it as the first thing, telling him Zhong Kui's plan and forcibly breaking the situation for him was the second thing.

Zhu Gong was very powerful, so he was used to being strong, so the first two things were decided for him while Li Qing was thinking about them.

Originally, Li Qing was planning to ask Mr. Zhu to help him solve the problems in his body, or to teach him some powerful ghost skills.

However, since the first two things Zhugong decided for him were what he was currently facing, Li Qing acquiesced.

In fact, Zhu Gong was originally prepared to decide this third matter for Li Qing, but he refused.

Because of this last thing, Li Qing was going to ask Mr. Zhu to help him seal certain functions of the purple coffin. He was worried that when he evolved again, he would be summoned to that space by Zhubi again.

When he entered that space before, he didn't know that Zhubi could control his body at any time, nor did he know Zhubi's thoughts hidden under his smile.

And he already knows all these things. If he is summoned to that space again by Zhubi, he doesn't know if he can leave that space intact.

At this moment, Mr. Zhu took the purple coffin, stroked his beard and said, "Are you sure that the third thing is to ask me to help you seal the connection between the space where Zhubi is and your purple coffin?"

After saying this, Mr. Zhu looked straight at Li Qing's face with his deep eyes, and said with a hint: "Little friend, you have to know that if this third thing is still done by the old man, If you make the decision, you may get a great opportunity! Do you know where I learned from you?"

Li Qing shook his head, guessing that Mr. Zhu might be related to the saint. After all, Mr. Zhu could produce excerpts from the saint's sermons.

Zhu Gong took a deep breath, a hint of pride flashed in his eyes, his back straightened subconsciously, and he said slowly: "I am a closed disciple of the master of Jiejiao Tongtian!"

When he said this, Mr. Zhu thought to himself: "After the master accepted me as his disciple, he disappeared and never appeared again, let alone accepted me as a disciple, so I should be right to say this..."


Thinking of this, Mr. Zhu nodded slightly.

Li Qing thought that Zhu Gong might be related to a saint, but he never thought that Zhu Gong would be a closed disciple of Tongtian Cult Master!

So Li Qing was stunned when he heard Zhu Gong's words.

A closed disciple of Lord Tongtian? !

This is not only huge, it can scare people to death!

No wonder Zhugong said that if he was like Zhubi, he could stare him to death with one glance.

Although Jie Jiao is known as "all the Buddhas visit and thousands of immortals come to court", and most of the disciples in the sect have transformed themselves after cultivating animals, birds and foreign objects, these are all outer disciples, and there are only four direct disciples of the leader Tongtian, and these four Any one of them is a great power in the prehistoric era.

It is conceivable that even if Mr. Zhu was not as good as those four during his lifetime, he should be about the same!

Despite this, Li Qing still believed in his original thoughts.

"How about it? Do you want to change it?"

Zhu Gong looked calm, stroked his beard and smiled softly.

Li Qing shook his head when he heard this, thought for a while and said: "Just like the first two things you did for me are what I need most now, or what I am about to face, I feel that right now, what I need to be prepared for most is these things. Bi's summons! If I leave this matter to you, you may grant me powerful techniques or treasures, but as long as I evolve again, I will be summoned by Zhu Bi, and with my current ability, I can't To fight against the Zhubis of the Corpse God Realm!"

After Li Qing said this, he looked seriously at Mr. Zhu who was stroking his beard and listening, and said: "So, you should help me seal the ability of the purple coffin to summon me to Zhubi's space!"

Zhu Gong smiled and said: "Since you have thought about it so clearly, little friend, I will do as you say!"

After he finished speaking, he held the purple coffin with his left hand, and then slowly stroked the purple coffin with his right hand. The area on the purple coffin where Zhu Gong caressed it was much darker than other parts.

Li Qing's purple coffin was originally purple-gold in color, but

After being caressed by Zhu Gong, the color turned into deep purple.


Lord Zhu handed the purple coffin back to Li Qing.

"So fast???"

Li Qing couldn't help but said in shock.

After Zhu Gong saw Li Qing's wide eyes, he couldn't help but snorted: "I am also a disciple of a saint after all. Your purple coffin is a treasure in your eyes, but in my eyes, it is equivalent to a It’s just a very interesting toy! How long can it take to seal a toy?”

Li Qing was speechless and silently put the purple coffin around his neck.

Zhu Gong smiled when he saw this, stretched out his hand towards the void in front of him, and pulled out the bamboo shoots.

When he was in Zhuju before, he only let Li Qing look at the bamboo shoots but did not hand them over to him. After all, Li Qing was still attached to You Zhi at that time and there was no place to put the bamboo shoots.

At this moment, he handed the bamboo shoots to Li Qing and said: "I have completed the three things I promised you, and I will leave these bamboo shoots to you!" When he said this, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he spoke as if pointing something out. He said: "My little friend, I hope you can complete these three things of yours with all your heart just like I have done. I hope you can complete this thing that I have asked you to do with all your heart!"

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words, cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Zhu! If I find a world with enough spiritual energy, I will definitely pick bamboo shoots and plant them!"

Hearing this, Mr. Zhu patted Li Qing's shoulder, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he smiled solemnly: "The old man once understood a spell from the Seven Arrows Book of Nailhead, which only needs to be planted in the soul of the person who is cast. Seal of the Dharma, and then recite the incantation and bow down, you can take away all the three souls and seven souls of that person! This method can also be used across borders... My friend, you should understand what the old man is talking about!"

Li Qing was shocked when he heard this, and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.


Zhu Gong nodded slightly, his face returned to the kind-hearted look before, he stroked his beard and said with a smile: "You can teach me..."

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