Unify all heavens

Chapter 278 Making a big fuss in the Netherworld! (eighteen)

Rising like mist and swaying straight into the dark sky, the dark green building was very conspicuous.

Mr. Zhu gently stroked his long beard and looked at Naihe Palace in the distance, with a look of relief flashing in his eyes.

That bamboo shoot is his true body. As long as Li Qing finds a world with enough spiritual energy to plant that bamboo shoot, he can live a new life in Linxian Dao!

Thinking of these, Zhu Gong's mind suddenly flashed back to the time when he first saw the figure riding a colorful Kui ox, his whole body shining with dazzling golden light, more than 9,000 years ago.

At that time, he was just a green bamboo, but the figure turned him into a human form with a single finger, taught him the skills and adopted him as a boy.

After the Battle of the Gods ended, that being suddenly called him into Biyou Palace one day using the method of sound transmission and said a word to him.

"My disciples under the Conferred God List will suffer many disasters, and the rest will also betray, but my way cannot be broken! Tong'er, you have been with me for the longest time. Today I will accept you as a disciple and give you the name 'Qingzhu'. I hope you will take me as my disciple." Pass on the Tao!"

After saying this, the being stood up from the futon, patted his shoulder and passed on the Taoism, and then looked outside the palace.

After standing for a few hours, the being suddenly asked him to abandon his body and enter the netherworld, then laughed and turned into golden light and disappeared.

At this point, Mr. Zhu never saw that person again.

"The earth was created and the principles of heaven were enlightened. He discussed the scriptures and Dharma and traveled around the capital."

"The five qi convey the secret to the Yuan Dynasty, and the three flowers gather at the top to perform Wu Sheng."

"The golden light from the top is divided into five colors, and the red lotus under the feet is chasing thousands of miles."

"The Eight Trigrams Immortal Cloth is flying with purple energy, and the three-edged sword is named Qingping."

Reciting this poem softly in his mouth, two lines of clear tears suddenly shed from Mr. Zhu's eyes, and then this great man who had existed since the ancient times suddenly burst into tears like an ignorant child.

On the other side, Li Qing followed Zhong Kui towards the direction of Naihe Hall. Not long after, he saw a group of figures in green clothes suddenly pouring out in front of him.

The person taking the lead was the housekeeper of Zhuju.

Li Qing, who had always been expressionless, suddenly laughed after seeing these figures, and then he walked towards these figures with Zhong Kui's surprised eyes.

After walking in front of the housekeeper, Li Qing bowed slightly and clasped his fists, saying, "I'll leave the rest to you!"

The butler returned the gift and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Li, you just need to watch. After Zhong Kui is dealt with, I will escort you back to the world!"

After hearing this, Zhong Kui's expression changed slightly, and he smiled stiffly: "Little friend? Butler? What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Li Qing slowly turned around, looked straight at Zhong Kui, and sneered: "Master Zhong, you said you were afraid that the sea of ​​blood would stain the soul of the Earth Master before, so you kept him in your sleeves, but now you have arrived in Fengdu. City, why didn’t I see you release the Earth Master?”

Zhong Kui's eyes instantly narrowed when he heard this. He finally understood why Li Qing had become weird since he came out of Zhuju.

Thinking of this, his face turned cold and he smiled tentatively: "It seems Mr. Zhu has told you everything!"

Li Qing didn't answer, but his face became a little colder.

He always thought that Zhong Kui was the selfless, heroic and respected figure in myths and legends.

But I didn’t expect this god’s scheming to be so deep!

After Zhong Kui glanced at Li Qing, he smiled and turned his attention to the steward and said: "Steward, I am the judge of the punishment department. If you block me, you will block the underworld. Although Zhu Gong is strong, he has a long life. How long can I wait to protect you? If you do this now, aren't you afraid that this god will come to settle accounts with you one by one in the future?"

When he said the last part, Zhong Kui looked angry and stared.

The butler smiled softly and did not reply to Zhong Kui. Instead, he cupped his hands and said, "Zhong Quan, I'm offended!"

After he finished speaking, he said coldly to the eight young men in green clothes behind him: "Why are you still standing there? Why don't you send Zhong Pan on his way!"

After saying that, he reached out and pulled out a long sword shining with green light from the void, then transformed into a green shadow and rushed towards Zhong Kui.

When the other boys saw this, they turned into black shadows and spread out, standing in a circle to surround Zhong Kui and the butler.

At this time, the butler had already arrived in front of Zhong Kui and raised his sword to strike at his head.

Zhong Kui knew that the sword in the steward's hand was made by Lord Zhu himself and had the power to kill gods, so he did not dare to take it forcefully. When the long sword was about to strike down, he grabbed a judge's pen as short as an arm from the void to block the sword's edge.


The moment the judge's pen collided with the long sword, there was a metallic sound, and then a circle of air waves spread out in all directions from their feet.

At this moment, the eight young men who surrounded them each reached out from behind and grabbed a long purple flag from the void.


They shouted in unison and stood the long flags heavily in front of them. Then Zhong Kui in the circle suddenly felt a weight on his body, as if he was carrying a mountain on his back, and he could hardly move an inch!

"Master Zhong, we're on our way!"

After the butler said this with a sneer, he slashed the long sword in his hand towards Zhong Kui's neck.

Just when the sword was about to strike Zhong Kui's neck, Zhong Kui's head suddenly flew up under the strong pressure, and a wave of hot fire spurted out from his mouth.


At this time, the steward's long sword had just cut through the air.

Therefore, before the butler could react, he was already burned by the wave of fire sprayed by Zhong Kui.

Seeing that the butler's figure was buried in the waves of fire, Zhong Kui's head fell on his neck, and then he reached out to grab the butler with a gloomy expression.

Li Qing, who was not far away, suddenly narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene.

"Zhong Kui's magical power!"

He thought to himself, and then a trace of worry flashed in his eyes, fearing that the housekeeper would be captured by Zhong Kui.

At this moment, the housekeeper who was buried in the fire wave suddenly appeared out of thin air behind Zhong Kui. The long sword in his hand came down and struck Zhong Kui on the head with a 'bang' sound.

At this time, Zhong Kui's stretched out hand had just penetrated into the waves of fire in front of him.

Then his figure froze suddenly, and then turned into a stone statue, cracked and scattered on the ground.

"Fake person?"

The butler exclaimed when he saw this, then he raised his sword and looked around him warily.

Li Qing also looked at the field with wide eyes, wondering why Zhong Kui suddenly turned into a stone statue.

But at this moment, the whistling sound of wind suddenly sounded behind him.

The moment the voice sounded, Li Qing's expression changed drastically, and he rushed towards the housekeeper without hesitation.

Almost as soon as he rushed out, a stone statue of Zhong Kui fell from the sky where he had been.

"No, Zhong Kui is on the head!"

Just as he rushed into the circle, the butler suddenly changed his expression and looked above his head.

When Li Qing looked up, he saw Zhong Kui floating in the air, holding a judge's pen in his hand and waving his robe to draw several vermilion iron chains in the air.

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